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Richard Hammond US Army'de olduğunu idda edip bizim evi almak istiyor

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2 Misafir (1 Mobil) - 1 Masaüstü1 Mobil
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  • Evi satılığa çıkarmıştık internette ilan verdim birkaç gün sonra bir mail geldi ve ilanınızla ilgileniyorum deyip benle iletişime geçin demiş tel bırakmış.Bende siz benle iletişime geçin dedim tel verdim ama yine bir mail gönderip böbrek.avi olduğunu düşünüyorum gönderdiği mail şöyle;
    Ayrıca ev ahım şahım bir semtte değil yer İstanbul.

    Hello Furkan,

    I am interested in your displayed property but I contacted you primarily in confidence hoping that you can be a trustworthy person and would also be helpful in a matter like this.

    My name is Richard Hammond, a US Army with the NATO Coalition Forces in Afghanistan. The United States has ended its mission in Iraq and I was moved to Afghanistan for further assignments but will soon be deployed to the Joint Multinational Readiness Center (JMRC) Hohenfels Bavaria.

    During my 6 years stay in Iraq I got involved in an oil deal that fetched me $16.2million in cash and I packaged the cash in a box and deposited it with the Security & Courier department of the Red Cross office in Kabul as a consignment. I am contacting you so that you can help me receive this money and guide me on how to invest it. I cannot move this money to the United States because I will be in Turkey for about 5 years. Secondly, I am a uniformed person and I am not allowed to carry such huge amount of money. I need to present someone who I can trust, as the beneficiary. I am an intelligence officer for that reason, I have a 100% authentic means of shipping the money to you, through diplomatic courier service .I just need your acceptance and all is done.

    The only way to be safe with this money is to invest it there considering the fact that I will be there for many years. If you accept, I will move the money to you where you will be the beneficiary. For your assistance you will take 20% of the total fund which is $3.24million and the remaining 80% will be for me, from there I will pay for your property and fund my planned investment. I agreed with the officials where I deposited the fund consignment that I will give them details of my partner and recipient of the consignment when I conclude discussion with you.

    If you accept to work with me I will go and register the consignment in your name where you will be the beneficiary and I will make arrangement to shipment of the fund consignment to you. All these can be concluded within five days from now as I need to urgently move the consignment to safe custody. Please send me your personal mobile phone number so I can call you when I am out of our military network. I shall give you more details when I receive your reply.

    Best regards,

    Richard Hammond

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