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  • ecnebiler çok tuttu bu caniki. Özellikle de abd-liler

  • Forgotten Weaponsyoutube
    The Fiala Model 1920 was a manually-operated repeating pistol in .22LR caliber that was marketed with the backing of famed polar explorer Anthony Fiala. The guns came as a set of one frame, three barrels (3", 7.5", and 20") and a removable shoulder stock. This allowed the owner to set the gun up in whichever configuration they liked (and it was before the NFA placed regulations on pistols with shoulder stocks). Today, these guns may still be used with the stock, as they have been specifically exempted from the NFA because of their historical and collectible value. Mechanically, the Fiala is unusual because despite its appearance it is not a semiautomatic design. Instead, the shooter must manually operate the slide between shots. This made the gun less expensive to manufacture, and theoretically more reliable. http://www.forgottenweapons.com Theme music by Dylan Benson - http://dbproductioncompany.webs.com
  • limbesh kullanıcısına yanıt

    barutla ateşlenen silahlarda, toptan tabancaya inen uzun bir süreç vardır. bu süreç de malzeme ve kimya bilimlerinin gelişimiyle paralel seyretmiştir. elektromanyetik silahların gelişimi, oda sıcaklığında süper iletkenlerin ve yüksek kapasiteli bataryaların gelişimine bağlıdır. bu iki sorun giderildiğinde, oyunun kuralları değişecektir. çünkü elektromanyetik silahların mermileri, yüksek kinetik enerji ile vuracaktır ki en gelişmiş çelik yelekler bile buna dayanamaz.

  • Legacy Collectiblesyoutube
    This is a whole collection of .25 caliber pistols that fits in one small box! Want early access to our videos and be entered to win a monthly raffle?! Considering giving to our Patreon. Link below! https://www.patreon.com/legacycollectibles Check out our Podcast "Flak & Fubar" https://flakfubar.buzzsprout.com/ Legacy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/legacy_collectibles Legacy Twitter: www.twitter.com/LegacyCollector
  • Stiliyan Stefanovyoutube
    https://www.patreon.com/stiliyan Hi guys! Lenght of the bow is 42" weight 217grams draw weight is 81lbs at 25" Speed test - 213,5ft/sec (65,1m/sec) with 20grams arrow, but I can not make full draw ...
  • Forgotten Weaponsyoutube
    http://www.forgottenweapons.com This very odd one-off pistol first appeared in a 1958 Golden State Arms catalog, with no description of its history or mechanical design. I have often seen it referred to as an automatic revolver, but this is a misconception - what appears to be a cylinder is actually a rotary magazine, akin to a Ruger 10-22. Theme music by Dylan Benson - http://dbproductioncompany.webs.com
  • MasongGunyoutube
    🖤 SUPER THANKS is my energy🔋 🖤 📍Subscribe me , Youtube & FB 👇🏻🔥 https://youtube.com/c/MasongGun https://www.facebook.com/masong.gun 📍Thanks for supporting me I made this video done using " World of Guns : Gun Disassembly " https://store.steampowered.com/app/262410/World_of_Guns_Gun_Disassembly/
  • Top Shot Dustinyoutube
    Full video: https://youtu.be/ejIKYFPScEs More info on everything we talked about: https://linktr.ee/topshotdustin More discount codes: https://linktr.ee/topshotdiscounts Ear pro: https://bit.ly/3lFqpDS Eye pro: https://alnk.to/3nbOAzV Shirts and swag: https://www.ballisticink.com/top-shot-dustin/ Discount codes and links: https://linktr.ee/topshotdiscounts Beat the censorship by signing up for emails at http://topshotdustin.com Big thanks to the Patrons! You guys ROCK! https://www.patreon.com/topshotdustin http://topshotdustin.com http://facebook.com/topshotdustin http://instagram.com/topshotdustin #topshotdustin This test is for educational purposes and is specifically filmed and produced in accordance with YouTube's community guidelines. Dustin is a certified, licensed, and insured firearms instructor. Everything was filmed on an OFFICIAL GUN RANGE and closed range with all the proper safety precautions. Do not attempt to duplicate anything yourself.
  • 704 TACTICALyoutube
    Taurus Raging Judge Cylinder Dump
  • FirearmRealmyoutube
    Thank you for watching our video! We appreciate your support. If you enjoyed what you saw, please consider subscribing to our channel to stay updated with more great content like this. #FirearmRealm #GunEnthusiast #FirearmHistory #SafetyFirst
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