se lerde sms hafızası büük sorun.. w810 kullanıyorum ve 190 kadar mesaj alıyo.
bununla ilgili şöyle bi çözüm buldum nette dolaşırken ama anlamadım nasıl yapılacağını...
Remove the SMS-storage limit from Sony-Ericsson's! Owners of Sony-Ericsson cell phones have had to go through a lot of annoyance and irritation because of the low message storage limits on the phones. Even thought the phones have large storage space, and some even memory cards, there is a limit at approximately 100-200 messages. As we all know, SMS are plain text, and does typically not take up more than 300bytes (including headers).
In theory, a K700i is able to store at least 40 000 messages, but our experiences is that you can not store more than approximately 1000 messages - which should be enough for most people. When the phone is filled up with more than 1000 messages it starts to get extremely slow when opening message boxes. When even more messages is stored, the phone starts crashing when working, and opening inbox is not possible because it crashes. Sometimes, some messages will also disappear after crashing! On K750, some of the messages got corrupt when storing more than 1000 messages.
We've not experienced any problems when storing less than 1000 messages, but it will of course take a little more time to open the message boxes. We would recommend to keep the storage below 500 messages.
Here are some loading times (K700i):
Opening inbox with 1 message: 0,3 seconds Opening inbox with 200 messages: 0,7 seconds Opening inbox with 300 messages: 0,9 seconds Opening inbox with 500 messages: 1,6 seconds (K750i: 0,9s) Opening inbox with 1000 messages: 5,0 seconds (K750i: 2,2s) Opening inbox with 2000 messages: approx 4 minutes
You'll need an advanced service tool for Sony-Ericsson (e.g. SEtool) to be able to modify the file system on your phone.
Replace content in the following file from "/smsdata" to "/tpa" /ifs/settings/messaging/pref_store.txt Note: It's not possible to overwrite - you must DELETE it before you upload the updated file.
When done, create the following directories in the file system:
Messages will now be stored in the sm directory you created in the tpa partition.
This trick is tested on K500, K700, K750, Z520, but will most probably work on all ARM-based Sony-Ericsson phones. Our experience was that Z520 handled this modification best, as the PC-software had no problem reading SMS-status.
bu yolla sınırsız sms hafızasının olacağını söylemişler.. bunu yapan, uygulayan var mı????
Replace content in the following file from "/smsdata" to "/tpa" /ifs/settings/messaging/pref_store.txt Note: It's not possible to overwrite - you must DELETE it before you upload the updated file.
When done, create the following directories in the file system:
far manager filan olmas mı acba?? setool mu lazım illa onu çözebilmiş diilim...
Replace content in the following file from "/smsdata" to "/tpa" /ifs/settings/messaging/pref_store.txt Note: It's not possible to overwrite - you must DELETE it before you upload the updated file.
kısmını far ile yapabilirsek... gerisi gelir de.... nasıl olcak
500 msg de fena olmasdı hani
ben sadece tmp yaptim ve suan sinirsiz gibi cunku yandaki cubuk yok oldu olacak