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PS4 için Sony Global İngilizce Şikayet Yazısı (şikayetçiler içeri gelsin)

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  • arkadaşlar malum yaşanılanlar herkesi üzdü ve kızdırdı, bu duruma tepkisiz kalmamak için benim Türkçe olarak yazdığım güzel metni Salvo arkadaşımız İngilizceye çevirdi, ayrıca altına karaborsacılığı ispat eden caps'lerde koyduk, bunu bu şekilde gerekli mercilere şikayet olarak mail gönderebilirsiniz, ayrıca Twitter ve Facebook'tan da şikayetinizi mention olarak gönderebilirsiniz, Sony Türkiye'yi şikayet etmezsek ilerleyen dönemlerde adam kayırma, şark kurnazlığı,karaborsacılık, yalan bilgilendirme alır başını gider, bu konuda tepkimizi dile getirmenin doğru olduğunu düşünüyoruz.yazıyı fotoğraf formatına da dönüştürdük, dilerseniz bu şekilde de kullanabilirsiniz.

    To whom it may concern,

    I'm writing this mail as a gamer from Turkey who has always purchased original games and consoles from authorized dealers. Recently I intended to purchase your new product - PS4 - in the same fashion, however Sony Eurasia failed to deliver on their promises regarding the launch of the console.

    Company executives announced that the console would be released on December 13th, repeatedly suggesting enough stock to last for a month. We were officially told the console would be available for purchase on the 13th at Sony Centers, as well as several electronics retailers. Shortly after came an announcement that no pre-orders would be taken. The rumored stock was between 1 to 2K, causing signs of panic among concerned gamers. Considering there are over 500K TR PSN accounts, such numbers would cause serious problems. People were particularly concerned because none of the retailers, including Sony Centers knew how much stock they would receive, if any. Days before launch, Sony Centers replied to stock queries saying that all units were either already sold out to friends/staff or reserved to other customers, even though preorders were officially denied. This lack of information/misinformation was prevalent until launch day, when most gamers lined up in front of stores in the freezing cold before opening hours - only to return home empty-handed. Most of the online stores who sold the console the day before launch and on launch day canceled all orders without any explanation, blocking the credit card limits of buyers who had to find other ways to pay for the console, assuming they could find one on launch day.

    Hours after launch, auction sites were chock-full of black market sellers listing Sony Eurasia issued PS4 units at 1.5 to more than 3 times the suggested retail price (please see the screenshots, only a few of many more). Most of these listings included more than 1 unit, which were clearly reserved/sold to these sellers prior to launch. I believe a thorough investigation of Sony Center receipts would help validate the pre-launch sales.

    Many gamers were unfairly treated and disappointed by Sony Eurasia in every step of this process. This issue is largely discussed on forums and many people have thus far reported that they won't trust Sony in the future due to the unacceptable handling of matter at hand. I truly believe that a brand such as Sony should and would investigate this matter and contact the authorities responsible for this situation.

    Best Regards,




    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Camaleonte -- 13 Aralık 2013; 17:54:06 >

  • Güzel düşünülmüş, ancak eu emaili yanlış yazılmış; sonycustomercare.stur@eu.sony.com bu şekilde olacak
  • hocam guzel dusunmussun, yazdiklarinda dogru fakat ayni olay amerika ve ingilterede de oldu

    muhtemelen diger ulkelerde de olmustur.

    fakat yinede guzel bir hamle, yararli olmasini diliyorum...
  • Elinize sağlık, yolladım bile..şu an için birşey değiştirmese de, ilerisi için belki farklı adımların atılmasına bir yararı dokunur..
  • Teşekkürler, süper olmuş, emeği geçenlerin ellerine sağlık.

  • Bide sunun turkcesini de yazaydiniz ne yolladigimizi bilseydik.

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • 500 bin adet psn adresi olsa ne yazar satılan konsol sayısı belirli.PSN açmak ücretsiz.Böyle yersiz endişelerde saçma Tüm Dünyada PS4 yok TR küçük bir pazar ve şuan adamların Amerika'da Black Friday Christmas gibi etkinliklere konsol yetişrimesi gerekli.TR'ye getirdiklerine dua edin.Bekleseydiniz 2014'e gelicekti
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