Silah Mekanizmaları

Hareketli namlu namlu arkasının geç açılmasını ve merminin dah hızlı çıkmasını sağlar, namlu ve namlu arkası kısa mesafe birlikte gelir bu esnada mermi namludan çıkmış olur ve ardından namlu arkası namludan ayrılır ve yeni mermiyi alır bilirsiniz. Bu silahta ise, namlu ve namlu arkası komple sonuna kadar beraber gidiyor sonra namlu arkası orada kilitleniyor önce namlu ilerleyerek pozisyon alıyor. ardından namlu arkası da ilerleyerek mermiyi namluya çakıyor. Eski ve gayet enteresan....
Bunları her nasılsa kaçırmışım ... acaba silah tamir edenlerin de forumları var mıdır? Teşekkür edrim gerçekten eşsiz değişik mekanizmalar gördüm sayende. -
Forgotten Weaponsyoutube
https://utreon.com/c/forgottenweapons/ http://www.patreon.com/ForgottenWeapons Cool Forgotten Weapons merch! http://shop.forgottenweapons.com The GR-1 "Anvil" is a portable, shoulder-fired gauss rifle made by Arcflash Labs. Yeah, it's pretty awesome to be living in the future where we actually have real gauss rifles, isn't it? First, some terminology. This is accurately identified as a gauss rifle, coil gun, or linear accelerator (although gauss "rifle" is a bit misleading, as it is a smoothbore launcher). It functions by using a series of coils energized to produce electromagnetic fields and pull a ferrous projectile down a barrel. Each coil accelerates the projectile faster, controlled by a series of optical gates that shut off a coil as the projectile passes beyond it. The GR-1 uses 8 coils, which use between 4000 and 16000 amps of electricity from 8 high voltage capacitors. These coils are able to accelerate a 1/2" in diameter steel dowel pin up to about 75 m/s (240 fps). The most novel technology in the GR-1 is the hardware which allows the standard lithium-ion battery (25V) to fully charge this bank of capacitors in approximately 3 seconds. Fundamentally, the GR-1 is an alpha sort of prototype. It is the equivalent to the first Wright Flyer - a technology demonstrator and a way to gain experience and expertise in building coil guns. As capacitor technology continues to improve, we will see coil gun capability improve from the level of airguns to that of handguns and eventually true rifles and beyond. Arcflash is leading the way in this technology, and I am grateful that they were willing to loan me one of their first batch of production guns for this filming! Legal details: The GR-1, and coil guns in general, are not federally regulated as firearms. Under the law, "firearms" are specifically defined as propelling a projectile by combustion, and coil guns do not do this. Arcflash treats their coil guns as airguns out of an abundance of legal caution, and as a result there are several places where the GR-1 is not shipped because of state or local regulation on muzzle energy of airguns. Contact: Forgotten Weapons 6281 N. Oracle 36270 Tucson, AZ 85740https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=1112&v=eAHKS0nVlL4&feature=youtu.be -
Top Shot Dustinyoutube
Full video and details on my blog: https://linktr.ee/topshotdustin #shorts #halo #topshotdustinhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKyB13JQlCY&feature=youtu.beSiilahlar neden elektronikleşmez diye düşünenler olmuştur. AYnı güç neden elektrnikle kontrol eidlmiyor?
Barut basıncı ile manyetizmanın kuvvetlerini karşılaştırırsak,
elektromanyetik silahlar daha yolun çok başındalar ama daha da nasıl gelişsinler ki... (Seyyar silahlardan bahsediyorum).
Fakat bir de lazer var, o gelecek vaadediyor ayrıca yeterince kompakt da olabilecekler gibi,
sapanla taş atma bittiği gibi, gelecekte de silahla metal fırlatma bitecek bence, o ne öyle, düşününce çok ilkel.
< Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi limbesh -- 4 Eylül 2022; 11:42:54 > -
Ses çıkarmayan silah oyuncak gibi
ama ölümcül
. Gelecek geldi filmlerde görmekle kalmıyoruz artık gerek kişisel gerek drone şeklinde ordulara katılım oldu.
duymadım DEME!youtube
Şeytanın Aklına Gelmeyecek Şekilde Tasarlanmış Akıl Almaz Silahalar ► İzlediğiniz için TEŞEKKÜRLER :) ► ABONE OLUN ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCABb-hvHPdwqXKmz-X7BQxw?view_as=subscriber ► Video Önerilerim ; ►Hiç Kimsenin Kıramayacağı 10 Çılgın Rekor : https://youtu.be/r9d8aYTbUzQ ►Bütün Sırları Ortaya Çıkan En Ünlü Sihirbazlık Numaraları : https://youtu.be/POBgX5zfbaY ►Şu Ana Kadar Keşfedilmiş En Güzel 9 Albino Hayvan : https://youtu.be/cd3EP1yknKc ► duymadım DEME! Oynatma Listesi ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGS6Aj0Hfro&list=PLeMizf_P4eVkZnuHB52z3ya1jyQgKiDuH ► TAKİP EDİN; Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/duymadimdemee ► Müzik : Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Hazırlayan : duymadım DEME! Ekibi Seslendiren : Erdi Eliaçıkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vQINE80Tag -
Misha’s Gunsyoutube
#shorts #reddeadredemption #rdr2 #guns #asmr #reddeadredemption2 #shooting #arthurmorgan #johnmarston Winchester 1890 Model 62 Rossihttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTP0vO0PtZw&feature=youtu.be -
WWII era instructional video on the basics of firearms operations. This video is a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States of America. This work is presented here solely for educational purposes as described in 17 USC §105. Be aware of all Federal, State, and Local firearms laws and always practice proper firearms safety when handling, firing, and storing any firearms. http://www.nrahq.org/education/guide.asphttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJnhr08aIJs&feature=youtu.beanimasyonların olmadığı zamanlardan... Animasyonlara taş çıkartır!
çok güzel anlatmış, tebrikler doğrusu:))
In this video, I show you my way of making a DIY 9mm magazine of about 30 rounds. I built my PMTC 9mm submachine gun from this magazine. And I will reuse it for another model of SMG ...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNsJg_O2oIs&feature=youtu.be -
Comrade Mauseryoutube
Educational stuff, how bad can it hurt? Miniature arms and ballistic gel!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sijt8RcQFTA&feature=youtu.be -
Fishing For Anything Outdoorsyoutube
Winchester 74 22 lr. An awesome little semi auto rifle!! #winchester #antique #browning #gun #viralhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOeqT00ACm0&feature=youtu.be -
Si vis pacem , para bellum.youtube
The Ruger MK II is a rimfire single-action semi-automatic pistol chambered in .22 Long Rifle and manufactured by Sturm, Ruger & Company. Ruger rimfire pistols are some of the most popular handguns made, with over three million sold. The MK II ("Mark Two") was made from 1982 to 2005. Previous models include the Standard, Ruger's first model, made from 1949 to 1982, and the MK I Target, made from 1951 to 1982. MK II variations include the Target models, which have heavier barrels and adjustable sights, and the 22/45 models, which have a polymer frame with a grip-angle that matches the Colt 1911 rather than the steel frame's Luger P08-like layout. The MK II was removed from production in 2004, when it was replaced by the MK III. All Ruger rimfire pistols are chambered in .22 Long Rifle only. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruger_MK_II Ruger Mark II: full disassembly & assembly https://youtu.be/BDR-0YIpZik Don't try to recreate what you see in this video, as this is gameplay. This video was created using the game World of Guns: http://store.steampowered.com/app/262410/ This game is also available on Google Play, App Store, Amazon and other platforms.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pMAZUnivng&feature=youtu.be -
Forgotten Weaponsyoutube
These wheellock hand mortars, or katzenkopf, are an example of a weapon made and used for everything from front line military application to civilian parades to simple decoration. The pair we are looking at today are of the middle sort - they are signaling arms or firework launchers in the German or Dutch style from the early 1600s. Martial grenade throwing mortars like this from the 17th century were typically built with more capacity for controlling recoil and aiming, but they were legitimate weapons made and used in battle. However more were made for throwing signal firecrackers and fireworks exhibitions - fireworks were a popular novelty among the royalty and aristocracy of the period. With a two-inch bore, you could launch quite the explosive from one of these! http://www.patreon.com/ForgottenWeapons Cool Forgotten Weapons merch! http://shop.bbtv.com/collections/forgotten-weapons If you enjoy Forgotten Weapons, check out its sister channel, InRangeTV! http://www.youtube.com/InRangeTVShowhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YIIUtUKm3g&feature=youtu.be
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