50.000 TL Araç önerisi
Merhaba, kesinlikle klimali bir araç bakmak istiyorum. Benim piyasada bulduğum marka ve modeller aşağıda, tecrübelerinizi aktarirsaniz sevinirim. Ekstra olarak mümkünse hızlı ve çok dertli olmayan bir araç arıyorum başka kriterim yok.
Megane 1 1.6 farları europa gibi olan
Polo 1.6-1.4 1997 model
Peugeot 306 hatchbak 1.6
Opel astra F kasa 96-99 model 1.6 16V
Opel corsa 1.4-1.6
Benim aklımda olanlar bunlar, siz hangisini önerirsiniz ? Farklı model varsa o da olur, şimdiden teşekkür ederim
Merhabalar. 2 li arşiv yapmayı düşünüyorum. Belli aralıklarla 2 adet ürüne aynı anda dosyalalarımı atacağım ve ömür boyu arşivim olarak kalacak, biri bozulursa diğerinden verilerimi kurtaracağım. Hangi ürün olursa ona hazır satılan usb3.0 ikili kutu alacağım. Sorularım şunlar
1-) HDD mi ? m2 ssd mi ?
2-) Ömürlük yılda 4-5 kere içine dosya atılacak, 3.5" mi yoksa 2.5" mi olması gerek ? Mantıksal olarak daha büyük ve ağır olanın daha sıkıntısız olacağını düşünüyorum fakat çok hantal olacak iki tane birden. Kullanım amacıma göre hangisi idealdir ?
Tavan lambasını LED yaptım sönmüyor ?
Merhaba, aracın tavan lambasına üzerinde 5050 3 çipli diye tabir edilen toplamda 9 led bulunan şerit led uygulaması yaptım. Kapıları kapatınca çok az şiddetle yanık kalıyor. Araştırmalarıma göre direnç ile bu sorunun çözüldüğünü gördüm. Benim sorum ise toplamda 9 led bulunan bu uygulamaya ne kadarlık direnç takmam gerekir ? Direnci nereye uygulamalıyım ? Bu direnç uygulamasından sonra aküden akım çekmeyi keser mi yoksa sadece ledlerin sönmesini sağlayıp aynı akımı direnç üzerinden çekmeye devam eder mi ?
Merhaba, saha dolabında fiber olduğu ve geçiş için uygun olduğu bilgisini saha ekiplerinden aldım. Şuan aktif ADSL altyapı var 16 ya kadar destekliyor. TurkNet'i arıyorum diyorum böyle böyle, biz işlem yapamıyoruz, bilgi veremiyoruz, sistemimizde gözükmüyor, talep oluşturamıyoruz vs vs kısaca elinizdekiyle yetinin diyor ve telekoma sorunu iletin diyor. Türk Telekom'u arıyorum diyorum böyle böyle o diyor bizden internet almadığınız için işlem yapamıyoruz, internet servis sağlayıcınızla iletişime geçin. Saha ekiplerine diyorum çözelim bu işi diye, onlar diyor emir gelmeden işlem yapılmaz Turk Net'le iletişime geçin. Dönüyorum yine TürkNet'e, diyorlar altyapıyla bizim işimiz yok telekomun sorunu işlem yapamıyoruz. Tekrar telekoma gidiyorum yine diyor TurkNet'e iletin onlar bize desin biz işleme alalım.
İşin özü iki firma arasında dolandırıyor beni. Biri diyor altyapı benim değil, öteki diyor interneti ben vermiyorum sana. İkisi de çözüm üretmiyor birbirine salıyor sorunu.
07.01.2021 Türk Telekoma mail atıldı, Turknet ile iletişime geç denildi.
08.01.2021 TurkNet ile iletişime geçtim. Sistemde adsl desteği olduğunu, işlem yapamayacağını söyledi. Telekoma söyle dedi bizim görevimiz değil dedi.
09.01.2021 TurkNet zaten işlemde olan arıza kaydım için telekom ekiplerini yönlendirdi. Arızam saha dolabında çıktı, orada fiber sistemin geçişe uygun olduğunu tespit ettik ekiple beraber. Telekom ekipleri emir gelmeden değiştiremeyiz dedi, TurnkNet ile konuş dedi. TurkNet ile konuştum bana işlem yapamayacağını, Telekomla iletişime geçmemi söyledi. Tekrar mail attım, Telekom tarafından geri dönüş yapılacağı söylendi.
10.01.2021 Açıkkapıya iki firmanın çözüm getirmediğini, birbirine sorun bulduklarını iletmiştim. Bugün il valiliğinden cevap geldi, "başvurunuzu aldık, açıkkapı başvurunuzu kapattık" diye. Valilik bu işe nasıl bir yaklaşım sergileyecek göreceğiz.
24.06.2021 geç edit oldu unutmuşum konuyu. Valla 2 hafta kadar daha uğraştım, TT işyerinde görüşme sağladım, mahallemizdeki TT de çalışan saha ekipleriyle görüşme sağladım. Bu işlerin en başının canının istemesi dışında tek çözüm bölgede 2-3 apartman talep olması lazım ama bizim her yer müstakil ev sayı çok az, onun dışında belediyenin bölgede bir kalkınma bir yenileme gibi hareketleri olması lazım o sırada aklına gelirse bütçeyi zorlamassa kenar köşede kalmış insanlar da faydalanir. Adsl devam, 2 gündür yol çalışması var toprak yola kaldirim yapacaklar olursa vdsl imkani belki, değişiklik olursa güncellerim.
Kulağım hangi sistemi istiyor ?
Merhaba, Logitech s220, Creative a120 a220, logitech z2300 z623 ve z900 sistemlerinde çokca müzik dinledim. A120 ve z2300 çok uzun süre dinledim. Ama o zamanlar böyle trap, electro house rap vs şarkılar dinliyordum evi yıkıyordu güzeldi hoştu.
Ama şimdi sanki yetmiyor bu sistemler. Şimdi mesela barış manço dönence plak versiyonu dinliyorum, bateri ve elektro gitar içerikli şarkılar dinliyorum daha çok enstrüman içeren müzikler dinliyorum. Bu sistemler sanki net vermiyor o enstürmanı hissettirmiyor. Tam böyle olacak gibi oluyor ama yok bir şeyler eksik. Bu durumda ne tür veya örnek model olarak nasıl bir ses sitemi tercih edilmeli ?
Bu nedir kardeşim ya bir gecede 1700 TL ZAM !!
Merhaba, 2 aydır dizüstü bilgisayar araştırıyorum eşime dostuma. Birkaç kişiyi bilgisayar sahibi yaptım eğitim için. 2 ağustosta 4400 liraya i5 10. nesil 8gb mx330 hp bilgisayar aldık. Son bir haftadır sıkı takipteyim piyasayı, aynı özellikteki bilgisayar eylül ortalarında 5500 tl idi. 4 ekimde 7200 lira olarak gördüm ve dün gece yani ilana baktıktan 2-3 saat sonra o bilgisayar 9000 tl oldu.
1 ay önce i5 10. nesil mx130-230 8gb ram bilgisayar bakıyordum 4000-5000 arasında bugün o bilgisayarlar 6500-7500 arasında. Şimdi i3 4gb ram ekran kartsız çöp pcler 4600-5000 tl
En önemli çokomelli kısmı ise dün geceden bu sabaha tüm bilgisayarlara minimum 1700 lira zam geldi. Hepsiburada ve trendyol indirim günlerinin başlamasıyla 1 haftadır takip ettiğim bilgisayarların en düşük 1700 lira zamlandığını gördüm. 1 gecede...
dolar 7.76 dan 7.73 e düşmesine rağmen, telefonlardaki gibi vergi sistemi çıkmamasına rağmen durup dururken sırf talep var diye 1700 lira zam yapıldı. Yazık günah haram zıkkım olsun o paralar...
Anlamsız bir şekilde hız ve kopma sorunu yaşıyorum. Adsl 16mbit paket kullanıyorum. 2 sefer telekom ekibi geldi altyapının 22 mbit desteklediğini paketimin 16 mbit olduğunu herhangi bir sorun olmadığını söyledi. Günlük kullanımda 50 sefer anlık kopma yaşıyorum. Onun dışında bazen hızım 1mbit oluyor bazen 6.5 bazen ise max olan 14 mbit oluyor. Belli bir saati düzeni yok. Sabahı, akşamı, gece yarısı, yoğun zaman, boş zaman, iş çıkışı vs düzen yok kafaya göre hız değişikliği ve kopma sorunu var. Modem TP-Link TD-W9970 v3 modem. Firmware güncel.
Türknet destek ile görüşmelerim sonucu en son telekom değil direk türknet saha ekibi gelecekti fakat evde pozitif virüs oldu o da gelemedi, karantinada çile işkence eziyet devam ediyor. Türknetin bu süreçte tek yapabileceğimizin modemi değiştirip deneme yapmamızı istemesi fakat öyle bir imkanım yok maalesef. Virüs olan eve kimse modemini vermek istemiyor bulaşır diye ve haklılar. Sıfır modem alıp denemekte ahmaklık olur.
Velhasıl kelam modemin log kayıtları bu şekilde anlayan eden varsa modemde sıkıntı gözüküyor mu söylerse sevinirim.
metni:2020-10-02 21:21:18 [5] DHCPD: Recv REQUEST from 1C:CC:D6:B6:2B:43 2020-10-02 21:21:18 [5] DHCPD: Send ACK to 2020-10-02 21:21:23 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:21:26 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:21:29 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:21:34 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:21:37 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:21:40 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 21:24:32 [5] DHCPD: Recv REQUEST from 74:D4:35:F5:54:7E 2020-10-02 21:24:32 [5] DHCPD: Send ACK to 2020-10-02 21:27:51 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:27:54 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:27:57 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:28:02 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:28:05 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:28:08 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 21:34:49 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:34:52 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:34:55 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:35:00 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:35:03 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:35:06 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 21:37:38 [5] DHCPD: Recv REQUEST from A4:45:19:4E:1F:46 2020-10-02 21:37:38 [5] DHCPD: Send ACK to 2020-10-02 21:42:17 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:42:20 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:42:23 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:42:28 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:42:31 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:42:34 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 21:47:24 [5] DHCPD: Recv REQUEST from D0:7F:A0:9A:DA:F5 2020-10-02 21:47:24 [5] DHCPD: Send ACK to 2020-10-02 21:50:15 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:50:18 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:50:21 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:50:26 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:50:29 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:50:32 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 21:51:19 [5] DHCPD: Recv REQUEST from 1C:CC:D6:B6:2B:43 2020-10-02 21:51:19 [5] DHCPD: Send ACK to 2020-10-02 21:54:32 [5] DHCPD: Recv REQUEST from 74:D4:35:F5:54:7E 2020-10-02 21:54:32 [5] DHCPD: Send ACK to 2020-10-02 21:58:43 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:58:46 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:58:49 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:58:54 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:58:57 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 21:59:00 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:00:37 [5] System: DSL link down 2020-10-02 22:00:39 [5] System: DSL training G.994 2020-10-02 22:00:39 [3] PPP: ppp0 User request 2020-10-02 22:00:39 [3] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:00:39 [4] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:00:39 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x3 "User request"] 2020-10-02 22:00:46 [3] PPP: ppp0 User request 2020-10-02 22:00:46 [3] PPP: ppp0 User request 2020-10-02 22:00:46 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x4 "User request"] 2020-10-02 22:00:46 [3] PPP: ppp0 2020-10-02 22:00:52 [5] System: DSL training G.992 started 2020-10-02 22:00:56 [5] System: DSL training G.992 channel analysis 2020-10-02 22:01:03 [5] System: DSL training G.992 exchange 2020-10-02 22:01:03 [5] System: DSL link up 2020-10-02 22:01:08 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00001712)] 2020-10-02 22:01:09 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:01:11 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:01:13 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00001712)] 2020-10-02 22:01:13 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:01:13 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0xab 2020-10-02 22:01:13 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfAck id=0xab 2020-10-02 22:01:13 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:01:13 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x2dbdb362] 2020-10-02 22:01:13 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x1 user="2746141445adsl@turk.net" password= 2020-10-02 22:01:13 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x2c9f0448] 2020-10-02 22:01:13 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:01:13 [3] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:01:13 [4] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:01:13 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:01:13 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:01:13 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:01:13 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x8b3d88e2] 2020-10-02 22:01:13 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x2 user="2746141445adsl@turk.net" password= 2020-10-02 22:01:13 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [PAP AuthAck id=0x2 ""] d6 18 0b 25 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2020-10-02 22:01:13 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:01:13 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:01:13 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:01:13 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:01:13 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:01:13 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:01:14 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:01:19 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:01:22 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:01:25 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:01:36 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:01:39 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:01:42 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:01:47 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:01:50 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:01:53 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:02:23 [5] System: DSL link down 2020-10-02 22:02:25 [5] System: DSL training G.994 2020-10-02 22:02:27 [3] PPP: ppp0 User request 2020-10-02 22:02:27 [3] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:02:27 [4] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:02:27 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x3 "User request"] 2020-10-02 22:02:34 [3] PPP: ppp0 User request 2020-10-02 22:02:34 [3] PPP: ppp0 User request 2020-10-02 22:02:34 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x4 "User request"] 2020-10-02 22:02:34 [3] PPP: ppp0 2020-10-02 22:02:38 [5] System: DSL training G.992 started 2020-10-02 22:02:43 [5] System: DSL training G.992 channel analysis 2020-10-02 22:02:49 [5] System: DSL training G.992 exchange 2020-10-02 22:02:50 [5] System: DSL link up 2020-10-02 22:02:52 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00001d14)] 2020-10-02 22:02:52 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:02:54 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:02:56 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00001d14)] 2020-10-02 22:02:56 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:02:57 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x43 2020-10-02 22:02:57 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x43 2020-10-02 22:02:57 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:02:57 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0xdce0cd6] 2020-10-02 22:02:57 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x1 user="2746141445adsl@turk.net" password= 2020-10-02 22:02:57 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x69b42662] 2020-10-02 22:02:57 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:02:57 [3] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:02:57 [4] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:02:57 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:02:57 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:02:57 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:02:57 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0xb181d746] 2020-10-02 22:02:57 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x2 user="2746141445adsl@turk.net" password= 2020-10-02 22:02:57 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [PAP AuthAck id=0x2 ""] a6 08 ee 2b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2020-10-02 22:02:57 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:02:57 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:02:57 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:02:57 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:02:57 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:02:57 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:02:57 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:03:02 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:03:05 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:03:08 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:03:20 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:03:22 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:03:25 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:03:30 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:03:33 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:03:36 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:04:17 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:04:18 [5] System: DSL link down 2020-10-02 22:04:20 [5] System: DSL training G.994 2020-10-02 22:04:20 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:04:22 [3] PPP: ppp0 User request 2020-10-02 22:04:22 [3] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:04:22 [4] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:04:22 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x3 "User request"] 2020-10-02 22:04:29 [3] PPP: ppp0 User request 2020-10-02 22:04:29 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:04:29 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x4 "User request"] 2020-10-02 22:04:29 [3] PPP: ppp0 2020-10-02 22:04:33 [5] System: DSL training G.992 started 2020-10-02 22:04:37 [5] System: DSL training G.992 channel analysis 2020-10-02 22:04:44 [5] System: DSL training G.992 exchange 2020-10-02 22:04:44 [5] System: DSL link up 2020-10-02 22:04:47 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x0000230f)] 2020-10-02 22:04:47 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:04:49 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:04:51 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x0000230f)] 2020-10-02 22:04:51 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:04:51 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0xfa 2020-10-02 22:04:51 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfAck id=0xfa 2020-10-02 22:04:51 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:04:51 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0xe5997cc1] 2020-10-02 22:04:51 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x1 user="2746141445adsl@turk.net" password= 2020-10-02 22:04:51 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x4c75c98a] 2020-10-02 22:04:51 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:04:51 [3] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:04:51 [4] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:04:51 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:04:51 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:04:51 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:04:51 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x5051a055] 2020-10-02 22:04:51 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x2 user="2746141445adsl@turk.net" password= 2020-10-02 22:04:52 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [PAP AuthAck id=0x2 ""] bb c5 1b 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2020-10-02 22:04:52 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:04:52 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:04:52 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:04:52 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:04:52 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:04:52 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:04:52 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:04:57 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:05:00 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:05:03 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:05:14 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:05:17 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:05:20 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:05:25 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:05:29 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:05:32 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:06:13 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:06:16 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:06:19 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:06:24 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:06:27 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:06:30 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:07:40 [5] DHCPD: Recv REQUEST from A4:45:19:4E:1F:46 2020-10-02 22:07:40 [5] DHCPD: Send ACK to 2020-10-02 22:07:41 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:07:44 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:07:47 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:07:52 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:07:55 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:07:58 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:09:39 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:09:42 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:09:45 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:09:50 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:09:53 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:09:56 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:12:07 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:12:10 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:12:13 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:12:18 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:12:21 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:12:24 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:15:05 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:15:08 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:15:11 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:15:16 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:15:19 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:15:22 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:16:12 [5] DHCPD: Recv REQUEST from D0:7F:A0:9A:DA:F5 2020-10-02 22:16:12 [5] DHCPD: Send ACK to 2020-10-02 22:17:39 [5] System: DSL link down 2020-10-02 22:17:42 [3] PPP: ppp0 User request 2020-10-02 22:17:42 [3] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:17:42 [4] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:17:42 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x3 "User request"] 2020-10-02 22:17:49 [3] PPP: ppp0 User request 2020-10-02 22:17:49 [3] PPP: ppp0 User request 2020-10-02 22:17:49 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x4 "User request"] 2020-10-02 22:17:49 [3] PPP: ppp0 2020-10-02 22:17:49 [5] System: DSL training G.994 2020-10-02 22:17:58 [5] System: DSL training G.992 started 2020-10-02 22:18:02 [5] System: DSL training G.992 channel analysis 2020-10-02 22:18:09 [5] System: DSL training G.992 exchange 2020-10-02 22:18:11 [5] System: DSL training G.994 2020-10-02 22:18:24 [5] System: DSL training G.992 started 2020-10-02 22:18:30 [5] System: DSL training G.994 2020-10-02 22:18:43 [5] System: DSL training G.992 started 2020-10-02 22:18:48 [5] System: DSL training G.992 channel analysis 2020-10-02 22:18:54 [5] System: DSL training G.992 exchange 2020-10-02 22:18:56 [5] System: DSL training G.994 2020-10-02 22:19:09 [5] System: DSL training G.992 started 2020-10-02 22:19:14 [5] System: DSL training G.992 channel analysis 2020-10-02 22:19:20 [5] System: DSL training G.992 exchange 2020-10-02 22:19:20 [5] System: DSL link up 2020-10-02 22:19:24 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x000031a0)] 2020-10-02 22:19:25 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:19:28 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:19:29 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x000031a0)] 2020-10-02 22:19:29 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:19:29 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0xda 2020-10-02 22:19:29 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfAck id=0xda 2020-10-02 22:19:29 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:19:29 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0xa68023f9] 2020-10-02 22:19:29 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x1 user="2746141445adsl@turk.net" password= 2020-10-02 22:19:29 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x77066c93] 2020-10-02 22:19:29 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:19:29 [3] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:19:29 [4] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:19:29 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:19:29 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:19:29 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:19:29 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x6463232d] 2020-10-02 22:19:29 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x2 user="2746141445adsl@turk.net" password= 2020-10-02 22:19:30 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [PAP AuthAck id=0x2 ""] d6 ff 3f 37 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2020-10-02 22:19:30 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:19:30 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:19:30 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:19:30 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:19:30 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:19:30 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:19:31 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:19:35 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:19:38 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:19:41 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:19:52 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:19:55 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:19:58 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:20:03 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:20:06 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:20:09 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:20:50 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:20:53 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:20:56 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:21:01 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:21:04 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:21:07 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:21:20 [5] DHCPD: Recv REQUEST from 1C:CC:D6:B6:2B:43 2020-10-02 22:21:20 [5] DHCPD: Send ACK to 2020-10-02 22:22:18 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:22:21 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:22:24 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:22:29 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:22:32 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:22:35 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:24:11 [5] System: DSL link down 2020-10-02 22:24:13 [5] System: DSL training G.994 2020-10-02 22:24:16 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:24:19 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:24:22 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:24:26 [5] System: DSL training G.992 started 2020-10-02 22:24:27 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:24:30 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:24:33 [5] DHCPD: Recv REQUEST from 74:D4:35:F5:54:7E 2020-10-02 22:24:33 [5] DHCPD: Send ACK to 2020-10-02 22:24:33 [5] System: DSL training G.994 2020-10-02 22:24:33 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:24:46 [5] System: DSL training G.992 started 2020-10-02 22:24:51 [5] System: DSL training G.992 channel analysis 2020-10-02 22:24:57 [5] System: DSL training G.992 exchange 2020-10-02 22:24:59 [5] System: DSL training G.994 2020-10-02 22:25:12 [5] System: DSL training G.992 started 2020-10-02 22:25:16 [3] PPP: ppp0 User request 2020-10-02 22:25:16 [3] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:25:16 [4] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:25:16 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x3 "User request"] 2020-10-02 22:25:23 [3] PPP: ppp0 User request 2020-10-02 22:25:23 [3] PPP: ppp0 User request 2020-10-02 22:25:23 [5] System: DSL training G.992 channel analysis 2020-10-02 22:25:23 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x4 "User request"] 2020-10-02 22:25:23 [3] PPP: ppp0 2020-10-02 22:25:23 [5] System: DSL training G.992 exchange 2020-10-02 22:25:24 [5] System: DSL link up 2020-10-02 22:25:30 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00003b05)] 2020-10-02 22:25:30 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:25:32 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:25:34 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00003b05)] 2020-10-02 22:25:34 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:25:34 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x7d 2020-10-02 22:25:34 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x7d 2020-10-02 22:25:34 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:25:34 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x73917650] 2020-10-02 22:25:34 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x1 user="2746141445adsl@turk.net" password= 2020-10-02 22:25:34 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0xf5575a4] 2020-10-02 22:25:35 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:25:36 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:25:36 [3] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:25:36 [4] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:25:36 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:25:36 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:25:36 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:25:36 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x9ef15c38] 2020-10-02 22:25:36 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x2 user="2746141445adsl@turk.net" password= 2020-10-02 22:25:37 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [PAP AuthAck id=0x2 ""] 6f 99 bc 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2020-10-02 22:25:37 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:25:37 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:25:37 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:25:37 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:25:37 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:25:37 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:25:40 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:25:43 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:25:46 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:25:57 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:26:00 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:26:03 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:26:08 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:26:11 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:26:14 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:26:43 [5] System: DSL link down 2020-10-02 22:26:44 [3] PPP: ppp0 User request 2020-10-02 22:26:44 [3] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:26:44 [4] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:26:44 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x3 "User request"] 2020-10-02 22:26:51 [3] PPP: ppp0 User request 2020-10-02 22:26:51 [3] PPP: ppp0 User request 2020-10-02 22:26:51 [5] System: DSL training G.994 2020-10-02 22:26:51 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x4 "User request"] 2020-10-02 22:26:51 [3] PPP: ppp0 2020-10-02 22:27:04 [5] System: DSL training G.992 started 2020-10-02 22:27:09 [5] System: DSL training G.994 2020-10-02 22:27:23 [5] System: DSL training G.992 started 2020-10-02 22:27:29 [5] System: DSL training G.994 2020-10-02 22:27:42 [5] System: DSL training G.992 started 2020-10-02 22:27:48 [5] System: DSL training G.994 2020-10-02 22:28:01 [5] System: DSL training G.992 started 2020-10-02 22:28:08 [5] System: DSL training G.994 2020-10-02 22:28:20 [5] System: DSL training G.992 started 2020-10-02 22:28:27 [5] System: DSL training G.994 2020-10-02 22:28:40 [5] System: DSL training G.992 started 2020-10-02 22:28:46 [5] System: DSL training G.994 2020-10-02 22:28:54 [5] System: DSL training G.992 started 2020-10-02 22:28:57 [5] System: DSL training G.992 channel analysis 2020-10-02 22:29:01 [5] System: DSL training G.992 exchange 2020-10-02 22:29:01 [5] System: DSL link up 2020-10-02 22:29:04 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x000041ee)] 2020-10-02 22:29:04 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:29:07 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:29:08 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x000041ee)] 2020-10-02 22:29:08 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:29:09 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x4e 2020-10-02 22:29:09 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x4e 2020-10-02 22:29:09 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:29:09 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0xd08a5827] 2020-10-02 22:29:09 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x1 user="2746141445adsl@turk.net" password= 2020-10-02 22:29:09 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x1e7175c8] 2020-10-02 22:29:09 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:29:09 [3] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:29:09 [4] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:29:09 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:29:09 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:29:09 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:29:09 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x7404aec3] 2020-10-02 22:29:09 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x2 user="2746141445adsl@turk.net" password= 2020-10-02 22:29:09 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [PAP AuthAck id=0x2 ""] c6 cc db 1e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2020-10-02 22:29:09 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:29:09 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:29:09 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:29:09 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:29:09 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:29:09 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:29:10 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:29:15 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:29:18 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:29:21 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:29:32 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:29:35 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:29:38 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:29:43 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:29:46 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:29:49 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:30:30 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:30:33 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:30:36 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:30:41 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:30:44 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:30:47 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:31:58 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:32:01 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:32:04 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:32:09 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:32:12 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:32:15 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:33:56 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:33:59 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:34:02 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:34:07 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:34:10 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:34:13 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:36:24 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:36:27 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:36:30 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:36:35 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:36:38 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:36:41 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:39:22 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:39:25 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:39:28 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:39:33 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:39:36 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:39:39 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:41:43 [3] PPP: ppp0 User request 2020-10-02 22:41:43 [3] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:41:43 [4] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:41:43 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x3 "User request"] 2020-10-02 22:41:43 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP TermAck id=0x3] d6 32 99 0f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2020-10-02 22:41:43 [3] PPP: ppp0 User request 2020-10-02 22:41:43 [3] PPP: ppp0 2020-10-02 22:41:43 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00004e67)] 2020-10-02 22:41:47 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00004e67)] 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0xa 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfAck id=0xa 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0xcbe41a55] 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x1 user="2746141445adsl@turk.net" password= 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x2ef81613] 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [3] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [4] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfNak id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x3 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x3 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x419b059] 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x2 user="2746141445adsl@turk.net" password= 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [PAP AuthAck id=0x2 ""] 23 53 7d 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:41:48 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:42:50 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:42:53 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:42:56 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:43:01 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:43:04 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:43:07 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:44:45 [3] PPP: ppp0 User request 2020-10-02 22:44:45 [3] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:44:45 [4] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:44:45 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP TermReq id=0x4 "User request"] 2020-10-02 22:44:46 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP TermAck id=0x4] eb 3e a0 17 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2020-10-02 22:44:46 [3] PPP: ppp0 User request 2020-10-02 22:44:46 [3] PPP: ppp0 2020-10-02 22:44:46 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x000054b4)] 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x000054b4)] 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x39 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x39 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0xbc4a0c56] 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x1 user="2746141445adsl@turk.net" password= 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x7f07a3fb] 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [3] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [4] PPP: ppp0 LCP down 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfNak id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x3 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x3 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0xeddaa0c6] 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x2 user="2746141445adsl@turk.net" password= 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [PAP AuthAck id=0x2 ""] 23 36 7b 0e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [6] PPP: ppp0 sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:44:50 [6] PPP: ppp0 rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x2 2020-10-02 22:45:00 [5] DHCPD: Recv REQUEST from D0:7F:A0:9A:DA:F5 2020-10-02 22:45:00 [5] DHCPD: Send ACK to 2020-10-02 22:46:48 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:46:51 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:46:54 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:46:59 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:47:02 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:47:05 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:51:16 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:51:19 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:51:22 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:51:27 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:51:30 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:51:33 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 22:54:33 [5] DHCPD: Recv REQUEST from 74:D4:35:F5:54:7E 2020-10-02 22:54:33 [5] DHCPD: Send ACK to 2020-10-02 22:56:14 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:56:17 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:56:20 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:56:25 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:56:28 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 22:56:31 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable 2020-10-02 23:01:42 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 23:01:45 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 23:01:48 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 1 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 23:01:53 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 23:01:56 [5] DHCPC: Send DISCOVER with request ip and unicast flag 0 (from 7C:8B:CA:F7:88:B0 to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) 2020-10-02 23:01:59 [5] DHCPC: Recv no OFFER, DHCP Service unavailable
Meslek: Tren Makinisti
Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi |

Son Giriş: 3 ay önce
Son Mesaj Zamanı: 4 ay
Mesaj Sayısı: 2.880
Gerçek Toplam Mesaj Sayısı: 3.403
İkinci El Bölümü Mesajları: 18
Konularının görüntülenme sayısı: 180.913 (Bu ay: 2.144)
Toplam aldığı artı oy sayısı: 276 (Bu hafta: 0)
En çok mesaj yazdığı forum bölümü: Donanım / Hardware