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Tokyo Ghoul:RE [Manga] [Spoiler Serbest] (10. sayfa)

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  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: ecaliskan1905

    ben bu olaydan bişey anlamadım kaneki=hasie nasıl oluyor yha görünüş felan tamam benziyorda bi insan kendisiyle nasıl konuşur bunu anlayamadım 6.bölümden beri

    Hocam kaneki hafızasını kaybetti ikinci bir kişilik gibi eskiden olduğunu düşündüğü kişinin halusinasyonunu görüyor, adam sorunlu işte.

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  • Çince scanlar çıktı tgre-news tumblrdan linkini bulabilirsiniz.
    Ve ah Urie ah....

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi silazra -- 1 Mayıs 2015; 17:17:20 >
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  • 27 ÇIKTI
    Shirako adam ya güldürdü sabah sabah
    Urie ggwp
  • Bolum şahaneydi ozellikle finali sizce kaneki artık geri donermi

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  • Pillkey kullanıcısına yanıt
    Sağlam dayak yedi başkası kurtarmazsa dönmek zorunda gibi.
    Ama kalıcı olarak mı?
  • Bir şey kafama takıldı. Konu "spoiler serbest" şekilde mi hala? Başlıkla sadece içerdiği yazıyor çünkü. Button kullanmalı mıyız, yoksa başlık değişmeli mi?

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  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Rasyonal Sosyalist

    Bir şey kafama takıldı. Konu "spoiler serbest" şekilde mi hala? Başlıkla sadece içerdiği yazıyor çünkü. Button kullanmalı mıyız, yoksa başlık değişmeli mi?

    Değiştirdim hocam. Spoiler vermek isteyenler yardırabilir
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: M!R4G3


    Orijinalden alıntı: Rasyonal Sosyalist

    Bir şey kafama takıldı. Konu "spoiler serbest" şekilde mi hala? Başlıkla sadece içerdiği yazıyor çünkü. Button kullanmalı mıyız, yoksa başlık değişmeli mi?

    Değiştirdim hocam. Spoiler vermek isteyenler yardırabilir

    Konu çok tehlikeli oldu şu an. Raw'lara bakanlar yardırmasın bari.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Rasyonal Sosyalist


    Orijinalden alıntı: M!R4G3


    Orijinalden alıntı: Rasyonal Sosyalist

    Bir şey kafama takıldı. Konu "spoiler serbest" şekilde mi hala? Başlıkla sadece içerdiği yazıyor çünkü. Button kullanmalı mıyız, yoksa başlık değişmeli mi?

    Değiştirdim hocam. Spoiler vermek isteyenler yardırabilir

    Konu çok tehlikeli oldu şu an. Raw'lara bakanlar yardırmasın bari.

    Resim koyarak yardırırlarsa sorun kalmaz bizde görmüş oluruz
    Zaten tumblr'a koyan eleman artık resim atmıyor, çinli sitelerden bulmaları lazım.
    O kadar uğraşırlarsa yardırmayı haketmiş oluyorlar sanki

    Bu arada ben önceki mesajda birisi yardıma gelmezse Kaneki'ye dönmek zorunda dedim ama, şimdi benim mükemmel şomağzım yüzünden birisi gelip Sasaki'yi kurtarmasın

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: M!R4G3


    Orijinalden alıntı: Rasyonal Sosyalist


    Orijinalden alıntı: M!R4G3


    Orijinalden alıntı: Rasyonal Sosyalist

    Bir şey kafama takıldı. Konu "spoiler serbest" şekilde mi hala? Başlıkla sadece içerdiği yazıyor çünkü. Button kullanmalı mıyız, yoksa başlık değişmeli mi?

    Değiştirdim hocam. Spoiler vermek isteyenler yardırabilir

    Konu çok tehlikeli oldu şu an. Raw'lara bakanlar yardırmasın bari.

    Resim koyarak yardırırlarsa sorun kalmaz bizde görmüş oluruz
    Zaten tumblr'a koyan eleman artık resim atmıyor, çinli sitelerden bulmaları lazım.
    O kadar uğraşırlarsa yardırmayı haketmiş oluyorlar sanki

    Bu arada ben önceki mesajda birisi yardıma gelmezse Kaneki'ye dönmek zorunda dedim ama, şimdi benim mükemmel şomağzım yüzünden birisi gelip Sasaki'yi kurtarmasın

    Can yakarsın hocam. Haftalardır bu anı bekliyorum.

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  • O zaman bir kaç gün daha bekleyelim spoilerleri ve görelim
    Ben de cidden artık Kaneki dönsün istiyorum ama daha Haise'yle ilgili bilmediğimiz çok fazla şey var.
    Tahminimce Kaneki kontrolu alıp, ortalığı dağıttıktan sonra bayılır ve Haise olarak uyanır.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: M!R4G3

    O zaman bir kaç gün daha bekleyelim spoilerleri ve görelim
    Ben de cidden artık Kaneki dönsün istiyorum ama daha Haise'yle ilgili bilmediğimiz çok fazla şey var.
    Tahminimce Kaneki kontrolu alıp, ortalığı dağıttıktan sonra bayılır ve Haise olarak uyanır.

    Kaneki kişiliği biraz daha dominant hale gelecekse kabul ederim. Arada bir konuşsa falan Haise'yle. Touka'yı görse de bir kitlense. Çok mu şey istiyorum Ishida?

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  • Kesinlikle katılıyorum büyük ihtimallede öyle olur Haisenin tamamen yok olması anlamsız olur bence.

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  • Kaneki ile Rize gibi, Rize'nin yerine Kaneki alsa, Haise'nin zor zamanlarında efsane odada yine sandalyesinde ortaya çıksa.
    Haise'nin dışında daha takımdakı diğer üyelerin de geçmişiyle ilgili bilmediğimiz çok şey var. Bu arcda Kaneki'ye doyup, sonra sıkıcı bölümler gelebilir onlarla ilgili.
    Bir de Hide var tabi. Bir ortaya çıkaydı iyiydi.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: M!R4G3

    Kaneki ile Rize gibi, Rize'nin yerine Kaneki alsa, Haise'nin zor zamanlarında efsane odada yine sandalyesinde ortaya çıksa.
    Haise'nin dışında daha takımdakı diğer üyelerin de geçmişiyle ilgili bilmediğimiz çok şey var. Bu arcda Kaneki'ye doyup, sonra sıkıcı bölümler gelebilir onlarla ilgili.
    Bir de Hide var tabi. Bir ortaya çıkaydı iyiydi.

    Belki de Hide sayesinde bir şekilde ellerinde tutuyorlardır Kaneki'yi. Sonuçta Hide öldü mü ölmedi mi bilmiyoruz. Kaneki'nin sadece ihtiyaç anında seslenmesinin sebebi de bu olabilir. Hayatta kalmak için vs.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Rasyonal Sosyalist -- 3 Mayıs 2015; 10:49:22 >
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  • Hocam ben Hide'nin ölmediğini düşünüyorum. Hatta tumblr'da şöyle bir teori okumuştum (uzun olduğundan spoiler içine alıyorum) çok mantıklı gelmişti:

    So, yeah, before you proceed reading, please remember that this is a crack theory, aka I’m totally stretching it, and it’s probably about as believable as any Arima’s crack theory. Please take it with a grain of salt.

    So like one day I was browsing Wiki and discovered the name of CCG chairman, Washuu Tsuneyoshi, and his name just rings a bell. I realized Tsuneyoshi kinda sounds like Hideyoshi, and that’s where I began crafting this totally crack theory of mine.

    We know nothing about Hide’s background or his family. He moved to 20th ward when he was a kid and befriended with Kaneki. So, yeah, he’s that “mysterious transfer student”. I just wonder what exactly is the point of making him a transfer student if it has no relation to the story.

    Being a transfer student would mean that he actually came from somewhere else. And why would he suddenly transferred to 20th ward? What exactly about 20th ward that is different from other wards? From what we were told so far, 20th ward is probably one of the safest places for conflicts related to ghouls. (At least it was before Rize came to visit.) I remember Amon commented how relaxed the 20th CCG branch is, which would support the idea that 20th ward is perhaps the safest place in Tokyo.

    Now this is where my crack theory comes in. Let’s say, what if Hide is the grandson of Washuu Tsuneyoshi. The reason why he was sent to 20th ward was for his safety. Perhaps they didn’t want to involve their grandson in the world of ghouls. Hide is shown to be living alone, so his family is likely to be living elsewhere in Tokyo.

    In some of the flashbacks, Hide was shown to be talking about ghouls, which means that he has interest about them long before he knew Kaneki became one. For a mere ordinary citizen, Hide somehow managed to get a tracking device, and his knowledge about ghouls are incredibly accurate. If he has deeper connection to CCG, this stuff would be easily explained.

    The theory about Arima making an agreement with Hide in regards of Kaneki’s fate would make sense if Hide is related to Washuu Tsuneyoshi. He would have known who Arima is and where to find him. And if Arima knew who Hide is, he has no reason to refuse his superior’s grandson request.

    Last but not least, his disappearance can also be explained by his family forcing him to stop any kind of contact with Kaneki because they don’t want Hide to get involved with ghoul’s world any further, which was the reason why he was transferred to 20th wards in the first place. Also, Hide was probably hiding his investigation from his family when he joined CCG, but he could no longer hide it when he made the deal with Arima.

    “I think there’s a chance that Hideyoshi Nagachika is really Hideyoshi Washuu, the second-born son of Yoshitoki Washuu and heir to the Washuu clan.

    Why? Because Matsuri’s name doesn’t follow the naming pattern of the Washuu family heads (all their names contain the "吉” kanji which is read as “yoshi/kichi”), so I think he isn’t (or at least was not meant to be) Yoshitoki Washuu’s successor. He might be Yoshitoki’s illegitimate child, which would explain why he doesn’t get along with his father and why he’s all about the supremacy of the Washuu clan. If Matsuri really isn’t Yoshitoki’s heir, then Yoshitoki Washuu should have a second son whose name follows the naming pattern. And in fact, Hide’s given name would fit, it’s just written with the wrong kanjis. (But if you want to hide your identity, then you at least have to change the way your name is written, right? Ghouls do this all the time after they have been exposed.)

    Furthermore, Hide’s given name would even follow a second pattern in the names of the family heads: The position of the “yoshi/kichi” kanji seems to alternate between the generations. If it’s the first kanji in the father’s name, then it’s the last kanji in the son’s name, and vice versa:

    Daikichi Washuu
    Yoshiu Washuu
    Tsuneyoshi Washuu
    Yoshitoki Washuu
    and the next one in line would be
    Hideyoshi Washuu

    Additionally, Ishida reveals Hide’s full given name for the first time immediately after he introduced Yoshitoki and Tsuneyoshi Washuu.“

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi M!R4G3 -- 3 Mayıs 2015; 17:52:02 >

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: M!R4G3

    Hocam ben Hide'nin ölmediğini düşünüyorum. Hatta tumblr'da şöyle bir teori okumuştum (uzun olduğundan spoiler içine alıyorum) çok mantıklı gelmişti:

    So, yeah, before you proceed reading, please remember that this is a crack theory, aka I’m totally stretching it, and it’s probably about as believable as any Arima’s crack theory. Please take it with a grain of salt.

    So like one day I was browsing Wiki and discovered the name of CCG chairman, Washuu Tsuneyoshi, and his name just rings a bell. I realized Tsuneyoshi kinda sounds like Hideyoshi, and that’s where I began crafting this totally crack theory of mine.

    We know nothing about Hide’s background or his family. He moved to 20th ward when he was a kid and befriended with Kaneki. So, yeah, he’s that “mysterious transfer student”. I just wonder what exactly is the point of making him a transfer student if it has no relation to the story.

    Being a transfer student would mean that he actually came from somewhere else. And why would he suddenly transferred to 20th ward? What exactly about 20th ward that is different from other wards? From what we were told so far, 20th ward is probably one of the safest places for conflicts related to ghouls. (At least it was before Rize came to visit.) I remember Amon commented how relaxed the 20th CCG branch is, which would support the idea that 20th ward is perhaps the safest place in Tokyo.

    Now this is where my crack theory comes in. Let’s say, what if Hide is the grandson of Washuu Tsuneyoshi. The reason why he was sent to 20th ward was for his safety. Perhaps they didn’t want to involve their grandson in the world of ghouls. Hide is shown to be living alone, so his family is likely to be living elsewhere in Tokyo.

    In some of the flashbacks, Hide was shown to be talking about ghouls, which means that he has interest about them long before he knew Kaneki became one. For a mere ordinary citizen, Hide somehow managed to get a tracking device, and his knowledge about ghouls are incredibly accurate. If he has deeper connection to CCG, this stuff would be easily explained.

    The theory about Arima making an agreement with Hide in regards of Kaneki’s fate would make sense if Hide is related to Washuu Tsuneyoshi. He would have known who Arima is and where to find him. And if Arima knew who Hide is, he has no reason to refuse his superior’s grandson request.

    Last but not least, his disappearance can also be explained by his family forcing him to stop any kind of contact with Kaneki because they don’t want Hide to get involved with ghoul’s world any further, which was the reason why he was transferred to 20th wards in the first place. Also, Hide was probably hiding his investigation from his family when he joined CCG, but he could no longer hide it when he made the deal with Arima.

    “I think there’s a chance that Hideyoshi Nagachika is really Hideyoshi Washuu, the second-born son of Yoshitoki Washuu and heir to the Washuu clan.

    Why? Because Matsuri’s name doesn’t follow the naming pattern of the Washuu family heads (all their names contain the "吉” kanji which is read as “yoshi/kichi”), so I think he isn’t (or at least was not meant to be) Yoshitoki Washuu’s successor. He might be Yoshitoki’s illegitimate child, which would explain why he doesn’t get along with his father and why he’s all about the supremacy of the Washuu clan. If Matsuri really isn’t Yoshitoki’s heir, then Yoshitoki Washuu should have a second son whose name follows the naming pattern. And in fact, Hide’s given name would fit, it’s just written with the wrong kanjis. (But if you want to hide your identity, then you at least have to change the way your name is written, right? Ghouls do this all the time after they have been exposed.)

    Furthermore, Hide’s given name would even follow a second pattern in the names of the family heads: The position of the “yoshi/kichi” kanji seems to alternate between the generations. If it’s the first kanji in the father’s name, then it’s the last kanji in the son’s name, and vice versa:

    Daikichi Washuu
    Yoshiu Washuu
    Tsuneyoshi Washuu
    Yoshitoki Washuu
    and the next one in line would be
    Hideyoshi Washuu

    Additionally, Ishida reveals Hide’s full given name for the first time immediately after he introduced Yoshitoki and Tsuneyoshi Washuu.“

    Mind blown.

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    İyi güldüm gife

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  • Konu dışına saptık biraz Spoiler çıksada baksak artık.
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