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Prot Paladin için değerler ne olmalıdır?

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  • Merhaba arkadaşlar

    5550gs li kendine yeten bi tankım var 43k hp li blood elf paladin. Meslekleri mining + jc.
    Ama şöyle bi sıkıntım var ki paladin tankın defans değerlerinin tam olarak ne olduğunu bilmiyorum. Def imi capledim o tamam fakat expertise ve hit kaç olmalıdır bilemiyorum. Acaba yardımcı olur musunuz?

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    Orijinalden alıntı: arda_yaman

    Merhaba arkadaşlar

    5550gs li kendine yeten bi tankım var 43k hp li blood elf paladin. Meslekleri mining + jc.
    Ama şöyle bi sıkıntım var ki paladin tankın defans değerlerinin tam olarak ne olduğunu bilmiyorum. Def imi capledim o tamam fakat expertise ve hit kaç olmalıdır bilemiyorum. Acaba yardımcı olur musunuz?

    he 9% melee hit cap requires 296 hit rating, not 295, since you want to round up. Similarly, the cap is 263 hit rating if you have a Draenei with you.

    It may be worth mentioning that only auto-attacks, Hammer of the Righteous, Judgements, Shield of Righteousness, Avenger's Shield and Hammer of Wrath use melee hit mechanics.

    Our other spells: Consecration (confirm if this gets resisted, I've seen many conflicting reports), Exorcism, Holy Wrath and Holy Shield use the spell hit mechanic. Spell hit is different in that instead of 1% per 32.78 rating, for spells, it is 1% per 26.23 rating, and there is a 17% miss rate. It is generally not worth pursuing the spell hit cap with the possible exception of Righteous Defense, which you already covered, but for the sake of completeness:

    * You would need 446 hit rating to reach the 17% spell hit cap
    * If you have a Draenei in your party, this cap is reduced to 420 hit rating
    * If you are already at the melee hit cap, then your spells will have a 5.72% chance to miss. Subtract 1% if a Draenei is present, subtract 3% if a Shadow Priest or Balance Druid is present to provide Misery or Improved Faerie Fire.

    With regards to expertise:

    * The estimated dodge cap is at 6.5%, which would require 26 expertise or 214 expertise rating to achieve. Removing all parries would almost certainly require much more than this, as boss parry rates ranged from 11% - 15%, but the dodge cap could serve as a decent point of reference until we get more WWSes and such for confirmation of the parry cap.
    * Each point of expertise (6 from Combat Expertise, 3 for Humans, 5 for Dwarves) is worth 8 expertise rating, assuming you're trying to tailor your expertise around a given goal.

    Yani; alliance isen hit 263 horde isen 296 hit olacak.
    Spell hit 446hit olmalı. Yine ally isen 420hit olsa da olur spell hit ratingin.
    Expertise(rakibin sana atak yaparken dodge ve ya parry çekme şansını) Bu da kullandığın glyhp, talent ve ırkına bağlı olarak değişiyor. Şu tablo yardımcı olur.

     Prot Paladin için değerler ne olmalıdır?

    Dipnot: Shadow priest varsa spell hit ve melee hit kapasitesi %3 düşer.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi natrium -- 1 Eylül 2010; 15:42:44 >

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