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  • Arkadaşalar Danger den bir adet vga için blok siparişi verdim. Aradan 4 gün geçtiktenden sonra bir mail geldi.
    Mail de istenen şey eğer ben yanlış yorumlamadıysam benden alış veriş yaptığım kartın son altı hanesi belirgin olucak şekilde (diğerlerini silebilirmişim.) fotokopisini ve ekteki formu doldurak göndermemi istiyor.
    Ben alışverişi Bonus sanal master card ile yaptım bu kart benim bonus premium kartıma bağlı ve yanlızca bilgileri var yani basılmış bir kart yok ne yapmam gerekiyor.

    Birde maili türkçeye çevirebilirmisiniz.


    Hello Sadi Dibek,

    Thank you for ordering from Danger Den.

    It is Danger Den policy to require verification of identification on international orders.

    We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause, but with the increasing problems of credit card fraud we must do our part to ensure the protection of our customer's good credit.

    Please complete the attached form and return it with a photocopy of both the front and back of the credit card and photo identification (i.e. drivers’ license or other photo identification showing both the card holders picture and address). You may black out all of the numbers on the credit card except the last 6 digits.

    E-mail the completed form and the photo copies to orders@dangerden.com

    All transactions are subject to approval by our credit card authorization center.

    Best regards,


    Danger Den Shipping


    We apologize for any inconvenience this form may cause, but for our protection as well as yours we thank you in advance for helping fight credit card fraud.

    I (Please sign) ____________________________ hereby authorize Danger Den LLC to put forth the following charge(s) to my credit card.

    My name is: _____________________________________________________
    The Total of the charges: _$_____________________USD
    Credit card numbers last 6 digits: _____________________________________
    Expiration date: ___________________________________________________
    Security number: __________________________________________________
    Billing address: ___________________________________________________
    Phone number: ____________________________________________________
    Name and Phone Number of Credit Card Institution (located on the back of the
    Credit card): ______________________________________________________

    Please return this form via email to orders@dangerden.com along with a photocopy of both the front and back of the credit card and photo identification (i.e. drivers’ license or other identification showing both your picture and your address). You may black out all of the numbers on the credit card except the last 6 digits. All transactions are subject to approval by your credit card company.

    Thank you for your cooperation. By working together we can stop credit card fraud and maintain the best prices and service possible.

    41890 Old Highway 30
    Astoria, OR 97103
    Phone: 503-458-6548 Fax: 503-458-6598

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi strategos -- 1 Haziran 2005, 10:29:35 >

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