Angel Mu97d
Server Name: Angel Mu
Server Version: 97d
Server Location: Turkey+bulgaria
Server UpTime: 24/7
Experience: 200x (weekend 230x)
Gold Party Bonus Exp: +30% info
Drop rate: 40%
Max level: 350
Max resets: 150 (Every sunday at 22:00 max resets will rise with +2)
New max resets: 220
Reset for :Site
Keep stats: No
Reset points BK: 350
Reset points SM: 350
Reset points ME: 350
Reset points MG: 350
Success Rates
Jewel of Soul Success Rate (No Luck): 60%
Jewel of Soul Success Rate (With Luck): 75%
Jewel of Life Success Rate: 55%
Item +10 Success Rate (No Luck): 70%
Item +11 Success Rate (No Luck): 65%
Chance for item +9 without Luck to be upgraded to +11: 45.50%
Item +10 Success Rate (With Luck): 90%
Item +11 Success Rate (With Luck): 85%
Chance for item +9+Luck to be upgraded to +11: 76.50%
Wings 1 level Max Success Rate: 100%
Wings 2 level Success Rate: 70%
DarkSideMu 97j 97p
size piyasada en az bulunan files ile merhaba diyoruz 2005 2006 versiyon ozleyenler icin
DarkSideMu Information
server will open at 21.00 tonight 04 15 21.00 gmt
lvl point 30
Server Name: DarkSideMu Hard
Server Version: 97j+p
Server Location: Turkey
Server UpTime: 24/7
Experience: 100x (weekend 100x)
Gold Party Bonus Exp: +30% info
Drop rate: 40%
Max level: 350
Max resets: 150 (Every sunday at 22:00 max resets will rise with +2)
New max resets: 220
Reset for :Site
Keep stats: No
Reset points BK: 500
Reset points SM: 500
Reset points ME: 500
Reset points MG: 500
Success Rates
Jewel of Soul Success Rate (No Luck): 60%
Jewel of Soul Success Rate (With Luck): 75%
Jewel of Life Success Rate: 55%
Item +10 Success Rate (No Luck): 70%
Item +11 Success Rate (No Luck): 65%
Chance for item +9 without Luck to be upgraded to +11: 45.50%
Item +10 Success Rate (With Luck): 90%
Item +11 Success Rate (With Luck): 85%
Chance for item +9+Luck to be upgraded to +11: 76.50%
Wings 1 level Max Success Rate: 100%
Wings 2 level Success Rate: 70%
(Wings 2 level combining is bugged and is always 70%
doesn't matter if combined on 13% or 90%)
Map list:
Lostower 1-7
Aida: ( Entrance's Icarus(14;12) and Lorencia(46;168) )
DareDevil: ( Entrance: Tarkan(177;36) )
Crystal Quest: ( Entrance: Dungeon3(29;127) )
Exile: ( Entrance's: Lorencia(235;237) and Stadium(10;95) )
Old Kalima: ( Entrance: Atlans(10;10) )
Chaos castle: ( Entrance: Stadium(10;115) )
Quest room: ( Entrance's Lorencia(10;8) , Lorencia(141;124) , Davias(110;130) ) or command /move quest
Added Sets:
Mythos (MG)(Vulcano)
Baphomet (BK)(Dragon knight)
Chaos (SM)(Venom mist)
Licantropus (MG,SM)(Sunlite)
Cobra (ME)(Sylfdray)
Added weapons:
Mythos sword (MG)(Explosion blade)
Steel emperor blade (BK)(Bone blade)
Malibu staff (SM)(Viper staff)
Stalker Scepter (BK,MG)(Sole'y Scepter)
- - - Updated - - -
Mu97d Exp:50x Drop:40% Türk ve italyan ortak yapm
Server Name:Mu97D
Max Reset:100
Box In Shop:No
Zen Bug:Off
Reset Level:350
Reset Zen:Resetx20
Clear Skills:NO
Clear Inventory:NO
AminyuzMU 97+S3
INFORMACION DEL SERVIDORVERSION97x (97+99+1.01e+1.02+Season2+Season3)DIA DE CREACION22 de Enero, 2020ADMINISTRADORES ENArgentinaEXPERIENCIA Y DROP100x || 40%BLESS BUGOFF!HP DE LOS MOBS100%% DE EXITO EN JOYASSoul +Luck 99% -Luck 80% || Life 90%MAPASLorencia, Noria, Davias, LostTower, Atlans, Stadium, Icarus, Aida, Land of Trials, Kanturu.EVENTOSBlood Castle, Devil Square, Invasion de Dragones Dorados, Ataque de Lord of Kundun.
Son Giriş: 4 yıl önce
Son Mesaj Zamanı: 4 yıl
Mesaj Sayısı: 23
Gerçek Toplam Mesaj Sayısı: 23
İkinci El Bölümü Mesajları: 0
Konularının görüntülenme sayısı: 2.912 (Bu ay: 19)
Toplam aldığı artı oy sayısı: 0 (Bu hafta: 0)
En çok mesaj yazdığı forum bölümü: MU Online