Server Name: Retro Mu Version: 97d+99b Exp 15x Drop Item Rate: 35% Bug bless: Off-Line Link Speeed: 100mbps Jewel of bless: 100% Jewel of soul: 50% no luck, with luck 75% Jewel of life: 70% Rate +10: 70% Rate +11: 60% Wings Rate: 80% Fenrir Rate 70% Spots: All maps - medium spots, low spots Up Time 24/7 Events: Blood Castle , Chaos Casle , Devil Square , Sky Event - Quests: Guard quests (NEW) - New commands. new quests, new features. - List will be on website - MARRY ON! - EVO ON! - Drops ON: Box of Luck, Hearts, Silver Medals, Golden Medals, Firecracker! Jewels, Itens +4, +5, +6, +7 - SHOPS LIKE OLD GLOBAL!