If the stars are shine it means that someone needs them it means that someone wantes them to be? It means that someone calls them pearls! And in the swirls of afternoon dust someone overwrought rushes to God afraid of being late, cries, kisses his sinewy arm, And asks him to light up even one star! And he swears that he can not survive without stars! And after all he looks very worried But for all he seems too quiet. And he says to someone: "After all you are not afraid? Yes?" -- If the stars are shine it means that someone needs them! It means that it is necessary that even one star will shining over the roofs every evening!
Bu metinin Türkçe tercümesini yapabilir misiniz acaba?
If the stars are shine it means that someone needs them -->
Eğer yıldızlar parlıyorsa birinin sana ihtiyacı var demektir.
Gerisini başkası getirsin.. Şu anda biraz işim var.