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!!!!!!!! ..APANDI

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  • ARKADAŞLAR BEN Bİ B..K ANLAMADIM gymlerle savasıeken bana mesaj geldı daha sora yıne gymelerle savasırken 1 tane daha geldı sıze sorım dedım 1,mesajda sole yazıodu

    1:mesaj :: Congratulations trainer,

    You have been selected to part take in a annual tournament on pokemoncrater.com! This tournament is very special and the top 100 trainers will be in it, also 100 other trainers so 200 trainers are qualified in all! Your number is 42/200. The top prize is 10 pokemon from each type. It can also be legendary! To verify your entry you have to reply and submit the following:

    -Your username
    -The number that you were given out of 200
    -Your pass

    The tournament will take place this Friday-Sunday. If you lose, you will still have the pokemon of your choice. Once you have submitted the entry, you will be given a special golden badge next to your username. Also don't tell anyone about this tournament it is a personal annual crater tournament. There are over 30000 people online on crater and only 200 are allowed in this tournament! That is why we added that message that says don't tell your password. This allows the other trainers not to know that there is a tournament, only for special trainers that are invited. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Enjoy!


    Pokemoncrater Staff

    Pokemoncrater is a copyright of pokemoncrater.com

    2,ci mesaj: To Trainer,

    On October 25,2007 Pokemoncrater Battle Arena will again be hosting a secret Tournament which composed of the top 100 trainers in list and 300 randomly drawned players from the site.In the Tournament,trainers will fight till the end..until one of them win......participants will be given the newest type of pokemon "golden type" which has 30% more attack and life Compared to other types.The Champion will be given 5,ooo,ooo experience worth of pokemons.You were Chosen to be on the tournament,for registration purposes just fill up the following


    reply as soon as you received this message...registration will be cut on October 20,2007

    Hope to see you there!!

    Pokemon Crater Battle Arena Administrator

    bunlar yazıodu letfen cevırın sunu bea lutfen şimdiden.teşkürler
    1999-2007 The Pokemon Crater

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi black__storm -- 17 Ekim 2007; 21:55:09 >

  • arkadaşlar kusura bakmayın ama sızde bnm gıbı bi bok anlamadınız galıba

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi black__storm -- 17 Ekim 2007; 20:36:26 >
  • şifreni çalmaya çalışıyo ona iniglizce küfür et gitsin
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: poke abi

    şifreni çalmaya çalışıyo ona iniglizce küfür et gitsin

    saol poke abi neyse saol kusura bakmayın ama bana mesaj atan kısıye kufur edesım war edımı
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