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  • CLan lv5 yaptıktan sonra academy acmanız gerekiyor. Academy 1 seferde maksimum 20 kisi alir. 2 class olmamis ve lv40 olmamis playerlar academy e alinip 2class olduklarında otomatikman academy den mezun olur ve clan a 350 puan kazandırır. Clan puani 10 BIN olduğunda clan lv6 yapabilirsiniz. 20 bin puan daha toplarsaniz clanda en az 60 kisi olursa clan lv7 yapabilirsiniz. Low ratede zahmetlidir. PVP serverindaysaniz işiniz daha kolay. yeni yeni hesaplar acarak cok kısa sürede bu puanlar toplanıp clan puanları alınabilir. Ayrıca unutulmaması gereken bir detay var. Clan lv5 de alınması gereken skillerin hepsini alın ondan sonra clanlv6 yapın.

    Bu vesile ile bende bir soru sormak istiyorum. CLan için ROYAL GUARD nasıl açılıyor. Hangi npc?
  • Royal Guard nedir ? Nerede duruyor ne işe yarıyor ?
  • royal guard lv6 clanlarin icinde acilabilen alt clanlar. 2 adet acilabilir ve kapasitesi 20 kisi. yani 40 kisi main clan, 20 academy, 20 royal guard1,20 royal guard2 olabilir. Abyss traprock ta yerimiz kalmadi. Aksamlari 32 onlineye cikiyoruz. Disarda kalanlar var. Atacak kimse de kalmadi:D. Royal guard acmamiz gerek ek kapasite icin.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi anthon -- 14 Mart 2008; 15:39:26 >
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: anthon

    royal guard lv6 clanlarin icinde acilabilen alt clanlar. 2 adet acilabilir ve kapasitesi 20 kisi. yani 40 kisi main clan, 20 academy, 20 royal guard1,20 royal guard2 olabilir. Abyss traprock ta yerimiz kalmadi. Aksamlari 32 onlineye cikiyoruz. Disarda kalanlar var. Atacak kimse de kalmadi:D. Royal guard acmamiz gerek ek kapasite icin.

    Yani lvl 6 = 60 kişi ve Royal Guard açıp 40 ek kontenjan ile klanı 100 kişi yapabiliyoruz öyle mi ?
  • İngilizcesi benden, çevirisi sizden^^

    Benim anladigim kadariyla sunu dior. Clan/ally acilan bir npc ye gidin ve clan skilini alin, royal guardi olusturun gibi bir sey dior sanırsam^^

    Creation of the Royal Guard and Royal Order of the Knights

    When a clan reaches level 6, a Royal Guard may be created at the same NPC that allows you to create clans/alliances as well as take clan skills. Upon creation of a Royal Guard, one of the clan members must be appointed an administrator. Up to 2 Royal Guards may be created. The maximum number of members in a Royal Guard is 20.

    When a clan reaches level 7, an Order of Knights may be created at the same NPC that allows you to create clans/alliances as well as take clan skills. Upon creation of an Order of Knights, one of the clan members must be appointed as an administrator. Up to 2 Orders of Knights may be created under one Royal Guard. The maximum number of members in an Order of Knights is 10.

    Dissolving the Royal Guard or the Order of the Knights

    Once created, Royal Guards and Orders of Knights cannot be dissolved unless the clan is dissolved.

    When the administrator of each unit withdraws from their clan, the unit remains, and the administrator position becomes vacant. In this case, the clan leader must appoint a new administrator.

    The reappointment of the unit administrator can be done through an NPC that is in charge of clan-related activities.

    Rights within the Sub-Units

    • The clan name of the sub-unit should be the same as the clan
    • The clan crest and insignia should be also the same as the clan
    • Sub-units can use the same channel as the clan for clan chat and alliance chat
    • Sub-units can use the same clan hall, castle, and bulletin board as the clan. (However, if the clan leader changes the rights settings, this right may no longer apply.)

    Sub-units can participate in a clan war and siege war under the same conditions as the clan.

    Clan Level SP Adenas Required Qest Items Reputation Score Minimum Number of Clan Members
    1 30,000 650 None 0 1 or more
    2 150,000 2500 None 0 1 or more
    3 500,000 0 Blood Proof 0 1 or more
    4 1,400,000 0 Alliance Manifesto 0 1 or more
    5 3,500,000 0 Seal of Aspiration 0 1 or more
    6 0 0 None 10,000 30 or more
    7 0 0 None 20,000 80 or more
    8 0 0 None 40,000 120 or more

    Buda baska bir faydali bilgi clan point kazanmak icin :P

    Clan Reputation Points

    When a clan reaches level 5 or more, the clan may accumulate clan reputation points which are earned through various clan activities.

    The world clan ranking based on the clan reputation score may be viewed in the Adventurer's Guide Book.

    The reputation score increases in the following cases:
    • A clan academy member completes a 2nd class transfer

    • When a clan conquers a castle during a siege, 100 points are deducted from the defending clan's reputation score. If the defending clan has zero points, the new owner does not receive points. If the defending side is an NPC, 1000 points are added to the victorious clan's score

    • Your clan holds or defends a castle in a siege (only the clan that owns the defended castle/clan hall earns points)

    • Your clan acquires a siege-enabled clan hall (the reputation score increases more when taking over a clan hall owned by another clan)

    • A clan member takes first place in the Festival of Darkness (the reputation points are distributed in proportion to the number of clan members among the highest-ranking party members)

    • Each time a clan member becomes a Hero

    • A clan quest is completed

    • By killing an enemy (over level 4) in a clan war under the condition of mutual war declaration or siege; however, when the other side’s reputation score is 0 or below, your clan cannot acquire any reputation points from them

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi kazuya55 -- 14 Mart 2008; 16:30:18 >

  • hepinize TŞK ediyorum arkadaslar cok tşkLer....bilgiler icin...
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