arduino ile 2 dc motoru joystick le kontrol etme yardım lütfen
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2 Misafir (1 Mobil) - 1 Masaüstü, 1 Mobil
* Switch test program
Changing the PWM frequency on Pins 11 and 3
Setting Divisor Frequency
0x01 1 31250 //should not be able to hear this though the frequency is a little high for the l298
0x02 8 3906.25
0x03 32 976.5625
0x04 64 488.28125 // default
0x05 128 244.140625
0x06 256 122.0703125
0x07 1024 30.517578125 //here is also theroy but may be a little to low for the dc motor
int potx = A0; // analog pin 0, connected to VRx on the joystick board
int poty = A1; // analog pin 1, connected to VRy on the joystick board
// The joystick board 5 volts needs to be connected to the Arduino 5 volts pin
// The joystick board ground needs to be connected to an Arduino ground pin
int motor1 = 3; //Digital pin 3, connected to Enable pin A(ENA) on the L298N
int motor2 = 11; //Digital pin 11, connected to Enable pin B(ENB) on the L298N
int IN1 = 4; //Digital pin 4, connected to IN1 on the L298N
int IN2 = 5; //Digital pin 5, connected to IN2 on the L298N
int IN3 = 6; //Digital pin 6, connected to IN3 on the L298N
int IN4 = 7; //Digital pin 7, connected to IN4 on the L298N
// The L298N ground needs to be connected to an Arduino ground pin.
// In the L298N one DC motor terminals will be connected to OUT1 and OUT2 and the second DC motor to OUT3 and OUT4
// polarity in the motors is determined by the direction that you want for pan and tilt.
int value = 6; //4 being the default giving 488.28125hz
int CenterX = 0;
int CenterY = 0;
void setup() // run once, when the sketch starts
Serial.begin(9600); // set up Serial library at 9600 bps
pinMode(potx, INPUT);
pinMode(poty, INPUT);
pinMode(motor1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor2, OUTPUT);
pinMode (IN1, OUTPUT);
pinMode (IN2, OUTPUT);
pinMode (IN3, OUTPUT);
pinMode (IN4, OUTPUT);
TCCR2B = (TCCR2B & 0xF8) | value;// change the value of the (Timer 2 pins 11, 3?) register to a value ranging between 1 - 7
CenterX = analogRead(potx); // Get the center x value in the joystick
CenterY = analogRead(poty); // Get the center y value in the joystick
int getPotX() {
int v;
v = analogRead(potx);
return v;
int getPotY() {
int v;
v = analogRead(poty);
return v;
int moveMotorX() {
int ValueX = getPotX();
if( ValueX < CenterX ){
digitalWrite (IN1, HIGH);
digitalWrite (IN2, LOW);
ValueX = CenterX - ValueX;
ValueX /= 4;
ValueX = max(ValueX, 0);
ValueX = min(ValueX, 255);
analogWrite(motor1, ValueX);
digitalWrite (IN1, LOW);
digitalWrite (IN2, HIGH);
ValueX = ValueX - CenterX;
ValueX /= 4;
ValueX = max(ValueX, 0);
ValueX = min(ValueX, 255);
analogWrite(motor1, ValueX);
int moveMotorY() {
int ValueY = getPotY();
if( ValueY < CenterY ){
digitalWrite (IN3, HIGH);
digitalWrite (IN4, LOW);
ValueY = CenterY - ValueY;
ValueY /= 4;
ValueY = max(ValueY, 0);
ValueY = min(ValueY, 255);
analogWrite(motor2, ValueY);
digitalWrite (IN3, LOW);
digitalWrite (IN4, HIGH);
ValueY = ValueY - CenterY;
ValueY /= 4;
ValueY = max(ValueY, 0);
ValueY = min(ValueY, 255);
analogWrite(motor2, ValueY);
void loop() // run over and over again
böyle bir yazılım buldum ama 2 motorda aynı andan ve tek eksende çalışıyor ne gibi yanlış olabilir
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