Reset System: Reset level = 400 Reset Level VIP = 380 Reset limit = 40 After reset: stat points clear After reset free stat points: SM, ELF, BK, SUM = 1500 points * resets MG, DL, RF = 1600 points * resets Reset reward = 40 Credits Reset cost = 1kk Zen * resets
Grand Reset System: Grand reset from = 40 resets Grand reset limit = 15 After grand reset free stat points: 1200 points * grand resets Grand reset reward: 16 000 Credits Max total stats = 78 000 and 82 000
Item Shop Limits: Maximum excellent options: 3 Maximum socket options: 2 Maximum item level: +12 (upgrade up to +15 only in game) Excellent + Ancient: ON Excellent + Socket: ON Ancient + Harmony: ON
Server and Game Features: Reconnect System - No Disconnects Off Leveling System - Level up offline mode Auto Party System - Party matching Muun System - Get all kind of Muun Pets in game Off-trade System - Trade items being offline Pandora Mining System - Get jewels by mining Monster hp, defense, damage increased - harder level up 380/400 Items work from level 0 - use all items Blood Castle, Devil Square, Doppelganger bonus exp + 30x Get up to 3 Excellent options items in game Chance rates: One = 54%, Two = 45%, Three = 1% Get up to 5 empty sockets in game Get Goblin Points for every 1 hour you spend online in game! Command Offlevel cost only 1kk Zen per 1 hour Get Credits for every 1 hour you spend online in game! Get 15 Wcoins by finishing in Game Events: BC, DS, CC, Crywolf, Nightmare, Doppelganger