All Classes can now reach Level 55! New Operation: Scum and Villainy! Scum and Villainy is a new Operation which takes place on the seedy Outer Rim world of Darvannis, where mysterious forces are gathering an army of warlords and mercenaries. This Operation is available at level 55 in four difficulty modes, and it contains seven boss lockouts. It can be accessed from the Ziost Shadow or the Gav Daragon on the Imperial and Republic Fleets. New Feature: Achievements! The Legacy System has expanded to include Legacy Achievements, which recognize important accomplishments and milestones across all characters in your Legacy. Hard Mode is now available for the following Flashpoints Athiss Cademimu Hammer Station Mandalorian Raiders New Feature: Priority Mission Terminal! The Daily Mission Terminal on the Fleet has been replaced by the Priority Mission Terminal. The Priority Mission Terminal provides daily, weekly, and introductory missions for high-priority activities such as Flashpoints, Group Finder, Warzones, and other repeatable content. Cartel Market The Cartel Market is disabled for this phase of testing. Classes and Combat General All Classes can now reach Level 55! All Class Skill Trees have been adjusted significantly, and all player Skill Points have been refunded. Individual skill changes are not listed in the specific Class sections below. Changes to active abilities are listed in the Class sections below. For details on individual skill changes, refer to your Class Skill Tree tooltips. Alacrity has been redesigned to be a more universally useful stat. Now Alacrity reduces the activation time of all abilities, including instant abilities. If such an ability is reduced below the global cooldown, the global cooldown is reduced as well. Alacrity now also increases resource regeneration for all classes by the same amount that it increases ability activation speed. Removed diminishing returns from Expertise such that each point of Expertise will now grant a consistent percentage of bonus until the hard cap is reached. Hard Caps are as follows PvP Damage Boost – 60% PvP Healing Boost – 35% PvP Damage Reduction – 37.5% Stat bonuses from skills that are smaller than 10% will now show up correctly in the Character Sheet tooltips. Abilities whose cooldowns are not a whole number will now list their cooldown to the nearest decimal place. (i.e 16.5). Abilities whose cooldowns are a whole number will not be affected (i.e 17 will read 17 and not 17.0) The global cooldown will now reset and trigger appropriately when an ability with a cast time becomes an instant due to another ability or skill’s effect. Moving the same moment a stance, cell, ammo, or charge cast finishes will no longer deactivate the effect of the stance, cell, ammo, or charge. Jedi Knight New Ability Highlights Sentinel: A new ability, Twin Saber Throw, has been added. Twin Saber Throw throws both Lightsabers at a target up to 30 meters away, striking everything within its path and slows the movement speed of affected targets by 50% for 6 seconds. This ability is trainable at level 51. Guardian: A new ability, Saber Reflect, has been added. Saber Reflect reflects all direct, single target ranged, Force, and Tech damage back to the attacker for 3 seconds. This ability is trainable at level 51. Guardian: A new passive ability, Visionary, has been added. Visionary builds 1 Focus when attacked. This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds. General Pommel Strike has been removed from the game. Opportune Strike has been removed from the game. Sentinel A new ability, Twin Saber Throw, has been added. Twin Saber Throw throws both Lightsabers at a target up to 30 meters away, striking everything within its path and slows the movement speed of affected targets by 50% for 6 seconds. This ability is trainable at level 51. Zen (Ataru Form) has been redesigned. Now, while Ataru Form is active, using Zen grants 30% Alacrity, and each attack consumes 1 charge. Rebuke no longer triggers from damage over time. Focus (Sentinel) Force Exhaustion now slows targets from 50% (down from 60%) to 5% movement speed and deals damage over 3 seconds. Focused Resonance now affects all types of damage. Guardian A new ability, Saber Reflect, has been added. Saber Reflect reflects all direct, single target ranged, Force, and Tech damage back to the attacker for 3 seconds. This ability is trainable at level 51. A new passive ability, Visionary, has been added. Visionary builds 1 Focus when attacked. This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds. Guard: Crowd control effects that break on damage will no longer break from damage redirected through Guard. For example, a blinded guarder will no longer be broken out of the blind from damage dealt to a guarded target within guard range. Guard: Effects that are triggered through dealing damage which affect a target who is guarded will no longer also affect the guarder. Sundering Strike has been redesigned. This ability now has a 15-second cooldown, applies 20% armor reduction for 45 seconds, and builds 5 Focus. The armor reduction it applies no longer stacks. Soresu Form no longer generates Focus when attacked. Vigilance Shien Form no longer generates Focus when attacked. Plasma Brand now has a 12-second cooldown and deals slightly more damage and no longer requires an armor reduction effect to be present. Defense Guardian Slash has been redesigned. This ability now deals high damage to the target, and if the target is affected by armor reduction this attack will strike up to 4 additional nearby enemies. Using Guardian Slash enables Riposte and increases all damage reduction by 3% for 20 seconds. Focus (Guardian) Force Exhaustion now slows targets from 50% (down from 60%) to 5% movement speed and deals damage over 3 seconds. Focused Resonance now affects all types of damage. Sith Warrior New Ability Highlights Marauder: A new ability, Dual Saber Throw has been added. Dual Saber throw throws both Lightsabers at a target up to 30 meters away, striking everything within its path and slows the movement speed of affected targets by 50% for 6 seconds. This ability is trainable at level 51. Juggernaut: A new ability, Saber Reflect, has been added. Saber Reflect reflects all direct, single target ranged, Force, and Tech damage back to the attacker, lasts 3 seconds, and is trainable at level 51. Juggernaut: A new passive ability, Endless Rage, has been added. Endless Rage builds 1 Rage when attacked. This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds. General Pommel Strike has been removed from the game. Savage Kick has been removed from the game. Marauder A new ability, Dual Saber Throw has been added. Dual Saber throw throws both Lightsabers at a target up to 30 meters away, striking everything within its path and slows the movement speed of affected targets by 50% for 6 seconds. This ability is trainable at level 51. Berserk (Ataru Form) has been redesigned. Now, while Ataru Form is active, Berserk grants 30% Alacrity, and each attack consumes 1 charge. Cloak of Pain no longer triggers from damage over time. Rage (Marauder) Force Crush now slows targets from 50% (down from 60%) to 5% movement speed and deals damage over 3 seconds. Dark Resonance now affects all types of damage. Juggernaut A new ability, Saber Reflect, has been added. Saber Reflect reflects all direct, single target ranged, Force, and Tech damage back to the attacker, lasts 3 seconds, and is trainable at level 51. A new passive ability, Endless Rage, has been added. Endless Rage builds 1 Rage when attacked. This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds. Guard: Crowd control effects that break on damage will no longer break from damage redirected through Guard. For example, a blinded guarder will no longer be broken out of the blind from damage dealt to a guarded target within guard range. Guard: Effects that are triggered through dealing damage which affect a target who is guarded will no longer also affect the guarder. Sundering Assault has been redesigned. This ability now has a 15-second cooldown, applies 20% armor reduction for 45 seconds, and builds 5 Rage. The armor reduction it applies no longer stacks Soresu Form no longer generates rage when attacked. Vengeance Shien Form no longer generates Rage when attacked. Shatter now has a 12-second cooldown and deals slightly more damage and no longer requires an armor reduction effect to be present. Immortal Crushing Blow has been redesigned. This ability deals high damage to the target, and if the target is affected by armor reduction this attack will strike up to 4 additional nearby enemies. Using Crushing Blow enables Retaliation and increases all damage reduction by 3% for 20 seconds. Rage (Juggernaut) Force Crush now slows targets from 50% to 5% movement speed and deals damage over 3 seconds. Focused Resonance now affects all types of damage. Jedi Consular New Ability Highlights Sage: A new ability, Force Barrier, has been added. Force Barrier projects a barrier around the Sage, providing immunity to all damage and effects while channeled (up to 10 seconds). Force Barrier is trainable at level 51. Shadow: A new ability, Phase Walk, has been added. Phase Walk allows the Shadow to place a mark that can be instantly returned to at a later time, after which Phase Walk goes on cooldown. This ability is usable in stealth mode and trainable at level 51. General Tumult has been removed from the game. Sage A new ability, Force Barrier, has been added. Force Barrier projects a barrier around the Sage, providing immunity to all damage and effects while channeled (up to 10 seconds). Force Barrier is trainable at level 51. Benevolence now costs 70 Force and heals for significantly more. Weaken Mind now costs 30 Force (down from 35), lasts 18 seconds, and the damage has been slightly increased. Force Armor no longer has a cooldown. Mental Alacrity is now trainable for all Sages at level 28. Benevolence now costs 70 Force and heals for significantly more. Disturbance now costs 40 Force (up from 30) and deals proportionately more damage Seer Healing Trance now heals for slightly more. Telekinetics Telekinetic Wave now costs 60 Force (up from 50) and deals proportionately more damage. Turbulence now costs 50 Force (up from 45) and deals proportionately more damage. Mental Alacrity is no longer in the Telekinetics tree. This ability is now available to all Sages. Balance (Sage) Sever Force’s damage has been slightly increased. Shadow A new ability, Phase Walk, has been added. Phase Walk allows the Shadow to place a mark that can be instantly returned to at a later time, after which Phase Walk goes on cooldown. This ability is usable in stealth mode and trainable at level 51. Guard: Crowd control effects that break on damage will no longer break from damage redirected through Guard. For example, a blinded guarder will no longer be broken out of the blind from damage dealt to a guarded target within guard range. Guard: Effects that are triggered through dealing damage which affect a target who is guarded will no longer also affect the guarder. All abilities that formerly required a double-bladed Lightsaber may now be performed with an Electrostaff. Force Breach (Force Technique) no longer has a cooldown. Force Breach (Combat Technique) now has a 6 second cooldown. Force Breach (Shadow Technique) has been redesigned. This ability is now only usable with one or more Breaching Shadows, which builds when Shadow Technique triggers. Force Breach (Shadow Technique) deals more damage per Breaching Shadow consumed. Force Breach (Shadow Technique) no longer has a cooldown. Battle Readiness now additionally increases the chance to trigger Saber Charges by 35% and now heals players for 15% of max health when used. Kinetic Combat Kinetic Ward no longer has a Force cost and now has a 15-second cooldown. Infiltration Shadow Technique can now only trigger once every 4.5 seconds and deals significantly more damage. In addition, when it triggers it builds 1 stack of Breaching Shadow. Breaching Shadow is consumed by Force Breach to deal additional damage. Clairvoyant Slash no longer increases the damage dealt by Project. Instead, this ability stacks up to two times and builds Clairvoyance, which gives Project a 50% chance per stack to automatically trigger Shadow Technique and bypass its rate limit. Balance (Shadow) Sever Force’s damage has been slightly increased. Sith Inquisitor New Ability Highlights Sorcerer: A new ability, Force Barrier, has been added. Force Barrier projects a barrier around the Sorcerer, providing immunity to all damage and effects while channeled (up to 10 seconds). Force Barrier is trainable at level 51. Assassin: A new ability, Phase Walk, has been added. Phase Walk allows the Assassin to place a mark that can be instantly returned to at a later time, after which Phase Walk goes on cooldown. This ability is usable in stealth mode and trainable at level 51. General Tumult has been removed from the game. Sorcerer A new ability, Force Barrier, has been added. Force Barrier projects a barrier around the Sorcerer, providing immunity to all damage and effects while channeled (up to 10 seconds). Force Barrier is trainable at level 51. Dark Heal now costs 70 Force and heals for significantly more. Affliction now costs 30 Force (down from 35), lasts 18 seconds, and the damage has been slightly increased. Static Barrier no longer has a cooldown. Polarity Shift is now trainable for all Sorcerers at level 28. Dark Heal now costs 70 Force and heals for significantly more. Lightning Strike now costs 40 Force (up from 30) and deals proportionately more damage. Corruption Innervate now heals for slightly more. Lightning Chain Lightning now costs 60 Force (up from 50) and deals proportionately more damage. Thundering Blast now costs 50 Force (up from 45) and deals proportionately more damage. Polarity Shift is no longer in the Lightning tree. This ability is now available to all Sorcerers. Backlash’s effect is now limited to the caster. Madness (Sorcerer) Creeping Terror: Damage has been slightly increased. Assassin A new ability, Phase Walk, has been added. Phase Walk allows the Assassin to place a mark that can be instantly returned to at a later time, after which Phase Walk goes on cooldown. This ability is usable in stealth mode and trainable at level 51. All abilities that formerly required a double-bladed Lightsaber may now be performed with an Electrostaff. Guard: Crowd control effects that break on damage will no longer break from damage redirected through Guard. For example, a blinded guarder will no longer be broken out of the blind from damage dealt to a guarded target within guard range. Guard: Effects that are triggered through dealing damage which affect a target who is guarded will no longer also affect the guarder. Discharge (Lightning) no longer has a cooldown. Discharge (Dark) now has a 6 second cooldown. Discharge (Surging) has been redesigned. This ability is now only usable with one or more Static Charge, which builds when Surging Charge triggers. Discharge (Surging) deals more damage per Static Charge consumed. Discharge (Surging) no longer has a cooldown. Overcharge Saber now additionally increases the chance to trigger Saber Charges by 35% and now heals players for 15% of max health when used. A new ability, Phase Walk, has been added. Phase Walk allows the Assassin to place a mark that can be instantly returned to at a later time, after which Phase Walk goes on cooldown. Usable in stealth mode. Trainable at level 51. Darkness Dark Ward no longer has a Force cost and now has a 15-second cooldown. Deception Surging Charge can now only trigger once every 4.5 seconds and deals significantly more damage. In addition, when it triggers it builds 1 stack of Static Charge. Static Charge is consumed by Discharge to deal additional damage. Voltaic Slash no longer increases the damage dealt by Shock. Instead, this ability stacks up to 2 times and builds Voltage, which gives Shock a 50% chance per stack to automatically trigger Surging Charge and bypass its rate limit. Madness (Assassin) Creeping Terror’s damage has been slightly increased. Smuggler New Ability Highlights Gunslinger: A new passive ability, Ready for Anything, has been added. Ready for Anything increases stealth detection while in cover, building up to 30 additional levels of stealth detection over 30 seconds. The effect ends when leaving cover. Gunslinger: A new ability, Hightail It, has been added. Hightail It will roll players forward up to 18 meters, landing crouched in cover. While rolling, defense is greatly increased and any movement-impairing effects are broken. The ability has a 20 second cooldown and is trainable at level 51. Scoundrel: A new ability, Scamper, has been added. Scamper will roll the the player forward up to 12 meters. When slowed, players will only roll forward 6 meters. While rolling, defense is increased. Scamper does not break stealth, costs 25 Energy, has no cooldown, and is trainable at level 51. Scondrel: A new passive ability, Street Tough, has been added which increases Energy regeneration rate. General Using cover while jumping will now issue an appropriate error message. Sabotage Charge now costs 25 Energy and deals slightly more damage. Vital Shot now costs 16 Energy. Dodge now removes all hostile effects without requiring Lucky Dodge. Headshot has been removed from the game. Cheap Shot has been removed from the game. Gunslinger A new ability, Hightail It, has been added. Hightail It will roll players forward up to 18 meters, landing crouched in cover. While rolling, defense is greatly increased and any movement-impairing effects are broken. The ability has a 20 second cooldown and is trainable at level 51. A new passive ability, Ready for Anything, has been added. Ready for Anything increases stealth detection while in cover, building up to 30 additional levels of stealth detection over 30 seconds. The effect ends when leaving cover. Saboteur Shock Charge now costs 15 Energy (down from 20) and does not have a cooldown, but only one Shock Charge can be active at a time. Scrambling Field no longer requires cover. The ability now lasts 20 seconds (up from 15), and deploys at the player’s current position, remaining there for the duration. Crack Shot now additionally increases the range of all ranged attacks by 5 meters. Sharpshooter Burst Volley now lasts 15 seconds. Trickshot now costs 5 energy (down from 10) and deals slightly less damage as a result. Trickshot can now be triggered from a complete Speed Shot. Dirty Fighting (Gunslinger) Damage dealt by the weaker versions of Vital Shot or Shrap Bomb which are created by Nice Try will no longer break the target out of stealth. Scoundrel A new ability, Scamper, has been added. Scamper will roll the the player forward up to 12 meters. When slowed, players will only roll forward 6 meters. While rolling, defense is increased. Scamper does not break stealth, costs 25 Energy, has no cooldown, and is trainable at level 51. A new passive ability, Street Tough, has been added which increases Energy regeneration rate. Lucky Dodge has been removed from the game. This effect is now incorporated into Dodge by default. Blaster Volley is now trainable at level 12. Kolto Pack has been redesigned. This ability now heals for a moderate amount up front in addition to a moderate amount over 9 seconds. Pugnacity is now trainable at level 16 and has been redesigned. This ability no longer requires and consumes Upper Hand. Instead, this ability now has a 2-minute cooldown, grants Upper Hand, and increases alacrity for a short duration. Upper Hand now causes the character to giggle the first time it is applied if Upper Hand is not already active. Diagnostic Scan is now trainable at level 18. Smuggle can now only be activated while Stealth is active. Additionally, Smuggled group members can now use Sneak and Blackout. Smuggle now provides a visual effect that shows the stealth field projected around the Scoundrel. Smuggle now reduces movement speed by 15% (down from 30%). Dirty Fighting (Scoundrel) Damage dealt by the weaker versions of Vital Shot or Shrap Bomb, which are created by Nice Try, will no longer break the target out of stealth. Imperial Agent New Ability Highlights Sniper: A new ability, Covered Escape, has been added. Covered Escape will roll players forward up to 18 meters, landing crouched in cover. While rolling, defense is greatly increased and any movement-impairing effects are broken. The ability has a 20 second cooldown and is trainable at level 51. Sniper: A new passive ability, Spotter, has been added. Spotter increases stealth detection while in cover, building up to 30 additional levels of stealth detection over 30 seconds. The effect ends when leaving cover. Operative: A new ability, Exfiltrate, has been added. Exfiltrate will roll the the player forward up to 12 meters. When slowed, players will only roll forward 6 meters. While rolling, defense is increased. Exfiltrate does not break stealth, costs 25 Energy, has no cooldown, and is trainable at level 51. Operative: New passive ability, Preparedness, has been added which increases Energy regeneration rate. General Using cover while jumping will now issue an appropriate error message. Explosive Probe now costs 25 Energy and deals slightly more damage. Corrosive Dart now costs 16 Energy. Evasion now removes all hostile removable effects without requiring Avoidance Training.. Headshot has been removed from the game. Eviscerate has been removed from the game. Sniper A new ability, Covered Escape, has been added. Covered Escape will roll players forward up to 18 meters, landing crouched in cover. While rolling, defense is greatly increased and any movement-impairing effects are broken. The ability has a 20 second cooldown and is trainable at level 51. A new passive ability, Spotter, has been added. Spotter increases stealth detection while in cover, building up to 30 additional levels of stealth detection over 30 seconds. The effect ends when leaving cover. Marksmanship Sniper Volley now lasts 15 seconds. Followthrough now costs 5 energy (down from 10) and deals slightly less damage as a result. Followthrough can now be triggered from a complete Series of Shots. Engineering Interrogation Probe now costs 15 energy (down from 20) and does not have a cooldown, but only one Interrogation Probe can be active at a time. Ballistic Shield no longer requires cover. The ability now lasts 20 seconds (up from 15), deploys at the player’s current position, remaining there for the duration. Advanced Targeting now additionally increases the range of all ranged attacks by 5 meters. Lethality (Sniper) Damage dealt by the weaker versions of Corrosive Dart or Corrosive Grenade which are created by Lingering Toxins will no longer break the target out of stealth. Operative A new ability, Exfiltrate, has been added. Exfiltrate will roll the the player forward up to 12 meters. When slowed, players will only roll forward 6 meters. While rolling, defense is increased. Exfiltrate does not break stealth, costs 25 Energy, has no cooldown, and is trainable at level 51. New passive ability, Preparedness, has been added which increases Energy regeneration rate. Avoidance Training has been removed from the game. This effect is now incorporated into Evasion by default. Carbine Burst is now trainable at level 12. Kolto Infusion has been redesigned. This ability now heals for a moderate amount up front in addition to a moderate amount over 9 seconds. Stim Boost is now trainable at level 16 and has been redesigned. This ability no longer requires and consumes Tactical Advantage. Instead, this ability now has a 2-minute cooldown, grants Tactical Advantage, and increases Alacrity for a short duration. Tactical Advantage now causes the character to giggle the first time it is applied if Tactical Advantage is not already active. Diagnostic Scan is now trainable at level 18. Infiltrate can now only be activated while Stealth is active Additionally, Infiltrated group members can now use Sneak and Blackout. Infiltrate now provides a visual effect that shows the stealth field projected around the Operative. Infiltrate now reduces movement speed by 15% (down from 30%). Lethality (Operative) Damage dealt by the weaker versions of Corrosive Dart or Corrosive Grenade, which are created by Lingering Toxins, will no longer break the target out of stealth. Trooper New Ability Highlights Commando: A new ability, Electro Net, has been added. Electro Net ensnares a single target, reducing its movement speed and dealing periodic Energy damage which increases over time if the target is moving. While Electro Net active, the target is also hindered and unable to activate high mobility actions and escapes, such as speed boosts, vanishes, and charges. The ability is trainable at level 51. Commando: A new Passive ability, Mortar Salvo, has been added. Mortar Salvo allows up to 3 weaker Explosive Rounds to be fired in a row before consuming Energy Cells and going on cooldown for 6 seconds. This ability is trainable at level 10. Vanguard: A new ability, Shoulder Cannon, has been added. Shoulder Cannon loads missiles over time which can be fired at an enemy target within 10 meters, depleting 1 charge with each missile launched. When all missiles have been depleted, the ability goes on cooldown for 1.5 minutes. Vanguard: A new Passive ability, Into the Fray, has been added. Into the Fray increases the duration of Reactive Shield by 3 seconds. In addition, suffering direct damage from area of effect attacks restores 2 Energy Cells and heals players for 0.25% of total health. This effect cannot occur more than once every 3 seconds. General The Trooper’s Energy Cells have been reworked to be a 100-pt resource system. Players will see Energy Cells be consumed and regenerate in fractions, and all Energy cell costs will be charged against the new 100-pt total rather than the old 12-pt total. Hold the Line is now trainable at level 26 for all Troopers. This ability has a duration of 6 seconds, which can be extended to 10 seconds using the skills in the Gunnery and Tactics Skill Trees. Diversion is now trainable at level 30 for all Troopers. Blitz has been removed from the game. Adrenaline Rush has been redesigned. Adrenaline Rush now puts a Health Monitor on the player which will trigger when they drop below 30% health. Once triggered, Adrenaline Rush will heal the player rapidly up to but no higher than 30% of their maximum health. This effect lasts 8 seconds. Commando A new ability, Electro Net, has been added. Electro Net ensnares a single target, reducing its movement speed and dealing periodic Energy damage which increases over time if the target is moving. While Electro Net active, the target is also hindered and unable to activate high mobility actions and escapes, such as speed boosts, vanishes, and charges. The ability is trainable at level 51. A new Passive ability, Mortar Salvo, has been added. Mortar Salvo allows up to 3 weaker Explosive Rounds to be fired in a row before consuming Energy Cells and going on cooldown for 6 seconds. This ability is trainable at level 10. Concussion Charge now costs 8 Energy cells (down from 16). Kolto Bomb is now trainable at level 20 to all Commandos. Armor-Piercing Cell now additionally increases Alacrity by 3% while active. Vanguard A new Passive ability, Into the Fray, has been added. Into the Fray increases the duration of Reactive Shield by 3 seconds. In addition, suffering direct damage from area of effect attacks restores 2 Energy Cells and heals players for 0.25% of total health. This effect cannot occur more than once every 3 seconds. A new ability, Shoulder Cannon, has been added. Shoulder Cannon loads missiles over time which can be fired at an enemy target within 10 meters, depleting 1 charge with each missile launched. When all missiles have been depleted, the ability goes on cooldown for 1.5 minutes. Guard: Crowd control effects that break on damage will no longer break from damage redirected through Guard. For example, a blinded guarder will no longer be broken out of the blind from damage dealt to a guarded target within guard range. Guard: Effects that are triggered through dealing damage which affect a target who is guarded will no longer also affect the guarder. High Energy Cell will now increase the damage dealt by elemental and internal effects to 8% (up from +5%). Ion Cell now reduces all damage dealt by 5% while active. Shield Specialist Smoke Grenade has been redesigned and renamed to Riot Gas. This ability now targets the ground and persists for 15 seconds. Enemies within the area of effect are slowed by 70% and suffer 30% reduced melee and ranged accuracy. Energy Blast has been redesigned and is now only usable with 3 stacks of Power Screen. Using Energy Blast consumes Power Screen to deal elemental damage, recharge 8 Energy Cells, and increase Shield Absorption by 25% for 6 seconds. Bounty Hunter New Ability Highlights Mercenary: A new ability, Electro Net, has been added. Electro Net ensnares a single target, reducing its movement speed and dealing periodic Energy damage which increases over time if the target is moving. While Electro Net is active, the target is also hindered and unable to activate high mobility actions and escapes, such as speed boosts, vanishes, and charges. The ability is trainable at level 51. Mercenary: New Passive ability, Missile Salvo, has been added. Missile Salvo allows up to 3 weaker Missile Blasts to be fired in a row before generating heat and going on cooldown for 6 seconds. This ability is trainable at level 10. Powertech: A new ability, Shoulder Cannon, has been added. Shoulder Cannon loads missiles over time. These missiles can be fired at an enemy target within 10 meters, depleting 1 charge with each missile launched. When all missiles have been depleted, the ability goes on cooldown for 1.5 minutes. This ability is not affected by the Global Cooldown and can be used while under the effects of crowd control. Powertech: A new Passive ability, Close and Personal, has been added. Close and Personal increases the duration of Energy Shield by 3 seconds. In addition, suffering direct damage from area of effect attacks vents 2 Heat and heals the player for 0.25% of total health. This effect cannot occur more than once every 3 seconds. General Hydraulic Overrides is now trainable at level 26 for all Bounty Hunters. This ability has an initial duration of 6 seconds, which can be extended to 10 seconds using the skills in the Arsenal and Advanced Prototype Skill Trees. Chaff Flare is now trainable at level 30 for all Bounty Hunters. Shoulder Slam has been removed from the game Kolto Overload has been redesigned. Kolto Overload now puts a Health Monitor on the player which will trigger when they drop below 30% health. Once triggered, Kolto Overload will heal the player rapidly up to but no higher than 30% of their maximum health. This effect lasts 8 seconds. Mercenary A new ability, Electro Net, has been added. Electro Net ensnares a single target, reducing its movement speed and dealing periodic Energy damage which increases over time if the target is moving. While Electro Net is active, the target is also hindered and unable to activate high mobility actions and escapes, such as speed boosts, vanishes, and charges. The ability is trainable at level 51. New Passive ability, Missile Salvo, has been added. Missile Salvo allows up to 3 weaker Missile Blasts to be fired in a row before generating heat and going on cooldown for 6 seconds. This ability is trainable at level 10. Jet Boost now generates 8 Heat (down from 16). Kolto Missile is now trainable at level 20 for all Mercenaries. High Velocity Gas Cylinder now additionally increases Alacrity by 3% while active. Powertech A new ability, Shoulder Cannon, has been added. Shoulder Cannon loads missiles over time. These missiles can be fired at an enemy target within 10 meters, depleting 1 charge with each missile launched. When all missiles have been depleted, the ability goes on cooldown for 1.5 minutes. This ability is not affected by the Global Cooldown and can be used while under the effects of crowd control. A new Passive ability, Close and Personal, has been added. Close and Personal increases the duration of Energy Shield by 3 seconds. In addition, suffering direct damage from area of effect attacks vents 2 Heat and heals the player for 0.25% of total health. This effect cannot occur more than once every 3 seconds. Guard: Crowd control effects that break on damage will no longer break from damage redirected through Guard. For example, a blinded guarder will no longer be broken out of the blind from damage dealt to a guarded target within guard range. Guard: Effects that are triggered through dealing damage which affect a target who is guarded will no longer also affect the guarder. High Energy Gas Cylinder will now increase the damage dealt by elemental and internal effects by 8% (up from 5%). Ion Gas Cylinder now reduces all damage dealt by 5% while active. Shield Tech Heat Blast has been redesigned and is now only usable with 3 stacks of Heat Screen. Using Heat Blast consumes Heat Screen to deal Elemental Damage, vent 8 Heat, and increase Shield Absorption by 25% for 6 seconds. Oil Slick has been redesigned. This ability now targets the ground and persists for 15 seconds. Enemies within the area of effect are slowed by 70% and suffer 30% reduced melee and ranged accuracy. Companion Characters General Aric Jorgan: Several cinematic conversations now have improved camera angles. Affection Companion reaction tooltips have been added to companion gifts to illustrate how a companion will react when receiving the gift. Sergeant Rusk: The mission "Master Gend’s Mission" will now grant the proper companion affection. The Sith Inquisitor mission "Thanaton Strikes Back" will now appropriately grant companion affection. Combat Sith Warrior Malavai Quinn: This companion will no longer attempt to use Carbonized Stream on a target suffering from a periodic effect (such as damage over time) or who is under 90% maximum health. Lt. Pierce: Flameguard is now usable at 30 meters. Lt. Pierce: Rifle Rush now deals damage to the target, but it can no longer be used against targets in cover. Vette: Blaster Sweep now deals slightly more damage. Broonmark: Violent Toss now utilizes the damage of the weapon Broonmark wields. This will result in a slight damage increase based on the power of the weapon. Broonmark: Cleave now deals more damage and has a radius of 5 meters. Jaesa Willsaam: Freeze now deals damage in addition to slowing the movement of the target. Jedi Knight Doc: This companion no longer attempt to use Carbonized Stream on a target suffering from a periodic effect (such as damage over time) or target who is under 90% maximum health. T7-01: Flameguard is now usable at 30 meters. T7-01: Intercept now additionally deals damage to the target, instead of only generating threat. Sergeant Rusk: Spread Fire now deals slightly more damage. Lord Scourge: Lightning Punch now deals slightly less damage. Lord Scourge: Savage Charge no longer deals damage and can no longer be used on a target in cover. Lord Scourge: Cleave now deals more damage and has a radius of 5 meters. Kira Carsen: Freeze now deals damage in addition to slowing the movement of the target. Imperial Agent Doctor Lokin: This companion will no longer attempt to use Carbonized Stream on a target suffering from a periodic effect (such as damage over time) or who is under 90% maximum health. Doctor Lokin: Increased the damage dealt by Swipe and Infect. Kaliyo: Defensive Blast is now usable at 30 meters. Additionally, Defensive Blast will deal slightly more damage. Kaliyo Djannis: Storm’s tooltip has been updated to reflect that the target cannot be in cover. Ensign Temple: Blaster Sweep now deals slightly more damage. Ensign Temple: Force Burst now deals less damage. SCORPIO: Power Attack will deal slightly more damage. SCORPIO: Jet Rush can no longer be used against a target in cover. SCORPIO: Cleave will now deal more damage and have a radius of 5 meters. Vector: Oil Spill will now deal damage in addition to slowing the movement of the target. Smuggler Guss Tuno: This companion no longer attempt to use Electro-Trap on a target suffering from a periodic effect (such as damage over time) or who is under 90% maximum health. Corso Riggs: Flameguard is now usable at 30 meters. Corso Riggs: Illegal Jet Pack’s tooltip has been updated to reflect that the target cannot be in cover. Corso Riggs: Attempting to activate "Deploy Shields" while out of combat will now provide the proper error message. Risha: Gas Grenade now deals more damage. Bowdaar: Wookie Toss will now utilize the damage of the weapon Bowdaar wields. This will result in a slight damage increase, based on the power of the weapon. Bowdaar: Cleave will now deal more damage and has a radius of 5 meters. Bowdaar: Tooltip on Bowdaar’s ability "Wookiee Roar" has been corrected to properly reflect the ability name. Sith Inquisitor Talos Drellik: This companion will no longer attempt to use Carbonized Stream on a target suffering from a periodic effect (such as damage over time) or who is under 90% maximum health. Xalek: Shockguard is now usable at 30 meters. Xalek: Charge now deals damage to the target, but it can no longer be used against a target in cover. Andronikos Revel: Blaster Sweep now deals slightly more damage. Andronikos Revel: Low Blow now does less damage. Khem Val: Rake now deals slightly more damage. Khem Val: Consume Essence now heals for slightly less. Ashara Zavros: Freeze will now deal damage in addition to slowing the movement of the target. Khem Val: Cleave will now deal more damage and has a radius of 5 meters. Jedi Consular Tharan Cedrax: This companion will no longer attempt to use Deploy Holiday on a target suffering from a periodic effect (such as damage over time), or who is under 90% maximum health. Felix Iresso: Flameguard is now usable at 30 meters. Felix Iresso: Rifle Rush will deal damage to the target, but it can no longer be used against a target in cover. Felix Iresso: Incendiary Mortar now deals less damage initially over a slightly larger area of effect radius. Zenith: Collateral Damage will deal slightly more damage over time. Qyzen Fess: Power Attack will deal slightly more damage. Qyzen Fess: Flush Prey no longer deals damage or immobilizes the target, and it can no longer be used against a target in cover. Qyzen Fess: Hunter’s Surge now deals slightly less damage over a larger area of effect radius. Additionally, the tooltip has been corrected to reflect the actual maximum of 3 targets. Nadia Grell: Freeze will now deal damage in addition to slowing the movement of the target. Bounty Hunter Mako: This companion will no longer attempt to use Electro-Stasis on a target suffering from a periodic effect (such as damage over time), or who is under 90% maximum health. Blizz: Zipline now deals damage to the target. Blizz: Flameguard is now usable at 30 meters. Gault: Poison Grenade now deals more damage. Skadge: Savage Hit now utilizes the damage of the weapon Skadge wields. This will result in a slight damage increase based on the power of the weapon. Skadge: Cleave will deals more damage and have a radius of 5 meters. Torian Vik: Oil Spill will deals damage in addition to slowing the movement of the target. Trooper Elara Dorne: This companion will no longer attempt to use Carbonized Stream on a target suffering from a periodic effect (such as damage over time) or who is under 90% maximum health. M1-4X: Flameguard is now usable at 30 meters. M1-4X: Tow Cable now deals damage to the target instead of only generating threat. Aric Jorgan: Spread Fire now deals slighty more damage. Tanno Vik: Power Attack deals slightly more damage. Tanno Vik: Cleave now deals more damage and has a radius of 5 meters. Sgt. Yuun: Tracker’s Strike will now deal damage to the target in addition to slowing the movement of the target. Crew Skills General All Crew Skills now have a skill cap of 450! Flashpoints and Operations General Classic Commendations can now be acquired from level 50 Flashpoints, Operations, and daily areas, and they can be used to purchase Campaign gear from the Classic Gear Vendor on the Fleet, in addition to many items previously purchased for Daily Commendations at Mission Support Vendors. Flashpoints General Level 50 Flashpoint encounters now drop Black Hole pieces. Athiss Hard Mode is now available and is balanced for level 55 players! Players will no longer be prevented from using Force Leap on Alchemical Shrieker while at the entrance to the tomb. Cademimu Hard Mode is now available and is balanced for level 55 players! Hammer Station Hard Mode is now available and is balanced for level 55 players! Lost Island Adjusted the encounter with LR-5 Sentinel Droid in Hard Mode The enrage timer has been increased by 1 minute. Lava damage has been decreased. Discharge deals less damage, the cooldown has been increased, the duration has been reduced, and the time between expansions has been increased. Adjusted the encounter with Project Savrip in Hard Mode The enrage timer has been increased by 1 minute. Acid Spit damage has been decreased. Rak Rot can now be cleansed. Adjusted the encounter with Doctor Lorrik in Hard Mode Viral Vial will now take longer to hit. While throwing Satchel Charges, Doctor Lorrik will now face in only one direction. Flutterplume Plaguebearer will no longer repeatedly spawn additional enemies. The slow effect has been reduced for Vile Spit when used by a Vile Shaclaw. Decreased the duration and increased the cooldown for Towline when used by a Utility Droid. Kolto Projection now has a cooldown and Reactive Shield no longer grants interrupt immunity when used by a Hybrid Rakghoul Medic. Mandalorian Raiders Hard Mode is now available and is balanced for level 55 players! The False Emperor Players are no longer able to defeat the final encounter by kiting the boss into the chasm without the use of supplied bombs or knockbacks. Operations New Operation: Scum and Villainy Scum and Villainy is a new Operation which takes place on the seedy Outer Rim world of Darvannis, where mysterious forces are gathering an army of warlords and mercenaries. This Operation is available at level 55 in four difficulty modes, and it contains seven boss lockouts. It can be accessed from the Ziost Shadow or the Gav Daragon on the Imperial and Republic Fleets. Eternity Vault All Story Mode bosses now drop Black Hole gear. All Hard and Nightmare Mode bosses now drop Hazmat gear. Explosive Conflict Explosive Conflict is now available in Group Finder from levels 50-54. The missions New Frontiers and Ancient Allies are now level 55. Players are still eligible for these missions at level 50. All Story Mode bosses now drop Hazmat gear. All Hard and Nightmare Mode bosses now drop Hazmat pieces and Unassembled Dreadguard items. Removed the group of enemies directly before the encounter with Toth and Zorn. Karagga’s Palace All Story Mode bosses now drop Black Hole gear. All Hard and Nightmare Mode bosses now drop Hazmat gear. Terror From Beyond Terror From Beyond is now available in Group Finder at level 55. The Imperial and Republic Terror From Beyond missions are now level 55. Players are still eligible for these missions at level 50. All difficulty modes have been rebalanced to provide proper challenge and reward to level 55 players. Items (Items and Economy) General Personal shield generators are now effective against all attacks that deal Energy and Kinetic Damage, rather than just direct weapon attacks. Relics that have a chance to proc damage will no longer break a character out of stealth upon triggering. The Hyrotii Scrapper speeder now has a new icon. Set Bonuses All set bonuses are now stored exclusively on Armoring mods instead of equipment shells. Players will now be able to transfer set bonuses shells between equipment shells by simply moving the Armoring mod. The rules are as follows: Set bonuses can be extracted from a shell by removing the Armoring mod. While Armoring mods are not applied to any items, they retain their extracted set bonus. The bonus is tied to the type of gear the mod was extracted from (Chest, Legs, Head, etc). When Armoring mods with a set bonus are placed in another item of the same type (Chest, Legs, Head, etc), the set bonus will then be transferred from the mod to the piece of armor. Modified gear with a set bonus applied will receive a notification when attempting to overwrite the Armoring mod with another Armoring mod with a set bonus. If confirmed, the new mod’s set bonus will overwrite the original set bonus. Some Level 55 Set Bonuses have been updated from their Level 50 counterparts. All Level 55 Set Bonuses are now listed without their "Rakata" or "Battlemaster" prefix. Set Bonuses available for Classes Juggernaut (DPS) Vindicator’s Gear 2pc (PVE): Reduces the minimum range of Saber Throw by 10m. Vindicator’s Gear 4pc (PVE): Now increases Force Scream damage by 8%. Guardian (DPS) Vindicator’s Gear 2pc (PVE): Reduces the minimum range of Saber Throw by 10m. Vindicator’s Gear 4pc (PVE): Now increases Force Scream damage by 8%. Marauder (DPS) Weaponmaster’s Gear 2pc PVE: Now increases Ravage damage dealt by 8%. Weaponmaster’s Gear 4pc PvE: Now in addition to reducing the cooldown of Frenzy, also makes activating Berserk increase all damage dealt by 4% for 15 seconds. Weaponmaster’s Gear 2pc PvP: Now in addition to reducing the cooldown of Undying Rage, also increases its duration by 1 second. Weaponmaster’s Gear 4pc PvP: Now increases all damage dealt by 10% for 5 seconds after using Force Charge. Sentinel (DPS) Weaponmaster’s Gear 2pc PVE: Now increases Master Strike damage dealt by 8%. Weaponmaster’s Gear 4pc PvE: Now in addition to reducing the cooldown of Valorous Call, also makes activating Zen increase all damage dealt by 4% for 15 seconds. Weaponmaster’s Gear 2pc PvP: Now in addition to reducing the cooldown of Guarded by the Force, also increases its duration by 1 second. Weaponmaster’s Gear 4pc PvP: Now increases all damage dealt by 10% for 5 seconds after using Force Leap. Mercenary (Healer) Combat Medic’s Gear 2pc PVP: Reduces the cooldown of Hydraulic Overrides by 5 seconds. Commando (Healer) Combat Medic’s Gear 2pc PVP: Reduces the cooldown of Hold the Line by 5 seconds. Operative (DPS) Field Tech’s Gear 2pc PVE: Increases Backstab critical chance by 15. Scoundrel (DPS) Field Tech’s Gear 2pc PVE: Increases Back Blast critical chance by 15. Operative (Healer) Field Medic’s Gear 2pc PVE: Increases healing done by Kolto Cloud by 15%. Field Medic’s Gear 4pc PvE: Increases maximum Energy by 5. Field Medic’s Gear 2pc PVP: Increases the damage absorbed by Shield Probe by 10%. Scoundrel (Healer) Field Medic’s Gear 2pc PVE: Increases healing done by Kolto Cloud by 15%. Field Medic’s Gear 4pc PvE: Increases maximum Energy by 5. Field Medic’s Gear 2pc PVP: Increases the damage absorbed by Defense Screen by 10%. Sorcerer (DPS) Force-Master’s Gear 2pc PvE: Now additionally reduces the cooldown of Polarity Shift by 15 seconds. Sage (DPS) Force-Master’s Gear 2pc PvE: Now additionally reduces the cooldown of Mental Alacrity by 15 seconds. Sorcerer (Healer) Force-Mystic’s Gear 2pc PVP: Reduces Static Barrier lockout debuff duration by 3 seconds. Sorcerer (Healer) Force-Mystic’s Gear 2pc PVP: Reduces Force Armor lockout debuff duration by 3 seconds. Sniper (DPS) Field Tech’s Gear 2pc PVE: Activating Target Acquired restores 10 Energy. Gunslinger (DPS) Field Tech’s Gear 2pc PVE: Activating Illegal Mods restores 10 Energy. Commendations Weekly limits are now enforced on Commendation gains for each Commendation type. Players will not be able to obtain any Commendations beyond the weekly limit displayed in the Currency Window. This limit is reset on a weekly schedule that corresponds with the weekly Operations lockout reset schedule. Basic Commendations, Elite Commendations, and Ultimate Commendations can now be earned from content at levels 51-55. These commendation types can be used to purchase increasingly more powerful gear at level 55. The Basic Gear Vendor will prepare you for group content at 55, the Elite Gear Vendor will prepare you for Operations at level 55, and the Ultimate Gear Vendor will prepare you for the most challenging Operations bosses in the Galaxy. Commendations from individual planets have been converted into a single “Planetary Commendation” type. Vendors that previously traded items for specific planet commendations now trade the same items for Planetary Commendations. Tionese Crystals have been converted to the new "Planetary Commendation" type and no longer drop from any content. Vendors Added new vendors for Classic, Basic, Elite, Ultimate Commendation types to the Supply area of the Republic and Imperial Fleets. Added a new Warzone & Ranked Warzone vendor for each Class in the Combat area of the Republic and Imperial Fleets. The PvP Weapons vendor and PvP Items vendor have had their items modified. Legacy The Legacy System has expanded to include Legacy Achievements, which recognize important accomplishments and milestones across all characters in your Legacy. Achievements are granted for completing missions, defeating enemies, clearing Flashpoints and Operations, completing difficult challenges, and many other activities. All characters in your Legacy contribute progress towards all achievements, and rewards are shared across your Legacy. Achievements may unlock titles, grant items, or even add Cartel Coins to your account! You can access your Legacy Achievements through the Legacy Panel, even if you have not yet named your Legacy. Missions and NPCs General Mission Terminals on the Republic and Imperial Fleets have been updated, and various [WEEKLY] and [DAILY] missions have been removed, updated, or consolidated into new missions. The Daily Mission Terminal on the Fleet has been replaced by the Priority Missions terminal. This terminal provides daily, weekly, and introductory missions for activities such as Flashpoints, Group Finder, Warzones, and other high-priority content. The Operations Terminal is a new mission terminal that grants missions that require Operations groups to complete, including a unique [WEEKLY] mission for every Operation at levels 50 and 55. These missions provide commendations, credits, and information about the recommended gear rating for each difficulty mode. "[WEEKLY] The War Front" is a new, weekly Warzone mission available on the PvP Mission Terminal from levels 10-54. This mission is unlocked by completing the "Introduction to Warzones" mission. Missions World Missions Ilum: The final cinematic for this Republic mission has been polished for a more enjoyable viewing experience. Class Missions Trooper Lost and Found: The loading screen for this Taris mission will now use proper gender pronouns in the loading screen story recap. The Ambush: This mission will now grant dark side points appropriately. NPCs General Enemies with Advanced Stealth Detection will no longer attack players who enter stealth outside of combat range. PvP General PvP-based equipment at level 20 and 40 has been removed. Players can now exchange 40 Warzone Commendations for a Planetary Commendation at the PvP Items vendor. Warzones Bolster is now based on item rating rather than character level. Recruit-level gear is no longer available, as players will be automatically bolstered to this level of item power if they do not meet it naturally. Players will now be separated into three level brackets for normal Warzone play: 10 – 29, 30 – 54, and level 55. Ranked Warzones now requires level 55. Miscellaneous Bug Fixes Various typos and mistakes in mission and codex text have been corrected for all languages. Looping ambient sounds will now properly play while in range to hear them.
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