<Archon Brigade General's Greatsword> +15 with silence godstone, Archon Brigade General Armor Set all +10 with crit +17 and attack +5 manastones , <Stately Chain Coliseum Champion's Hood> , <Archon Brigade General's Corundum Necklace>, <Archon Brigade General's Leather Belt>, 2 x <Archon Brigade General's Corundum Earrings> , 2 x <Archon Brigade General's Corundum Ring> , <Dragon Deity General's Warhammer> +10 with vidars(paralyzes) godstone ( best warhammer for templar in game ) , <Noble Steel Coliseum Champion's Shield> , <Noble Steel Coliseum Champion's Shield> +4 , Noble Coliseum Champion's set for resist set with all socket mr+14 , 1 x silence godstone (sealable) , <Noble Crusader's Wings> , Fenris title , Archon Primus Pilus's Set +10 ,many manastones : 131 x <Manastone: Crit Strike +17> , 366 x <Manastone: Magic Boost +27> , 194 x <Manastone: Resist Magic +14> , 70 x <Manastone: Attack +5>, 73 platinium medals , 38259 <Crucible Insignia> , 2416 <Courage Insignia> , craft: weapon master : 503 , alchemy : 399 , cooking 452 , aethertapping 499, essencetapping 441 , all defense stigmas and all attack stigmas , 12 x <L84 Enchantment Stone> , 3 x <L82 Enchantment Stone>, attack 811 critstrike 752 accu 2486 hp 12837 without skills , red diabol pet , aqua griffo pet , worg of the that pet, watchful ailu pet and many pets , total ap nearly 650.000 , nearly 2000 major divine life serum and many items ……..aynı hesapta ec setli level 55 gladyatorde vardır.
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