yurtdışı eğitimde katiteli hesaplı eğitim
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Bütçe, lise diploma notun,dil bunlar hakkında bilgi verirsen ve istediğin bölümü yazarsan ona göre daha rahat bilgilendirebiliriz seni.
< Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı > -
kardeşim 1 senem kaldı ortalamam 70 fln istediğim bölüm inşaat mühendisliği -
dil olarakta ingilizcem orta seviyede bütçem 1500 en fazla okul harcı hariç -
Spor, sanat veya bilim alanında derecelerin/başarıların var mı? Kaliteli bir eğitim istiyorsan gelişmiş bir ülkeyi tercih etmen lazım bunun için de maddi durumunun iyi olması veya burs bulabilmen gerekiyor. -
kardeşim o açıdan başarı falan yok ama mesala polonya diyolar eğitimi kaliteli ama tam bilgim yok diğer ülkeler falan amerika kanada avusturalya değil -
Polonya'nın eğitimi sadece Lehçe eğitim görürsen iyi, İngilizce olarak beş para etmez. Warsaw University of Technology'de Computer Science okudum ve akademisyenlerimin çoğunun İngilizcesi benden daha kötüydü. -
Orijinalden alıntı: Danilo Thann
Polonya'nın eğitimi sadece Lehçe eğitim görürsen iyi, İngilizce olarak beş para etmez. Warsaw University of Technology'de Computer Science okudum ve akademisyenlerimin çoğunun İngilizcesi benden daha kötüydü.
Hocam bende oraya gitmeyi düşünüyorum ingilizce okumam lazım kötü müydü ingilizceleri gerçekten ingilizce okumam lazım ve iyi eğitim almalıyım baştan bela almayalım başımıza?
< Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı > -
İngilizce olarak iyi bir eğitim almalıyım diyorsan Polonya'yı zaten çıkar aklından. İngilizce bölümlere gelen akademisyenler, ders içerikleri çok daha kötü Lehçe bölümlere göre. İngilizce bölümlerin tek amacı okula para kazandırmak, eğitim kimsenin umrunda değil. -
Orijinalden alıntı: Danilo Thann
İngilizce olarak iyi bir eğitim almalıyım diyorsan Polonya'yı zaten çıkar aklından. İngilizce bölümlere gelen akademisyenler, ders içerikleri çok daha kötü Lehçe bölümlere göre. İngilizce bölümlerin tek amacı okula para kazandırmak, eğitim kimsenin umrunda değil.
Hocam siz orda mı okudunuz emin misiniz diğer bölümlerde böyle mi
< Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı > -
Warsaw University of Technology'de Computer Science okudum, ben sana kendi izlenimlerimi yazdım, diğer bölümler nasıl bilemem ama benim kendi bölümümde akademisyen olan biri bana bu olayı itiraf etti. "Yabancı öğrenci alınmasının tek sebebi para, size giren akademisyenler iyi olduğu için değil, sadece İngilizce sertifikaları olduğu için giriyor ki onların ne kadar kötü İngilizce konuştuğunu biliyorsun" dedi bana. Ben en başından uyarımı yapayım, siz yine de isterseniz gidin görün. -
Orijinalden alıntı: Danilo Thann
Polonya'nın eğitimi sadece Lehçe eğitim görürsen iyi, İngilizce olarak beş para etmez. Warsaw University of Technology'de Computer Science okudum ve akademisyenlerimin çoğunun İngilizcesi benden daha kötüydü.
ingilizce girilen sınavların zorluğu nasıl oluyor peki -
Orijinalden alıntı: Coskun Marley
Orijinalden alıntı: Danilo Thann
Polonya'nın eğitimi sadece Lehçe eğitim görürsen iyi, İngilizce olarak beş para etmez. Warsaw University of Technology'de Computer Science okudum ve akademisyenlerimin çoğunun İngilizcesi benden daha kötüydü.
ingilizce girilen sınavların zorluğu nasıl oluyor peki
Sınavın dilinin farklı olması zorluk seviyesini etkilemiyor, sınava giren herkesin akıcı bir şekilde İngilizce bildiği ve soruları %100 olarak anladığı varsayılarak sınavlar hazırlanıyor. Zaten İngilizcen ana dil seviyesinde değilse böyle bir işe hiç girişme.
Örnek olarak bir proje göstereyim Warsaw Uni. of Tech'den;
Project title: Operations on images.
All groups: A (Monday 8AM), B (Monday 12PM), C (Monday 2PM) prepare a similar core
application, but the particular functionalities I ask to implement differ. Please, make sure you are
implementing the application as specified for your group. Correct implementation of all
obligatory functionalities grants you 70 points (full). To get extra points students are welcome to
propose their methods for extending functionalities of the program. Such extra functionality
cannot be a functionality I ask to implement other groups. Functionality has to be useful in
generating new images based on other input image(s). Extra functionalities you implement have
to be discussed with me before. For implementing extra functionality you can score from 5 to 15
extra points, depending on the quality of the idea, its originality, and the quality of
implementation. The extra points increase the total sum of your points scored during regular
laboratories and from the basic version of the project.
Division of work:
Recommended: 2-3 persons group can easily complete this project.
1 person group is ok, but there is no difference in grading.
4 persons group has to implement all functionalities of their group + functionalities of
one another group without getting extra credit for it.
5 persons group has to implement functionalities of all groups without any extra credit.
In a case when a group splits during the semester, each member has to complete the
project on his/her own.
Technical requirements:
project schedule is on my webpage,
you can use any libraries you want,
you can use any Java programming environment you like,
before projects deadline you submit
o full project source code, including any external libraries you used,
o executable version of the app,
o technical documentation (in particular: app architecture, class diagram,
documentation of GUI, description could be graphical how GUI relates to
underlying classes),
o source code documentation (could be in the code)
The task is to code a GUI-based application for viewing and merging images found in selected
directories. The main application window is split into 2 parts. First part is for viewing, second
for operations (merging), for example:
Part 1
Images Viewing area
Part 2
User operations and program flow in the Images Viewing area:
User selects directory, from which he would like to view the images (select could be for
example with a button).
Load all images from selected directory and display them nicely. Let the user browse in
loaded images. (The design is up to you). Take into consideration that images may be of
different sizes. Perhaps let the user enlarge/minimize the view of an image.
At all times user should know, which directory he is exploring.
Refresh loaded images, if necessary.
Clear Images Viewing area (remove images and path settings).
Load images in response to an action in the Operations part of this application.
Basic operations and program flow in the Operations area:
User selects up to 5 directories (could be the same) with images. (React if user chose a
directory without images).
Merge images from selected directories. Ask the user how. Allow flexibility. Details
are below.
Ask the user if he wants to view the effects of the merge. If the user agrees display the
result in the Image Viewing area.
Let the user save generated images. Ask him in which format and where. Allow
flexibility. Details are below.
Let the user dispose (delete and clear windows) of generated images.
If the user is quitting the application or is trying to generate new images without saving
his previous work ask him if this is intentional perhaps he forgot.
Few issues you might want to assume/consider:
Assume that all your images are black/white or on grayscale.
You have to program flexible operations on different image formats: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .tiff,
.tif, .bmp, compressed and not, also their depth could be different (for example 1bit per
pixel monochromatic bpp bpp
You will use library-based functionalities to handle images, you do not need to code your
own image processing libraries.
During program run remember user preferences what was the last location he opened,
where was the last location he saved his last generated images.
Decide how the main window of the application and its content will behave if the user
maximizes/resizes it.
Think over the design of your GUI. It has to be user friendly.
Merging images detailed description.
An image is an ordered set of pixels in a discrete 2-dimensional coordinates system (X, Y). Some
of the pixels are white, some gray, some black, etc. In this project, we do not consider colors
other than white, grayscale, and black. Merging two or more images produces a new image.
Imagine an image as a 2-dimensional table of pixels:
0,0 0,1 0,2 0,c
1,0 1,c
r,0 r,c
Where r+1 is the number of rows of pixels and c+1 is the number of columns of pixels. Each pixel
has its unique location in the image. The value of a particular pixel informs about its color.
How do we merge two images?
First, say it is the easier case and for both images r1=r2 and c1=c2, what means that they have
exactly the same number of rows and the same number of columns they are of the same size.
Merging such image means:
merging pixel 0,0 from image 1 with pixel 0,0 from image 2,
merging pixel 0,1 from image 1 with pixel 0,1 from image 2,
merging pixel r1,c1 from image 1 with pixel r2,c2 from image 2
All groups have to code 3 basic options for merging:
AND and and
OR or or
XOR (0 xor 1 = |0-1| = 1, 0.8 xor 0.2 = |0.8-
Note that color of pixels (values above) are normalized to [0,1]. In a regular image, depending on
image depth in bpp colors are represented with other values, for example 0 255.
How to merge two images of different sizes?
Center images and do the merge,
Resize (enlarge) smaller image and do the merge,
Resize (shrink) larger image and do the merge,
Cut out the center from the larger image so that it is of the same size as the smaller one
and do the merge.
How to merge more than two images?
Merge image 1 with image 2, merge the result with image 3, merge the result with image
4: (((im1,im2),im3),im4)
How to merge images of different formats?
All operations are with precision of the better image
How to save merged images?
User selects a format and the properties he likes. Available options: .bmp, .png, .jpg, .jpeg,
.tiff, .tif. Available depths: 1 bpp, 8 bpp, 16 bpp, 24bpp, 32bpp. You do not use
compression for saving the results.
Note that if we save grayscale image in 1bpp precision we get black/white image.
Name output files sensibly. Code 2 options. Option 1: Names of the output files are the
name as names of files in one of source directories. Let the user decide which one. Option
2: Output files names are composed of a string repeated in all names and a counter. User
determines the string, after which element of the string we put the counter and how the
counter works: start value of the counter, counter step and number of digits in the
counter. Default values are string image appearance of counter which is after
e start step digits what gives the following names: image000, image001,
image002, and so on.
Obligatory feature for Group 1: Preprocessing of an image – frames.
Before we do the merge let the user optionally preprocess one images directory:
Let the user select 1 directory, which he wants to modify.
Let the user point out if the images in this directory are black ink on white paper or
white ink on black paper.
Remove frame of the image. Frame is what is surrounding the actual image. Frame is
white if the paper is white. Frame is black if the paper is black. If an image is in grayscale,
let the user set a normalized threshold for the cut. If threshold is 0 (the default) cut is
only white/black frame. If threshold is for example 0.1 cut frame could contain pixels
almost in the color of the frame. The higher the threshold, the more we will cut.
Add frame of the same width to the top, bottom, left, and right of the image.
Let the user view and browse through modified images.
Let the user save modified images.
Let the user discard modified images and load another directory.
Obligatory feature for Group 2: Preprocessing of an image – rotations.
Before we do the merge let the user optionally rotate images from one selected directory in a
following way:
Let the user point out if the image is black ink on white paper or white ink on black
Let the user select the degree of the rotation.
Rotate the image. The result could be an image of bigger size. Fill the extra space that
appeared after the rotation with the color of the paper. Let the user decide if he wants
the image to be of the size as image after the rotation (possibly bigger) or if he wants to
cut proportionally the image so that it has the size as before the rotation.
Let the user view and browse through modified images (could be in Image Viewing
Let the user save modified images.
Let the user discard modified images and load another directory.
Obligatory feature for Group 3: Extended merging options: cutouts,
gradual fading and shading.
Code additional options for merging images from selected directories.
Option 1: Cutouts.
Let the user select the direction of cuts. Available options: horizontal, vertical.
Let the user select the number of stripes from a single image for the merge
Divide the input images into stripes*directories horizontal or vertical sections. Stripes is
the number of stripes from the point above. Directories is the number of directories user
selected to use to generate his symbols.
Compose the output image by putting together 1st stripe from 1st input image, 2nd stripe
from the 2nd image, 3rd stripe from the 3rd image, 4th stripe from the 4th image, 5th stripe
from 1st image, 6th stripe from the 2nd image, and so on. These values are for stripes>1
and directories=4.
Let the user decide what happens if images are of different sizes.
Option 2: Gradual fading and gradual shading.
For each of selected directory let the user select if his image is black on white or white on
For each of selected directory let the user select the style of shading/fading. Available
options: from bottom, from top, from left, from right, from upper left corner, from lower
left corner, from upper right corner, from lower right corner.
Gradual shading means adding gradually increasing gray (white) shade if image is black
(white). Gradual fading means adding gradually increasing white (gray) shade if the
image is black (white). Fading/shading is an option available for example in MS Power
Point to compose slide background. Fading is the same what shading, but with other
leading color.
Merge shaded images.
On my webpage you can find a set of exemplar input images.
< Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Danilo Thann -- 21 Temmuz 2015; 23:47:17 >
Orijinalden alıntı: Danilo Thann
Orijinalden alıntı: Coskun Marley
Orijinalden alıntı: Danilo Thann
Polonya'nın eğitimi sadece Lehçe eğitim görürsen iyi, İngilizce olarak beş para etmez. Warsaw University of Technology'de Computer Science okudum ve akademisyenlerimin çoğunun İngilizcesi benden daha kötüydü.
ingilizce girilen sınavların zorluğu nasıl oluyor peki
Sınavın dilinin farklı olması zorluk seviyesini etkilemiyor, sınava giren herkesin akıcı bir şekilde İngilizce bildiği ve soruları %100 olarak anladığı varsayılarak sınavlar hazırlanıyor. Zaten İngilizcen ana dil seviyesinde değilse böyle bir işe hiç girişme.
Örnek olarak bir proje göstereyim Warsaw Uni. of Tech'den;
Project title: Operations on images.
All groups: A (Monday 8AM), B (Monday 12PM), C (Monday 2PM) prepare a similar core
application, but the particular functionalities I ask to implement differ. Please, make sure you are
implementing the application as specified for your group. Correct implementation of all
obligatory functionalities grants you 70 points (full). To get extra points students are welcome to
propose their methods for extending functionalities of the program. Such extra functionality
cannot be a functionality I ask to implement other groups. Functionality has to be useful in
generating new images based on other input image(s). Extra functionalities you implement have
to be discussed with me before. For implementing extra functionality you can score from 5 to 15
extra points, depending on the quality of the idea, its originality, and the quality of
implementation. The extra points increase the total sum of your points scored during regular
laboratories and from the basic version of the project.
Division of work:
Recommended: 2-3 persons group can easily complete this project.
1 person group is ok, but there is no difference in grading.
4 persons group has to implement all functionalities of their group + functionalities of
one another group without getting extra credit for it.
5 persons group has to implement functionalities of all groups without any extra credit.
In a case when a group splits during the semester, each member has to complete the
project on his/her own.
Technical requirements:
project schedule is on my webpage,
you can use any libraries you want,
you can use any Java programming environment you like,
before projects deadline you submit
o full project source code, including any external libraries you used,
o executable version of the app,
o technical documentation (in particular: app architecture, class diagram,
documentation of GUI, description could be graphical how GUI relates to
underlying classes),
o source code documentation (could be in the code)
The task is to code a GUI-based application for viewing and merging images found in selected
directories. The main application window is split into 2 parts. First part is for viewing, second
for operations (merging), for example:
Part 1
Images Viewing area
Part 2
User operations and program flow in the Images Viewing area:
User selects directory, from which he would like to view the images (select could be for
example with a button).
Load all images from selected directory and display them nicely. Let the user browse in
loaded images. (The design is up to you). Take into consideration that images may be of
different sizes. Perhaps let the user enlarge/minimize the view of an image.
At all times user should know, which directory he is exploring.
Refresh loaded images, if necessary.
Clear Images Viewing area (remove images and path settings).
Load images in response to an action in the Operations part of this application.
Basic operations and program flow in the Operations area:
User selects up to 5 directories (could be the same) with images. (React if user chose a
directory without images).
Merge images from selected directories. Ask the user how. Allow flexibility. Details
are below.
Ask the user if he wants to view the effects of the merge. If the user agrees display the
result in the Image Viewing area.
Let the user save generated images. Ask him in which format and where. Allow
flexibility. Details are below.
Let the user dispose (delete and clear windows) of generated images.
If the user is quitting the application or is trying to generate new images without saving
his previous work ask him if this is intentional perhaps he forgot.
Few issues you might want to assume/consider:
Assume that all your images are black/white or on grayscale.
You have to program flexible operations on different image formats: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .tiff,
.tif, .bmp, compressed and not, also their depth could be different (for example 1bit per
pixel monochromatic bpp bpp
You will use library-based functionalities to handle images, you do not need to code your
own image processing libraries.
During program run remember user preferences what was the last location he opened,
where was the last location he saved his last generated images.
Decide how the main window of the application and its content will behave if the user
maximizes/resizes it.
Think over the design of your GUI. It has to be user friendly.
Merging images detailed description.
An image is an ordered set of pixels in a discrete 2-dimensional coordinates system (X, Y). Some
of the pixels are white, some gray, some black, etc. In this project, we do not consider colors
other than white, grayscale, and black. Merging two or more images produces a new image.
Imagine an image as a 2-dimensional table of pixels:
0,0 0,1 0,2 0,c
1,0 1,c
r,0 r,c
Where r+1 is the number of rows of pixels and c+1 is the number of columns of pixels. Each pixel
has its unique location in the image. The value of a particular pixel informs about its color.
How do we merge two images?
First, say it is the easier case and for both images r1=r2 and c1=c2, what means that they have
exactly the same number of rows and the same number of columns they are of the same size.
Merging such image means:
merging pixel 0,0 from image 1 with pixel 0,0 from image 2,
merging pixel 0,1 from image 1 with pixel 0,1 from image 2,
merging pixel r1,c1 from image 1 with pixel r2,c2 from image 2
All groups have to code 3 basic options for merging:
AND and and
OR or or
XOR (0 xor 1 = |0-1| = 1, 0.8 xor 0.2 = |0.8-
Note that color of pixels (values above) are normalized to [0,1]. In a regular image, depending on
image depth in bpp colors are represented with other values, for example 0 255.
How to merge two images of different sizes?
Center images and do the merge,
Resize (enlarge) smaller image and do the merge,
Resize (shrink) larger image and do the merge,
Cut out the center from the larger image so that it is of the same size as the smaller one
and do the merge.
How to merge more than two images?
Merge image 1 with image 2, merge the result with image 3, merge the result with image
4: (((im1,im2),im3),im4)
How to merge images of different formats?
All operations are with precision of the better image
How to save merged images?
User selects a format and the properties he likes. Available options: .bmp, .png, .jpg, .jpeg,
.tiff, .tif. Available depths: 1 bpp, 8 bpp, 16 bpp, 24bpp, 32bpp. You do not use
compression for saving the results.
Note that if we save grayscale image in 1bpp precision we get black/white image.
Name output files sensibly. Code 2 options. Option 1: Names of the output files are the
name as names of files in one of source directories. Let the user decide which one. Option
2: Output files names are composed of a string repeated in all names and a counter. User
determines the string, after which element of the string we put the counter and how the
counter works: start value of the counter, counter step and number of digits in the
counter. Default values are string image appearance of counter which is after
e start step digits what gives the following names: image000, image001,
image002, and so on.
Obligatory feature for Group 1: Preprocessing of an image – frames.
Before we do the merge let the user optionally preprocess one images directory:
Let the user select 1 directory, which he wants to modify.
Let the user point out if the images in this directory are black ink on white paper or
white ink on black paper.
Remove frame of the image. Frame is what is surrounding the actual image. Frame is
white if the paper is white. Frame is black if the paper is black. If an image is in grayscale,
let the user set a normalized threshold for the cut. If threshold is 0 (the default) cut is
only white/black frame. If threshold is for example 0.1 cut frame could contain pixels
almost in the color of the frame. The higher the threshold, the more we will cut.
Add frame of the same width to the top, bottom, left, and right of the image.
Let the user view and browse through modified images.
Let the user save modified images.
Let the user discard modified images and load another directory.
Obligatory feature for Group 2: Preprocessing of an image – rotations.
Before we do the merge let the user optionally rotate images from one selected directory in a
following way:
Let the user point out if the image is black ink on white paper or white ink on black
Let the user select the degree of the rotation.
Rotate the image. The result could be an image of bigger size. Fill the extra space that
appeared after the rotation with the color of the paper. Let the user decide if he wants
the image to be of the size as image after the rotation (possibly bigger) or if he wants to
cut proportionally the image so that it has the size as before the rotation.
Let the user view and browse through modified images (could be in Image Viewing
Let the user save modified images.
Let the user discard modified images and load another directory.
Obligatory feature for Group 3: Extended merging options: cutouts,
gradual fading and shading.
Code additional options for merging images from selected directories.
Option 1: Cutouts.
Let the user select the direction of cuts. Available options: horizontal, vertical.
Let the user select the number of stripes from a single image for the merge
Divide the input images into stripes*directories horizontal or vertical sections. Stripes is
the number of stripes from the point above. Directories is the number of directories user
selected to use to generate his symbols.
Compose the output image by putting together 1st stripe from 1st input image, 2nd stripe
from the 2nd image, 3rd stripe from the 3rd image, 4th stripe from the 4th image, 5th stripe
from 1st image, 6th stripe from the 2nd image, and so on. These values are for stripes>1
and directories=4.
Let the user decide what happens if images are of different sizes.
Option 2: Gradual fading and gradual shading.
For each of selected directory let the user select if his image is black on white or white on
For each of selected directory let the user select the style of shading/fading. Available
options: from bottom, from top, from left, from right, from upper left corner, from lower
left corner, from upper right corner, from lower right corner.
Gradual shading means adding gradually increasing gray (white) shade if image is black
(white). Gradual fading means adding gradually increasing white (gray) shade if the
image is black (white). Fading/shading is an option available for example in MS Power
Point to compose slide background. Fading is the same what shading, but with other
leading color.
Merge shaded images.
On my webpage you can find a set of exemplar input images.
Hocam mesaj atabilir misiniz profiliniz gizli atamıyorum ben
< Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
Orijinalden alıntı: Recker06
Bütçe, lise diploma notun,dil bunlar hakkında bilgi verirsen ve istediğin bölümü yazarsan ona göre daha rahat bilgilendirebiliriz seni.
hocam benide bilgilendirirseniz sevinirim yurtdısında okumak istiyorum. 12.sınıfım lise diploma notum muhtemelen 87 gelir.Dil olarak ingilizceyi iyi seviye de konusuyorum istediğim bölüm bilgisayar mühendisliği
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