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0x33 ( Softmod ) kapanıyor !

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  • Benim anladığım kadarıyla 0x33 kapanıyor ve Aion'a geçiyorlar :/ :/

    Forums closing

    Next week, the 0x33 Forums will be closing. They will remain archived for a short period, in which you can save any information you would like to keep.

    As to why, the answer is simply that we're done here. It has been our intention for some time to move on, and the time has come. I realize this may come as a disappointment to many, but I feel the change is needed if we're to succeed in the future. This is not the end of 0x33, just the end of this chapter. We will take this time to focus on new projects, to consider our successes and failures here, and to improve.

    I would sincerely like to thank our staff, our members, and everyone that's been a part of 0x33 over the years. It's been a great experience, and I hope to see many of you in the future.

    In the meantime, we will be keeping our IRC channel active. Join us at #0x33. You may also find some of us around at threestone.org.

    All the best,

    What will happen to Softmod?
    The Softmod forum is not closing. Softmod will still be available, so don't panic. Subs will re-open in 1-2 days. However, there is no guarantee on how long it will be supported in the future.

    When will you re-open the forums?
    We'll be taking this time to try out development for various new games. We will likely start small and private there, as we did here. As we haven't settled on a new game, a rough estimate would be 3-6 months. A public opening, if at all, would be after that.

    What games will you be trying?
    The most promising game seems to be Aion. But we will consider others as well.

    Why not keep the forums open while you work on a new project?
    We've built a strong community over the years, and much of it remains active today. However, we will not have a forum we do not actively run, and our focus is needed elsewhere. Visit us on IRC if you'd like to keep in touch.

    Edit: Feel free to post your thoughts, but remember that this is not a discussion thread, so please don't use it as such. Final decision and all that.

  • bu olay eski bi olay . nerden buldun bunu??
  • 0x33 forumu kapanali yani bu olay olali yil oldu zaten :)

    Edit: Softmod acisindan bakiyor isen forum su an kapali uzun zamandir sadece softmod icin acik tutuyorlar ... yeni konu acimi, muhabbet olayi kapandi yani ve bu olay olali cok oldu ...

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi TuzsuzDELiBEKiR -- 20 Aralık 2008; 2:10:40 >
  • forumun kapalı sm satışı aynen dewam
    admin clockwork evini taşıyor sm legend 3 plus için çıkmadı pazartesi - salı anca çıkarmış
  • bu sm kac lira veya $... ?
  • haftalık 4 $
  • Aion'a geçmelerine kesin gözü ile bakılıyor ama sm satışlarınıda durduracaklarını sanmıyorum ben
    Daha Aion'un çıkması bile muamma en erken Şubat 2009 diyorlar ama kesin bile deil ki kaldıki önce 1 senelik beta sürümü çıkacak
  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    Daha Fazla Göster
  • Aion korede beta takılıyor , global versiyonu ne zaman çıkacağı hiç belli değil
  • @sın2018

    Aion Global Office 2009 Başında Çoklu Dil Desteği İle Gelecek.
  • @_aNaToLia_

    inş. gelsede kurtulsak srodan
  • aion gelse bile bence adamlar softmoddan gelen kesin paraya yüz çevirmezler.

    kaç müşteri aylık 32 soalr ödüyor onlar
  • ben sıkıldım bu işten yaa bir isi duzgun yapan kımse yokmu
  • Benim şahsi görüşum.SM Kapanması imkansız gibi birşey .
    Bu adamın haftalık rahat 1500 muşterisi olsa eminimki cokrahat fazlası var eksiği yok..
    Haftalık 4 dolardan 6000 usd yapar..Hadi 1000 müşterisi olsun 4000 dolar.Aylığa vursan 16 bin dolar yapar
    Herifler ciddi para kazanıyor.
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