Arkadaşlar yarın ara sınav var şuna benzer bir soru gelcek
A psychologist is studying the speaking abilities of children. 160 children were interviewed and the number of words they can speak were noted. Write a program to display the following results.
What is the percentage of girls under 5 who can speak more than 200 words? How many children aged 3 speak less than 500 words? There is a theory that children who go to nursery school (group 1) learn to speak faster than children at home (group 2). Of children between 3-5, what is the percentage of each group who can speak more than 300 words?
Sorum şu, su soruyu çözmek için nasıl bir loop kullancaz.
Bu soruyu çözcek arkadaş çıkarsa çok sevaba gircek valla, çözecek kişiye özel bir kıyağım olcak.