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rFactor 2 (2012) [ANA KONU] (28. sayfa)

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  • Gerçekte öyle olmasa yapmazlardı diye düşünüyorum. Çünkü adamlar gripsiz:)
    Ama bence de formula renault daha iyi.
  • gt6 ile ne farkı var hengisi daha iyi
  • Ozan 458 gt3 nereden buldun? RD'de sadece challenge var.


    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi ozan_26 -- 17 Haziran 2014; 12:53:13 >

  • Build 770 indirilebilir durumda

    Update 23 (Build 769-unstable, 770-release) Changelog Jun 30, 2014):
    Fixed sun block bug which caused inconsistent occluder values.
    Fixed a bug where HUD textures refuse to load.

    Experimental 64 Bit builds added. Manual rename of 64 bit executables to 32 bit names required so the launcher can successfully start 64 bit executables.
    Upgraded to latest version (9.3k) of Miles Sound System.
    Updated projects to latest OpenSSL (1.0.1h)
    Support added for gear-specific rev limit offsets.
    Added additional Flag Rules option “Full w/o DQ”.
    Eliminated race condition that could cause race rejoin to fail.
    Added RealRoad timescale multiplier to control how fast the dynamic road changes conditions.
    Added the ability to control vehicle- and tire-specific effects on RealRoad.

    Optimized memory usage.
    Fixed thread safety issue that could produce crash when crossing finish line while recording a best path.
    Fixed a problem where remote vehicles might appear to have brakes on all the time (and no steering, either) while viewing from the monitor.
    Fixed issue where leftover RealRoad events could be applied in the wrong session.
    Fixed inconsistent writing of config.ini if installed to write-restricted path.
    Improved collision with temp cars.
    Fix reporting of anti-stall to plugins.
    Potential fix for exiting game while skin transfer is unfinished.
    Needing to update car components will not overwrite any existing parameters from talent/vehicle rcd files. Will only add unique parameters.
    Fix problem where you sometimes get a brief blast of vehicles sounds on subsequent track loads.
    Fixed issue if server was password protected it would not verify server content was installed on client.

    Added OpenMP to Mod Mode and Dev builds (improves speed of TTool).
    Added a dev mode AIW editor options to move selected waypoint’s selected path so that the next waypoint (or previous) matches the speed of the waypoint 2 spaces in front (or behind).
    Corrected problem where +ptool and +ttool wouldn’t start up properly when using SDK.
    Attempt to use AVX (if available) in 64-bit TTool.
    Fixed double screenshots in TTool.
    Plugins will need to be built in 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Please add “_x64″ to the names of the 64-bit version for easier identification, otherwise anybody with a 32-bit version of Windows will get an annoying popup.
    Made plugin functions RenderScreenBeforeOverlays() and RenderScreenAfterOverlays() always work in the UI, so that plugins can identify the options page.

    UI / HUD / Options:
    Added new gizmo action to clear multiplayer password.
    Possible fix for HUDs picking up & using unrelated but identically named assets.

    Sync up RealRoad on new clients at an accelerated pace.
    Changed upload/download speed variable so that higher rates could be set in the dedicated server.
    Initialize newly-joined clients to a basic RealRoad value such that they can’t gain an advantage over other clients.
    Fixed multiple players in dedicated server startup dialog.

    Fix controller auto-detect on first startup. Hopefully without causing that no-keyboard problem on Win8 whose fix broke this.
    Output FFB value to plugins even if no FFB devices are detected.

    Added checks to be sure only real AIs can talk and request pits.
    Improvements to superspeedway AI.
    Added AI control to PhysicsOptionsV01 in plugin interface.
    Now doing limited loading of rcd files from location components so that track builders can specify new track specific driving lines of known 3rd party cars without.
    Fixed AI cars swerving on formation lap skip and transition from formation lap to race.
    Removed unnecessary AI braking prediction that had them tapping the brakes needlessly.
    Reset “add AI” menu when leaving page

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi ozan_26 -- 1 Temmuz 2014; 23:00:42 >

  • 64 bit'te nasıl çalıştırıyoruz bunu? Yabancı forumlarda isim değiştir falan yazıyor ama anlamadım ben.

    Edit: Hallettim. Bir klasör oluşturup 32 bir exe dosyasını içine attım. 64 bit exe dışarıda kalınca launcher onu gördü. Task manager'den bakınca da görülüyormuş zaten.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi erulu -- 3 Temmuz 2014; 9:58:22 >
  • http://shop.sim-dream.com

    Paralı araçlar var.1 araç için 4 Euro ya değer mi bilinmez
  • 2010 BMW Z4 sDrive 35is

    rFactor 2 (2012) [ANA KONU]

    build 660 için ama 770'de de çalışıyor


    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi ozan_26 -- 8 Temmuz 2014; 15:13:48 >
  • Update 25 (Build 797-unstable, 798-release) Changelog July 21, 2014):

    Moved plugins dir to Bin32 and Bin64 for 32 and 64 bit plugins.
    Launcher now runs 64 bit executables if possible.
    Updates no longer require login.

    Fixed crash on exit.
    Fixed inability to scroll mp lobby after server item in list was selected.
    Fix problem where players rejoining a race would lose any laps over 63.
    Fixed a typo where the Real Road Time Scale setting for qualifying was used for race and vice versa.
    Fixed dedicated server memory leak.
    Reverted a change made to window style which broke some windowed modes

    Modmode: Fixed pit location picking resetting the menu every time a location is recorded.
  • büyük mod gruplarının rFactor'den sonra rFactor2'yi değilde Assetto Corsa'yı tercih etmesi nedeniyle bitmiş bir oyundur

    hiçbir çekiciliği kalmamıştır
  • ozan_26 kullanıcısına yanıt
    Büyük mod grupları küçük kardeşlerini de alıp asettoya gecseler o oyundan bi halt olmaz

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • Oyun durup dururken gmotor2 hatası vermeye başladı ve açılmıyor
  • doğru düzgün F1 modu da yok ki,bunla idare edecez :(

  • Gen6 Nascar aracını yapıyorlar ama lisanssız,önü Ford arkası Chevrolet,yapmasalar daha iyiymiş,bu araçları sürecek pist olmadıktan sonra gelse ne olur ...

    rFactor 2 (2012) [ANA KONU]

    rFactor 2 (2012) [ANA KONU]

  • http://rfactor.net/web/2014/09/20/upcoming-content-for-rfactor-2/

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi ozan_26 -- 20 Eylül 2014; 18:20:57 >

Sayfa: önceki 2627282930
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