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SNX MU | Season 6 Episode 3 | Exp: 150% | Drop: 30% | Max Res: 30 |

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    With 9 years of experience ( +2 years as Admin ) we are proud to announce SNXMU Fully made on gameplay purposes. Our goal is to deliver latest MuOnline era and the best quality and support to our players.
    Everybody in SNXMU is treated as player (Including admins).
    All players have equal chances to acquire whatever they desire and receive super fast support.

    2 Years ago we had an idea and that idea was to make a server, as we saw many other servers thinking on only one thing:
    Wallet (No offense)

    So we started off with cracked, buggy unstable files, learned 2 years how to manage the server, how to configure server and how to offer players the best.

    We experienced "Problem after another" state and went through hell so we could prepare our selves for upcoming. Many things didn't went as we had planned/hoped but we overcame it.

    And now we are ready to launch, Server is running on latest premium files, advanced Host, professional designers, countless nights spent up, while friends were having fun, we worked hard on making this server the absolute best just so people can feel the joy of gameplay.
    We offer no custom items, who needs them anyway? We like to keep it original.
    we guarantee no wipes

    This server is not 1-2 month server. we have spared guaranteed money so server would be secured for 6-7 months.
    Will have latest defensive/security measures and firewalls, anti DDoS and anti-virus programs.
    Every week we make backup of database, or if some incremental situation occurs, we make back up anyway, to secure the effort you have put in your account. We want to offer you the best of available.

    The game play it self offers many features both PvP and PvE side, like super strong bosses ( Selupan, Erohim, Dragons, Golden mobs ).
    PvE Events that requires Team up and co-op with other players.

    Play along side with admins, as they use normal characters and never use admin powers on them and that takes you through adventure of acquiring new friends and enemies.

    You can help the newbies and get famous, make people remember you, and in future you can proudly say:
    "I was hell of a player in SNX MU"

    Earn respect of players and dominate the game. Form a guild and gain reputation and members. Participate in Gens battles and earn Points to your Gens faction. Win Castle Siege and get personal guild fortress. Build your reputation in game and your character, become the GodLike and leave sign wherever you make foot step. Earn the Title of " Ultimate SNXMU Player " and accomplish the respect of admins. Simply be a great player, and enjoy the joy of gaming.

    There are good times, There are bad times, we cannot regulate them but we can turn them into benefits.
    Keep your eyes opened widely, because there can be things you wont notice at start, but can have severity effect on the path to enlightenment.
    Don't play hard, play Intelligently because at the end, mind is that controls the path of glory and passage.


    Our team is based on 2 people, me and my friend, our goal was to make this server the best, offer the best service and quality, support our players at all time, for all their needs.
    Our second goal was to be the best administrators ever. What we can promise is that we will answer all of your questions at all times, help you for all your needs, and fix what's wrong, and show you respect in our server as a player, our main goal is to satisfy the player in every possible way.
    we want to form old fashion - admin-player relationship, where admins are treated as players, and they will play alongside with their alternative characters
    with 9 years of MuOnline gameplay experience we know what players are looking for.
    2 years of administration have granted us good enough experience to run and manage the server.
    so far our BETA players, have not disappointed. We made the server not because money but hobby and experience, and it is very interesting to work on something, something that people can experience & feel.
    Every time we work on server, it comes from our free time. we learn from our mistakes ( if any will happen )
    We Offer players good, close, warm friendship, friendship with players themselves, not with their credit cards.
    we are very confident, intelligent and ready to serve you!


    -Server Name: SNX MU

    -Version : Season 6 Episode 3

    -Exp is 150x, so its not too easy nor too hard, and it adds more taste to the the gameplay.

    -Drop: 30x, so people need to pickup gear not gain everything in few clicks.

    -Zen drop: 0.2x ... good way to make zen valuable which could get you good items in trades.

    -Max Master Level : 201

    -Master Exp : 100x

    -Max resets : 30 - People need to build up their characters not get maxed in 5 minutes and do endless PvP

    -Reset level : 400

    -Zen required for reset : 50 000 000

    -Grand Reset : Yes

    -Grand reset Reward: 1500 credits

    -RF Skill Tree : 100% Working

    -Party Exp : Each member gains 150x so if you party with somebody is same as solo.

    -Golden Party : Gives 150x + 20x as bonus to each member.

    -Also you can earn Wcoins by winning Blood Castle,Devil Square and other events. and earn goblin points by killing elite monsters( We're
    working on it to link it to credits too ).

    -Happy hour - Yes

    -Castle Siege - Online & Working ( 15: 00 - 17:00 GMT +2 Europe, Estonia's time)

    -Monster hp - 40%

    -Fully Working cash shop( Our team is currently rebuilding it )

    -All events working with custom modifications

    -RF Skill tree 100 % Working

    -New Jewels will be enabled ( Depends on player's vote )

    -New Ancient items

    -Lucky Coin System

    -Last Man Standing event

    -Live support, we offer live support the whole time, I can count our server with the easiest and best support among other servers.

    -Equal chances to receive F.O Items and other Cashshop Items

    -Helper Bot

    -Balanced Characters (No OP characters)

    -Buffer Bots: Located in Lorencia, Noria, Elveland and Devias

    -Friendly Admins That Really DO CARE ABOUT PLAYERS.

    -Daily Events and Weekly Tournaments

    -All events working


    -Intel Nehalem Quad-Core Dual Xeon 2.13GHz
    -8 Gb Ram
    -Uplink 100mb/s
    -1000 GB HDD
    -Host Location - US & Canada
    -No lags
    -No Malfunctions
    -Specially assembled for Long Term Server


    -Flawless Custom design
    -Vote Reward System
    -Statistics Module : 100% work with no bugs
    -Grand Reset Module
    -All user CP Modules
    -Vote Reward Module
    -Exchange Online hours to Credits ( Our team is working to link it to Wcoins )
    -Web Shop 100% Working

    Currently we are working on many more.


    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi WoMeNiZeR_ -- 27 Temmuz 2012; 21:06:36 >

  • özellikleri hoşuma gitti indirmeye başladım. :)
  • bende bakıcam bi güzele benziyor

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • Not : Şimdi virüs tarayıcımdan tarattım hiç virüs yok !

    Rahat rahat oynayabiliriz gençler

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi WoMeNiZeR_ -- 27 Temmuz 2012; 21:33:29 >
  • beni sarmadı bıraktım iyi oyunlar. :)
  • keske online sayisi daha yüksek olsa...
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: EShine

    keske online sayisi daha yüksek olsa...

    bu saatte 19 user hiç fena deil :D
  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    Daha Fazla Göster
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: flapcem

    beni sarmadı bıraktım iyi oyunlar. :)

    Başka server yok valla el mecbur
  • Onucak varmı oyunu 3-5 kişi topluca oynuyalım benimde canım sıkılıyo

    hiç yoktan iyidir
  • sitede problemmi var acamiyorum
  • Yoo sitede hiç bir problem yok
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: WoMeNiZeR_

    Yoo sitede hiç bir problem yok

    akşam vardı. ne foruma giriliyordu ne siteye. zaten arkadaşta sabah yazmış farkındaysan. ama bende baktım şuan sorun yok.
  • bu oyunu oynamanızı tavsiye etmem arkadaşlar igcden tanıyorum kuran elemanları tam bir yalancılar.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: furkan1992

    bu oyunu oynamanızı tavsiye etmem arkadaşlar igcden tanıyorum kuran elemanları tam bir yalancılar.

    Kardeşim haklısındır da yeni açılan böyle server yok nabalım

    Nasılsa oyuna ne para yatırıyoruz ne bişey
  • Bende başladım ve baya zevklendim hani :D
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: DallasPage

    Bende başladım ve baya zevklendim hani :D

    Kardeşim nick : WoMeNiZeR

    Yardımcı olacağım bir şey olursa pm atarsın
  • res attinizmi beyler :D
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: WoMeNiZeR_


    Orijinalden alıntı: DallasPage

    Bende başladım ve baya zevklendim hani :D

    Kardeşim nick : WoMeNiZeR

    Yardımcı olacağım bir şey olursa pm atarsın

    ve bıraktım :D arenaya spot koymaya niyeti yok adminin. kıl oldum ya. tam 1 artiz.
    ya da biraz daha oynayabilirim sanırsam :D

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi DallasPage -- 31 Temmuz 2012; 12:16:29 >
  • @Bende sadce 2 res var batu

    @DallasPage arenaya adam spot koymcak sanırım.Arenaya gir afk ol res at geç.Bu mantığı ben de sevmiyorum zaten.
    Eskiden Arena mı vardı boş ver
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: WoMeNiZeR_

    @Bende sadce 2 res var batu

    @DallasPage arenaya adam spot koymcak sanırım.Arenaya gir afk ol res at geç.Bu mantığı ben de sevmiyorum zaten.
    Eskiden Arena mı vardı boş ver

    hehe :DD ilk res gelmek üzere son lvlim :))
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