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YENI - Faronnia MU Season 3 Episode 1

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    [COLOR=#b22222][I][B]Powered by [SIZE=3]Spirex MU Emulator[/SIZE], [SIZE=3]Liveguard Anticheat[/SIZE], and [SIZE=3]MuOnlineWebs[/SIZE].[/B][/I][/COLOR]
    The team at Faronnia MU has been very busy the last few weeks fixing and re-configuring out MU Online private server.
    [FONT=verdana][B]We are excited to announce that we are re-launching the server tomorrow, Thursday the 1st of November at 19:00 UTC+1 (there is countdown on website - [URL]https://faronnia.com[/url]).[/B][/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana][B]We have changed character reset progression system, we have fixed all lag and fps problems with the MU game client, we have rebalanced classes, added and fixed multi-warehouse system, and have applied and tested many more fixes [COLOR=#0058ff]resolving all reported problems[/COLOR] by our members.[/B][/FONT]
    You can either view the changelog on our Discord server at [URL]https://discord.gg/3gf7yFb[/url] , or you can view server info on our website at [URL]https://faronnia.com/home/server-info[/url]

    [/B][/FONT][COLOR=#ff0000][B][FONT=verdana][B]All characters, items and warehouses have been deleted.[/B][/FONT][/B][/COLOR]
    [FONT=verdana][B][SIZE=4]You now have a chance to start anew with everybody else in the new and improved version of Faronnia MU[/SIZE], and we have added [COLOR=#1012ff][SIZE=5]2000 webcredits[/SIZE][/COLOR] to all existing game accounts.
    [FONT=verdana][B]We also have a new team of GMs, and can say with confidence that this time, we are ready for you, the players. And we hope to make this MU private server something great with you.
    [FONT=verdana][B]If you still have our client version 1.00.00 or 1.00.01, please download the new client from our website at [URL]https://faronnia.com/downloads[/url][/B][/FONT]
    [FONT=verdana][B]Run the Launcher to automatically download and installed the latest patch required to connect and play, and enjoy the game!
    [B][FONT=verdana][B]Thank you, we hope to see you in the world of Faronnia MU

    [B]How to connect and play:[/B]
    1- Download and install our MU client
    2- Use shortcut desktop or Launcher.exe in installation folder to start Game Launcher
    3- Wait for FTP connection to check your client version for updates, and click Game Start button on Launcher.

    [B]If you are having problems running the game, please try to:[/B]
    - Run main.exe or launcher as administrator
    - Run all installers in FixGameCrash folder
    - Add exception to MU, main and liveguard to your antivirus
    - Right click 'Main.exe' in your game folder, select properties, and set to compactibility mode in Windows XP SP3

    The ultimate classic MU Online MMORPG experience, remastered by the masters of the MU Online private server development community. Explore a [B]brand new redesigned version of the MU Online game[/B] here on this new longterm and professional private server. We guarantee to [B]meet your MU nostalgia and provide you with probably the best MU Online server[/B] you have ever played.

    This server has been in development for a long time, [B]and is now finally ready for you![/B]
    Our server features all S3 Ep1 features plus our own original content, such as new events, new items, new boss monsters, and new world zones.

    Our gameserver backend runs on a fully customizable emulator built by our super talented lead programmer Shatter, and we have plans for additional content in the future. Our MU Game Client has also been rebuilt, optimized and features additional game options such as a [B]Widescreen Mode[/B], a controllable [B]3-D Camera[/B], an inbuilt [B]Auto-AFK Bot[/B], and more![B]

    We are passionate fans and longtime players of MU, and have produced our 'perfect' version of this game we love. Hopefully, you will decide to join us, too.

    [U]Our legendary server team includes:[/U]
    [/B][B][B]- [COLOR=#4b0082]Milamber[/COLOR] (head admin/lead designer/owner) [/B][/B][I]previously at Heroia MU[/I][B]
    - [COLOR=#ff0000]Shatter[/COLOR] (lead programmer/developer) - [COLOR=#008000]KarLi[/COLOR] (co-administrator) [/B][I]previously at Ganja MU[/I][B]
    - [COLOR=#40e0d0]-UnicorN-[/COLOR] (co-administrator) [/B][I]previously at LostLand MU[/I][B]
    - [COLOR=#00ff00]Caviar[/COLOR] (team leader) [/B][I]previously at Lockdown MU[/I][B]
    - [COLOR=#0000ff]TakMarche[/COLOR] (head game master) [/B][I]previously at Dream MU

    [/I][FONT=franklin gothic medium][B][COLOR=#0000cd][SIZE=5]JOIN US ON DISCORD[/SIZE][/COLOR]

    [/B][/FONT][FONT=franklin gothic medium][B][COLOR=#0000cd][SIZE=5]OFFICIAL VIDEO[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/FONT]

    [FONT=franklin gothic medium]

    [SIZE=4][B]FARONNIA MYTH MU - [COLOR=#0000ff]Season 3 Episode 1 Modified[/COLOR] - [COLOR=#008000]Made by MU fans, for MU fans.[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT]

    1. Any hacking or cheating will result in a permanent account ban.

    2. Keep your password safe do not share it with anyone!!

    3. PK and KS is ALLOWED on this player-driven open PvP server. Deal with it noobs! ^_^

    4. Advertising of any sort is NOT PERMITTED and will result in a permanent account ban.

    5. Members of the game who are caught by GMs to be using vulgar language and harassing other players will receive 1 warning before having the case escalated, and reviewed by us, which could result in a temporary or in worst cases a permament ban from the gameserver.

    [B]Exp Rate : 30x[/B] / [COLOR=#daa520][B]GOLD Membership Exp Rate : 50x[/B][/COLOR]
    [B]Item Drop : 50%[/B] / [COLOR=#daa520][B]GOLD Membership Item Drop : 65%[/B][/COLOR]
    Max Resets : 20 / Max Grand Resets : 1
    Max Item Level : +13 / Max Item OptionLevel : +28
    Rebalanced character classes for PvP and PvE
    Server location : FRANCE / EUROPE
    Server connection : INTERNATIONAL
    Server type : Open PvP
    Castle Siege : Every 20 Days
    Guild Create Level : 300
    Character Stats Limit : 15,000
    Item Exc.Options Limit : 2
    Ancient Items + Jewel of Harmony : YES
    Ancient Items + Exc.Options : YES
    Multiple Warehouses : YES
    Inventory/Vault Max Zen : 2,000,000,000
    NPC Guard clear PK Status : YES
    Clear PK Status multiplied cost per kill: 5,000,000 zen
    PK Time per kill : 1 Hour
    PK Item Drop chance : 2%

    Jewel of Soul success rate : 60%
    Jewel of Soul +Luck success rate : 85%
    Jewel of Life success rate : 70%
    Item+10 Enhance success rate : 70%
    Item+11 Enhance success rate : 60%
    Item+12 Enhance success rate : 50%
    Item+13 Enhance success rate : 40%
    Fenrir Level1 Creation success rate : 70%
    Fenrir Level2 Creation success rate : 50%
    Fenrir Level3 Creation success rate : 30%
    Purity success rate : 80%
    Purity cost : 15,000,000 zen
    Smelting cost : 5,000,000 zen
    Item Strengthen success rate : 80%


    1. Blood Castle (every 2 Hours)
    2. Devil Square (every 2 Hours)
    3. Chaos Castle (every 2 Hours)
    4. Illusion Temple (every 4 Hours)
    5. Loren Deep (every 8 Hours)
    6. Crywolf Fortress (every 10 Hours)
    7. White Wizard (every 2 Hours)
    8. Red Dragon Invasion (every 4 Hours)
    9. Golden Monsters Invasion (every 4 Hours)
    10. Kalima KUNDUN BOSS (every 6 Hours)
    11. Kanturu Relics Boss
    [B]/offtrade[/B] - Logout of game but character stay ingame with personal shop on.
    [B]/post[/B] - Global chat command
    [B]/str /agi /vit /ene[/B] - Add stats ingame
    [B]/ware 0 , /ware 1 , /ware 2[/B] etc. - Change warehouse/vault storage
    [B]F9[/B] - Activate 3-D camera if enabled in Config.ini file
    [B]F10[/B] - Open ingame MuHelper BOT Menu
    Requires character re-log : YES
    Add stats commands : /str , /agi , /vit , /ene , /cmd
    Minimum character level requirement : 6
    Reset Stats: YES
    Reset Quests: NO
    Reset Inventory: NO
    Reset Personal Shop: NO
    Reset character level requirement : 400
    Reset cost : 50,000,000 zen
    Multiplied Bonus StatPoints per reset : 500
    Maximum resets : 20
    Maximum grand resets : 1
    Grand Reset requirement : 20 resets
    KUNDUN (Kalima, Arena/Stadium, spawns every 3 Hours)
    HYDRA (Atlans)
    METAL BALROG (LostTower)
    DEATH VIM KNIGHT (Tarkan, HellFortress)
    DARK PHOENIX (Icarus, Arena/Stadium)
    CURSED KING (Dungeon, Arena/Stadium)
    EROHIM (Arena/Stadium, LandOfTrials)
    HELL MAINE (Aida, HellFortress)
    MUTANT HERO (Tarkan, Arena/Stadium)
    AXE WARRIOR HERO (Arena/Stadium)
    GIGAS GOLEM (Arena/Stadium)
    OMEGA WING (Icarus, Arena/Stadium)
    WEREWOLF HERO (Crywolf)

    [FONT=franklin gothic medium][SIZE=7][B]SCREENSHOTS[/B][/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=franklin gothic medium][SIZE=7][B]OPTIONAL FEMALE SKINS[/B][/SIZE][/FONT]



    [SIZE=4][I][B]Thank you for checking out the server, hope you decide to try it out![/B][/I][/SIZE]

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