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Amazondan Bedava Vds-Fatura Gönderimi 183 dolar

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  • Evet arkadaşlar amazondan bedava vds almıştım sanal kartım ile.
    Mailime bir fatura geldi aklım uçtu 183 dolar fatura gönderilmiş.Adamlarda bütün bilgilerimiz var ev adresimden telefona dava açar mı ? Herhangi bir yaptırımı var mı ?

    Greetings from Amazon Web Services,

    This e-mail confirms that your latest billing statement, for the account ending in ****2745, is available on the AWS web site. Your account will be charged the following:

    Total: $183.85

    You can see a complete break down of all charges on the Billing & Cost Management page located here:

    To protect your privacy, we can only communicate account information to the e-mail address on file for your account.

    Thank you for using Amazon Web Services.


    Amazon Web Services

    To learn more about managing your AWS costs with Cost Allocation and Tagging, visit

    Amazon Web Services, Inc. is a subsidiary of Amazon.com, Inc. Amazon.com is a registered trademark of Amazon.com, Inc. This message was produced and distributed by Amazon Web Services Inc., 410 Terry Ave. North, Seattle, WA 98109-5210
    AWS will not be bound by, and specifically objects to, any term, condition or other provision which is different from or in addition to the provisions of the AWS Customer Agreement or AWS Enterprise Agreement between AWS and you (whether or not it would materially alter such AWS Customer Agreement or AWS Enterprise Agreement) and which is submitted in any order, receipt acceptance, confirmation, correspondence or otherwise, unless AWS specifically agrees to such provision in a written instrument signed by AWS. Your use of Amazon Web Services products and services is governed by the AWS Customer Agreement linked below unless you purchase these products and services from an AWS Value Added Reseller.
    The AWS Customer Agreement was updated on March 18, 2016. You can see more information about these changes athttps://aws.amazon.com/agreement/recent-changes/.

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