Rtx 3060 masaüstünde 12gb vrame sahip. Laptoplarda 6gb'a mı düşüyormuş ilginç.6gb günümüz için yeterli olsa da neslin sonuna kadar götüreceğini sanmıyorum. Özellikle oyunlar sadece yeni nesil konsollara çıkmaya başladığında pcde vram ihtiyacı daha da artacaktır. |
Yeni Nesil Grafikler | PC vs PS vs XBOX vs SWITCH (123. sayfa)
Hocam medium high ayarlarda oynatsın yeter. Dediğim gibi çok yüksek gereksinimli oyunları zaten ps5de oynayacağım ancak pcde yeni oyunları açamamak üzer. 1080pde medium-high arası bir yerlerde açabileceğimi düşünüyorum. Siz ne düşünüyorsunuz medium ayarlarda falan da açamaz hale gelinir? Gerçi hedefim zaten 3 4 sene maks götürmesi laptopun. Konsol gibi uzun süreli bir oyun performansı beklemiyorum
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Medium-high arası nesil sonuna kadar götürmesi lazım. Hatta dokuları mediuma alıp ultra bile oynanabilir akıcı olarak.
Aslında yüksek gereksinimli oyunların da bazıları 3060M'de PS5'ten iyi çalışıyor (RT performansı ve DLSS'ten dolayı). Cyberpunk gibi konsol optimizasyonu eksik oyunlarda ciddi fark da atabilir.
3060'ın mobil sürümü masaüstü olandan çok farklı değil. Notebook'un modeline bağlı olarak, Max-P olanları masaüstü 3060 performansına bile ulaşır. Zira mobil 3060'ın SP sayısı daha fazla (3840 vs 3584).
Tabi UE5'li next-gen oyunlar yaygınlaşınca 6 GB Ram patlayacak, ama doku çözünürlüğünü kısarak bir süre daha idare edebilir.
< Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Castle Bravo -- 10 Şubat 2023; 2:38:19 >
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Uzun zamandir foruma girmiyordum, bu konuyu gorunce bi duygulanmadim degil
Grafik karsilastirmalari PS3/Xbox 360 doneminde cok keyifliydi, Cell/RSX vs Xenon/Xenos vs... heygidi... Trollerin atismasi bile ayri keyifliydi.
Yas ilerledigi icin mi nedir artik Digital Foundry videolarina bile 3-5 dk bakip hizlica ileri sarip geciyorum. PS5 ve Xbox Series X konsollarim olmasina ragmen bu aralar daha cok PS3 ile vakit gecirirken buldum kendimi. PS3'u mClassic diye bir 1440p upscaler cihaz ile 27" ve 32" 1440p monitorlerde deniyorum. Her frame icin anti-aliasing uygulayip 1440p'ye upscale ederek gonderiyor sinyali. Framerate haric grafikler sasirtici sekilde hala tatmin edici. Nam-i diger supercomputer islemcisi Cell Broadband Engine fena is cikarmamis zamaninda
Xbox One ve Series X'in geriye uyumlulugu sagolsun 360 yillardir kutusundan cikmiyor bile...
PS4 ve Xbox One donemi yine dikkate deger farklar vardi ama PS5 ve Xbox Series X hemen hemen ayni cihaz oldugu icin mi yoksa artik her cihazin performansi iyi kotu bir sekilde kullaniciyi tatmin ettigi icin mi nedir karsilastirmalarinin eski tadi kalmadi sanki, PS4 Pro ve Xbox One X de dahil buna. Yeni oyunlar bir sekilde tatmin ediyor kullaniciyi. Sahsen tek istedigim sey artik su 30 FPS modlarinin komple kalkip 60 FPS'in endustride standart hale gelmesi, ray tracing/global illumunation vb yeni teknolojilerin default aktif/acik olmasi ve ayri bir option olarak sunulmamasi, DLSS vb. teknolojilerin konsollara gelmesi (60 FPS standart olursa gelmese de olur). Sonra tamamiz :-)
< Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Fatz -- 27 Ocak 2023; 20:53:30 >
Xbox Series S: Dynamic 1440p with VRS | RT OFF Xbox Series X - Quality Mode: 1440p/30fps with VRS | RT ON - Performance Mode: Dynamic 2048x1080p with VRS | RT OFF PS5 - Quality Mode: 1440p/30fps with VRS | RT ON - Performance Mode: Dynamic 2048x1080p with VRS | RT OFF PC: Max. Settings | i9 12900K | 32GB DDR5 | RTX 4080/4070Ti/3080/3070Ti/3060Ti/3050 Buy games at Instant-Gaming for all platforms with discounts! https://www.instant-gaming.com/es/?igr=analistadebits Win a game a month with my Instant-Gaming contest. To participate, all you have to do is choose any game in Stock from their website: https://www.instant-gaming.com/es/giveaway/ANALISTABITS - Quality mode improves volumetric lighting, ambient occlusion, shadows and some post-processing effects on PS5/XSX. However, these changes are hardly noticeable. - PC features better textures, anisotropic filtering, shadows and volumetric effects. In any case, the consoles are equivalent to the high PC settings. - PC Ray-Tracing and PS5/XSX quality modes add a more accurate ambient occlusion of certain elements. Reflections and shadows do not have Ray-Tracing in any version. - Xbox Series S does not have Ray-Tracing and has some cutbacks in lighting, textures and shadows. - PS5 has a more aggressive VRS, causing more noticeable artifacts compared to Xbox Series X (minute 2:33). - Dead Space Remake has one of the best lighting and sound systems I've ever seen. The fact that there is virtually no baked lighting is impressive (and tremendously demanding). - PS5 has slightly slower load times relative to Xbox Series, though monorail rides last just as long. - Overall, it's a solid job on all platforms, but Motive's decisions around lighting among other post-processing effects I believe are to blame for the lower resolution on consoles.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKzcirpCAUg&ab_channel=ElAnalistaDeBits -
Benim durumu özetlemişsin hocam. Bu aralar Reddit'ten habire LG C2 42 + RTX 4090'lı sistem paylaşımları geliyor, ama zerre merak ve ilgi duymuyorum. Kasa ve masaların ışıklandırmasına bakıp güzelmiş deyip geçiyorum
Son dönemde masaüstü PC'yi de açtığım yok. RTX 3070 Ti'a rağmen, oyun oynayacaksam PS5'te oynuyorum. İlgisizliğimden dolayı işlemci ve anakart da antika kaldı. Yakında 3070 Ti'ı satıp sistemin geri kalanını rafa kaldıracağım. Tabi konsolların RT için 30 FPS'ye düşmesi biraz can sıkıyor, ama FSR'nin daha iyi kullanımıyla 40 FPS standart olursa idare ederiz. En azından ara nesillere kadar götürür.
PS3 - Xbox 360 dönemi dediğin gibi inanılmazdı. Nostalji için, Ekşi'de onlarla ilgili yazdığım iki entry'yi paylaşayım:
Forumda Ekşi link'i paylaşmak çok uygun değil, ama entry'leri foruma kopyalamak alakasız kaçıyor.
PS3 - X360 gibi bir olayın bir daha yaşanması mümkün değil
2000'li yıllardaki GPU ve Pixel Shader dönemi de çok iyiydi. Bazen yılda 2 kere ekran kartı değiştirmek fark yaratıyordu. Mesela 2006 yılındaki Oblivion'ı, aynı yıl çıkan X1950 XTX ve 8800 GTX'le oynamak çok farklı deneyimlerdi. (7900 GTX'e değinmiyorum
Veya 2002'de GF4 Ti 4600'den Radeon 9700 Pro'ya geçmek, UT2003'ü AA ve AF açıkken yüksek FPS'yle oynamayı sağlamıştı.
< Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Castle Bravo -- 29 Ocak 2023; 20:34:59 >
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Seyahatte olduğum için yeni yazabildim.
PoP üçlemesi çok iyiydi hocam. O yılların pixel shader efektleri ve abartılı bloom kullanımı da hoşuma gidiyordu. Masalsı atmosfere katkı sağlıyordu.
Günümüzde bazı oyunlarda, özellikle bazı remaster ve remake'lerde, gereksiz bir gerçekçilik kasıp atmosferi bozuyorlar.
Mesela Dark Souls Remaster'ın orijinalinden kötü olmasında, teknik aksaklıkların yanında bu gerçekçilik olayının da etkisi vardı. Yeni motorun dinamik aralığı daha yüksekti, ama bu durum oyunun atmosferine zarar veriyordu
Görsel tasarımı eski motora göre yapılmış bir oyunu sadece yeni motora güncelleyip bırakınca sorunlar çıkıyor.
Birkaç yıl önce şöyle bir kıyaslama videosu yüklemiştim:
Dark Souls: PTDE & PC Remastered & PS4 Pro Remastered Graphics Comparison - 35 Scenes Remastered version's graphics are mostly worse than the PTDE. While there are some new effects in Remaster, many HDR - bloom effects and armor reflections are missing, which define the atmosphere of the game. PS4 Pro version is even worse than the PC Remaster (some lighting effects and ambient occlusion are missing). Also, the bonfire in PTDE looks more magical than in the Remastered. PS4 Pro screenshots in some scenes are missing. But in those scenes, the PS4 Pro and the PC version can be said to be the same. ------------------------ PTDE and original PS360 version's graphics were almost the same. The only difference is the resolution, SMAA and ambient occlusion (DSFix). My Dsfix settings: renderWidth 3840 renderHeight 2160 aaQuality 4 aaType SMAA ssaoStrength 2 ssaoScale 1 ssaoType VSSAO dofOverrideResolution 1080 disableDofScaling 0 dofBlurAmount 1 GPU: RTX 2080S and GTX 980 Ti Ps: I took the PS4 Pro screenshots in JPG with the Share function. Image quality will be lower due to JPG and 1800p render resolution.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vkz2RVY1eFU&feature=youtu.be(Oyunda ilerlemediyseniz, mekanlara dair spoiler var.)
Sands of Time Remake'in de orijinaldeki atmosferi veremeyeceğine eminim. Zaten süresiz olarak ertelendi. Ne zaman çıkacağı belli değil.
Nvidia dediğin gibi eski zamanlarda da çakallık yapıyordu. DirectX desteği olarak Geforce 256'dan farkı olmayan, ama vertex shader emülasyonuyla Dx8 uyumlu diye pazarlanan GeForce 4 MX serisi, PoP Sands of Time'ı açmıyordu. 3D Analyzer diye bir yazılımla pixel shader efektleri olmadan çalıştırabiliyordu falan. Kartlar ismen GeForce 4 olsa da, gerek teknoloji gerek performans olarak GeForce 3'ten geriydi. Buna rağmen çok satılınca, MX 4000 isminde bir devam serisi çıkarmışlardı
2002-2003 yılı ATi'ın en iyi dönemi olmasına rağmen, o zaman bile en çok kar eden firma, MX serisi ve FX 5200 sayesinde Nvidia'dır.
O yıllar hakikaten kaliteli ve bir o kadar komedi zamanlardı. Mesela bazı kartların iş hatları açılıyordu. İlk olarak Radeon 9500'de yapılmıştı. Donanımsal olarak 256 bit veriyolu olduğu için, iş hattı 4'ten 8'e çıkınca neredeyse 9700 Pro'ya dönüşüyordu. Ama 8 iş hatlı 9500 Pro, 128 bit veriyolu kullandığı için 9700 Pro'ya dönüşemiyordu
GF 6200, 6800 ve X800 serisinde de bu olay vardı. İlerleyen dönemde, firmalar X800 GTO ve GTO2 serisiyle bunu kendileri yapmaya başlamıştı. GTO2'ye dönüşen GTO'lar falan vardı
Overclock'la neredeyse X850 XT PE performansı veriyorlardı.
Hatırlarsın, DH'den önce Trgamer'da yazıyorduk. Efsane oyunların çıktığı 2004 yılını o sitede geçirmek güzeldi. Level dergisi de zirvesini görmüştü. Tabi nostalji ve gençlik faktörü var, ama objektif olarak bakıldığında da o zamanlar hakikaten farklıydı. 1996'dan itibaren, 8 yıllık bir süreçte, grafiklerin piksel piksel olduğu bir dönemden, foto realistik görsellerin alındığı Shader Model 3.0 dönemine gelindi. Ekşi'deki şu entry'mde de değinmiştim: https://eksisozluk.com/entry/112736580
Şu kanalda da güzel videolar var:
Bir daha o dönem gibisi gelmez. Gelecekte VR olayı yaygınlaşırsa, artan donanım ihtiyacı sayesinde bir hareketlilik yaşanabilir, ama Geforce Now gibi sistemlere geçileceği için aynı tadı vereceğini sanmıyorum.
Edit: PS3 Fat kasa da efsaneydi. Özellikle 60 GB ve ilk nesil 80 GB olanları güzeldi. Parlak "Playstation 3" yazısı, kart okuyucu, içinde PS2 CPU ve GPU'sunu barındırması falan. PS3'le Slim kasada tanıştığım için Fat kullanamamıştım.
< Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Castle Bravo -- 10 Şubat 2023; 13:14:16 >
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Buy games at Instant-Gaming for all platforms with discounts! https://www.instant-gaming.com/es/?igr=analistadebits Win a game a month with my Instant-Gaming contest. To participate, all you have to do is choose any game in Stock from their website: https://www.instant-gaming.com/es/giveaway/ANALISTABITS - PS5 and Xbox X Series have 5 display modes. The quality snot displays settings similar to High/Ultra on PC with an average resolution of 1800p at 30fps without ray-tracing. - Ray-tracing mode is applied on shadows and reflections (except water), shadows and ambient occlusion in a hybrid way with conventional lighting.. However, RT by generates too much noise on some surfaces on consoles and PC. - Ray-Tracing mode decreases drawing distance and texture quality on PS5 and Xbox Series X. - Xbox Series S does not have Ray-Tracing. In this version we can choose between 3 display modes that prioritize graphic quality, framerate or balanced (the latter only with 120Hz screens). - Shorter loading times on PS5. - Shadows in Quality (Fidelity) mode have a higher resolution on PS5 compared to Xbox Series X. - We can unlock the framerate on consoles (except Xbox Series S). - PS5 shows better performance in Ray-Tracing mode, but Xbox Series X framerate is higher in all other modes. - Quality mode increases texture quality, draw distance, shadows, vegetation and lighting on consoles. - All versions have stuttering problems inside the castle while advancing through the rooms. There will even be times when we get stuck in a doorway until the other room has finished loading. - Xbox Series S has a lower NPC density. - Balanced and Performance HFR modes can only be enabled on 120Hz compatible displays. - On PC, Ray-Tracing is too demanding for what it delivers. This is another case of a game whose traditional lighting system is the clear basis of development and Ray-Tracing is a superfluous improvement. - In the absence of some patches to correct the annoying stuttering, Hogwarts Legacy does a good job on all platforms and any version is enjoyable.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cKmXJBBXvc&ab_channel=ElAnalistaDeBits -
Buy games at Instant-Gaming for all platforms with discounts! https://www.instant-gaming.com/es/?igr=analistadebits Win a game a month with my Instant-Gaming contest. To participate, all you have to do is choose any game in Stock from their website: https://www.instant-gaming.com/es/giveaway/ANALISTABITS - PS5: 2560x1440p/60fps* (reconstructed from 1080p) - Steam Deck: Low Settings | 1280x800p with FSR - PC: Max. Settings | RT ON | 3840x2160p | i9 12900K | 16GB DDR4 / 32GB DDR5 | RTX 4080 / 4070Ti / 3080 /3070Ti / 3060Ti / 3050 - Returnal on PC receives numerous visual improvements over PS5. - On PC, we get better textures, particles, post-processing effects, lighting and shadows. - After testing the title with 16GB DDR4 (Housemarque recommends 32GB), the result is satisfactory. I would only recommend those 32GB of ram if we intend to play at maximum, 4K and Ray-Tracing. - The PC version adds Ray-Tracing for some shadows and reflections. This option also adds extra puddles that are not present if we disable RT. - On Steam Deck its performance is insufficient. With all settings on low, the framerate drops below 30fps during combat. I would not recommend playing it on this platform. - If using a Gamepad, this game is perfect for advanced controllers like the Xbox Elite Controller. - Returnal is the game with more differences and visual improvements of all Playstation Studios games on PC with respect to PS5. A great title that no one should miss if you like Roguelite.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=temntOfITRQ&ab_channel=ElAnalistaDeBits -
Şu da güzel bir video:
Buy games at Instant-Gaming for all platforms with discounts! https://www.instant-gaming.com/es/?igr=analistadebits Win a game a month with my Instant-Gaming contest. To participate, all you have to do is choose any game in Stock from their website: https://www.instant-gaming.com/es/giveaway/ANALISTABITS Compra juegos con grandes descuentos en Instant-Gaming: https://www.instant-gaming.com/?igr=analistadebits Gana un juego al mes con mi concurso de Instant-Gaming. Para participar, sólo debes elegir cualquier juego en Stock de su página web: https://www.instant-gaming.com/es/giveaway/ANALISTABITShttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9P7ckANm_Lo&feature=youtu.beHarry Potter'ın 2001'deki ilk oyununu bitirmiştim. Zamanına göre yenilikçiydi. Mouse'la simgeleri çizerek büyü yapmak falan güzeldi.
< Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Castle Bravo -- 17 Şubat 2023; 5:10:37 >
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PS4: 1080p/30fps PS4 Pro: Dynamic 2160p/30fps (common 1728p) PS5: Dynamic 2160p/60fps (common 2160p interiors & 1800p~1620p outdoors) - All versions have a single display mode. - In certain occasions the framerate is blocked at 30fps during the cinematics in PS5. - Better shadow filtering on PS4/PS4 Pro compared to PS5. - Loading times 4 times faster on PS5. - PS4/PS4 Pro have less npcs and vegetation. Wind-generated vegetation animation has also been reduced (or omitted). - Superior texture quality on PS5. Some materials have added tessellation. Geometry of most assets is higher on PS5. - Draw distance is slightly longer on PS5. - PS4/PS4 Pro omit some SSR reflections, but retain planar reflections and cubemaps. - All versions suffer from some framerate issues with enemy animations. It contrasts negatively with the fluidity of the PS5 version. - The streetlights in the PS5 version are poorly oriented. A careless and funny bug. - Better interior lighting, ambient occlusion, better post-processing effects and particles on PS5.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5kJlMaXinQ&ab_channel=ElAnalistaDeBits -
Xbox Series S: Dynamic 1080p/60fps (common 1080p interiors & 900p outdoors) Xbox Series X: Dynamic 2160p/60fps (common 2160p interiors & 1800p~1620p outdoors) PS5: Dynamic 2160p/60fps (common 2160p interiors & 1800p~1620p outdoors) PC: Max. Settings | 2160p | RTX 4080/3080/3070Ti/3060Ti/3050 - Xbox X Series and PS5 apply the same dynamic resolution ranges. Between 1620p~1800p for open environments and 2160p for interiors. - PC has longer draw distance, shadow quality, textures, anisotropic filtering, post-processing effects and vegetation density. - The PC version has some problems with certain SSR reflections. - I consider that the Xbox Series S version is not properly optimized. Some more dedication to this version would have given better results as it fails to maintain a stable 60fps outdoors. - The streetlights in the PS5 and PC versions are poorly oriented. A careless and funny bug. - On certain occasions the framerate crashes at 30fps during cinematics on consoles. - Faster loading times on PC, followed by PS5. - All versions suffer some framerate issues with enemy animations. - Ray-Tracing is exclusive to PC, but is not yet available. It is expected to arrive in the next few days. You will have a dedicated video about it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyCT8ntxjU8&ab_channel=ElAnalistaDeBits -
mClassic ürününü nerden aldınız ? hdmi dönüştürücü ve hdmi kablo olanını gördüm sitesinde hangisini almak lazım ps3 için ?
Digital Foundryyoutube
The Yakuza franchise has evolved - not just in terms of its name but also its key technology. The bespoke Dragon engine powering the series has been replaced by Unreal Engine 4 - but the first title to see the change is actually based on an old Japan-only series entry first seen on PS3. So how does the game play out on all systems? Oliver Mackenzie investigates. Join the DF Supporter Program for pristine video downloads, behind the scenes content, early access to DF Retro, early access to DF Direct Weekly and much, much more: https://bit.ly/3jEGjvx Subscribe for more Digital Foundry: http://bit.ly/DFSubscribe Want some DF-branded tee-shirts, mugs, hoodies or pullovers? Check out our store: https://bit.ly/2BqRTt0 00:00 Overview 00:46 Graphics and visual features 06:27 Image quality and performance 09:44 PC version rundown 12:44 Analysis and conclusionhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxQY0lR8ZyE&ab_channel=DigitalFoundry -
Buy games at Instant-Gaming for all platforms with discounts! https://www.instant-gaming.com/es/?igr=analistadebits Win a game a month with my Instant-Gaming contest. To participate, all you have to do is choose any game in Stock from their website: https://www.instant-gaming.com/es/giveaway/ANALISTABITS PS4: 900p/~45fps PS4 Pro: Resolution Mode: 2160p/~30fps Performance Mode: Dynamic 1080p/~60fps PS5: Resolution Mode: 2160p/~60fps Performance Mode: Dynamic 2160p/60fps - All versions use the same temporal reconstruction technique for resolution that we saw in RE Village. PS5 runs at an average of 1872p in performance mode. - The PS5 version has an advantage in almost all graphical settings. Animations, textures, LOD, lighting, shadows, post-processing effects... Although the oldgen version maintains an acceptable visual quality. - PS5 Resolution mode activates Ray-Tracing by default, but we can enable/disable it even if we choose Resolution or Performance mode. - Ray-Tracing improves the overall lighting of specific areas and reflections as we saw in Resident Evil Village. Its use is quite anecdotal. - On PS5 it is possible to activate a graphics option that improves the physics of Leon's hair and other characters/animals. However, this option causes integration problems with the lighting in certain areas. I recommend not activating this enhancement for now. - PS4/PS4 Pro remove the shadow casting of some elements and light points (especially indoor lamps). - The oldgen versions present some problems in texture loading. - Loading times are 5 times faster on PS5. - General audio uses quite aggressive compression on PS4/PS4 Pro. - The PS5 version supports VRR, although it does not exceed 60fps in any mode.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIukKhSSCzg&ab_channel=ElAnalistaDeBits -
Xbox Series S: - Resolution Mode: 1440p/~40fps - Performance Mode: 1080p/60fps Xbox Series X: - Resolution Mode: 2160p/~60fps - Performance Mode: Dynamic 2160p/60fps PS5: - Resolution Mode: 2160p/~60fps - Performance Mode: Dynamic 2160p/60fps PC: 2160p Max. Settings | RTX 4080 | i9 12900K | 32gb DDR5 Buy games at Instant-Gaming for all platforms with discounts! https://www.instant-gaming.com/es/?igr=analistadebits Win a game a month with my Instant-Gaming contest. To participate, all you have to do is choose any game in Stock from their website: https://www.instant-gaming.com/es/giveaway/ANALISTABITS - All versions use the same temporal reconstruction technique for resolution that we saw in RE Village. - PS5 and Xbox Series X use dynamic resolution for performance mode. PS5's average resolution is slightly higher in this mode in the areas tested, although nothing remarkable (PS5: 1872p | XSX: 1836p). - Resolution mode enables Ray-Tracing on PS5/XSX by default, but we can enable/disable it in any display mode. - Xbox Series S does not have Ray-Tracing. It is also not possible to enable enhanced hair. It also suffers from some cutbacks in texturing, LOD and shadows. - Ray-Tracing improves the overall lighting of specific areas and reflections as we saw in Resident Evil Village. Its use is quite anecdotal. - On PS5/XSX/PC it is possible to activate a graphics option that improves the physics of Leon's hair and other characters/animals. However, this option causes integration problems with the lighting in the console versions. - PS5 has a performance advantage over XSX, with an average of 5/10fps over. In any case, I recommend in all versions the performance mode without RT, which maintains a stable 60fps. - You will have the full performance of the PC version with the final version of the game.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrCX_oBtpU8&ab_channel=ElAnalistaDeBits -
Zero Benchmarksyoutube
We are comparing Diablo 4 Open Beta's Xbox Series S / X and Xbox One S / X versions. Series S and X versions are better than the last-gen versions of the game and the Series X version is superior to all. Join us for more specialized content like longer versions of this video: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiIg7hl3jj3_2MD9gubsqig/join 00:00 Resolution 00:35 Models 02:15 Models & Textures 04:05 FPS TEST 05:05 Shadows 05:55 Models 07:15 FPS TEST Music Credits: https://youtu.be/T_mEZY0zcUwhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnEHonJDvKc&ab_channel=ZeroBenchmarks
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