Form uygulaması açmaya çalıştığımda önce üstteki resimde görünen uyarı çıkıyor.
Daha sonra bu hata ile karşılaşıyorum.
Mvc projesi açmaya çalışırsam da bu hata çıkıyor.
Visual Studio'yu indirerek kurmaya çalıştığımda eksik veya hatalı dosya diyor. Skip diyemediğim için o şekilde yükleyemedim iso dosyasını indirerek kurdum. 3 Kere kaldırıp tekrar yükledim sonuç aynı. İnternette araştırdığım bir çok yöntemide denedim ama fayda etmedi.
Don't try to fix it (you make things worse, you will come to Windows re-install that only to help you ((: ): Don't delete all files in any 2015 visual studio directories. Don't clean up 2015 visual studio windows registry.
Defect description: Visual studio installer, decided without any warning notice, not to install some packages. Just for example "Visual c# 2015 Compiler could not be created" Visual Installer just simply doesn't install into "c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\" the package "vs_RoslynLanguageServices". The reason for example it was installed somewhere, just in another place by product "X". So by "devenv.config.exe" VS2015 will expect it to load from "PrivateAssemblies", but it was not setup there in first place. Just the similar picture for other packages, that unlikely in not part of GAC.
So remedy is simple: 1.From Visual studio logs detects what was skipped. Search all VS installation logs in "temp" by key phrase "has been added to the No operation list"
2. Copy paste the list of skipped packages include GUID.
3.Manualy uninstall them from win registry: Windows\Installer\...Products\ (there is also msi.exe install cmd lines, or just delete registry records if you know how)
4.Run repair VS them again. If still there are missing in packages Check 1 and repeat 2-4.
I think IDE Team should create installation validator, that helps to check these simple things. Just silly simple defect.
Böyle bir yazı buldum ama tam anlayamadım ne demek istediğini yardımcı olabilecek var mı?