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B660 Anakartların VRM Termal Testleri

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  • Hardware Unboxed, 18 adet B660 anakartın VRM termal performansını test etmiş. MSI B660 Tomahawk Wifi, test edilen 18 anakart arasında öne çıkıyor.

    B660 Anakartların VRM Termal Testleri


    B660 Anakartların VRM Termal TestleriHardware Unboxedyoutube
    Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hardwareunboxed Join us on Floatplane: https://www.floatplane.com/channel/HardwareUnboxed Buy relevant products from Amazon, Newegg and others below: Asrock B660M-HDV - https://geni.us/kwPX8s Asrock B660 Pro RS - https://geni.us/oOub Asus Prime B660M-A D4 - https://geni.us/5e9S Asus Prime B660M-K D4 - https://geni.us/8xGoM Asus Prime B660-Plus D4 - https://geni.us/8AO6buJ Asus TUF Gaming B660M-E D4 - https://geni.us/xNZtS Asus TUF Gaming B660M-Plus WiFi D4 - https://geni.us/fc8nGbV Asus ROG Strix B660-A Gaming WiFi D4 - https://geni.us/d6fC Gigabyte B660M D3H - https://geni.us/uTp1z Gigabyte B660M DS3H - https://geni.us/8ucOCR Gigabyte B660M Gaming - https://geni.us/BEgCS Gigabyte B660M Aorus Pro AX - https://geni.us/hTTYQ MSI Pro B660M-A - https://geni.us/JVyK MSI B660M Bazooka - https://geni.us/GoSf MSI B660M Mortar WiFi - https://geni.us/XA9VAQ MSI B660 Tomahawk WiFi - https://geni.us/tRzqEZw Video Index: 00:00 - Welcome back to Hardware Unboxed 01:52 - Asus Prime B660-Plus D4 $150 03:31 - Asus TUF Gaming B660M-E D4 $160 04:38 - Asus TUF Gaming B660M-Plus WiFi D4 $180 05:36 - Asus ROG Strix B660-A Gaming WiFi D4 $240 07:00 - Gigabyte B660M Aorus Pro AX $180 08:04 - MSI B660M Bazooka $160 09:21 - MSI B660M Mortar WiFi $180 10:16 - MSI B660 Tomahawk WiFi $190 10:47 - Test System Specs 12:40 - Intel Core i9-12900K - Standard Air-Flow 13:50 - Intel Core i9-12900K - Direct Air-Flow 14:33 - Intel Core i7-12700 - Standard Air-Flow 15:25 - Intel Core i7-12700 - Direct Air-Flow 15:42 - Intel Core i5-12600K - Standard Air-Flow 16:23 - Intel Core i5-12600K - Direct Air-Flow 16:34 - 18 Board Comparison 17:40 - Final Thoughts 18 Intel B660 Boards Tested, VRM Thermal Test Disclaimer: Any pricing information shown or mentioned in this video was accurate at the time of video production, and may have since changed Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. We may also earn a commission on some sales made through other store links FOLLOW US IN THESE PLACES FOR UPDATES Twitter - http://twitter.com/hardwareunboxed Facebook - http://facebook.com/hardwareunboxed Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/hardwareunboxed/ Music By: https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired

  • Aynı site en iyi B660 anakartları da seçmiş.


    En iyi Fiyat: MSI Pro B660M-A

    En iyi mATX: MSI B660M Mortar WiFi

    En iyi üst düzey model: MSI B660 Tomahawk WiFi

    B660 Anakartların VRM Termal TestleriHardware Unboxedyoutube
    Gigabyte competition: https://www.facebook.com/AorusANZ/posts/3045298622354765 Gigabyte's Z690 range: https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/Intel-Z690 Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hardwareunboxed Join us on Floatplane: https://www.floatplane.com/channel/HardwareUnboxed Buy relevant products from Amazon, Newegg and others below: Asrock B660M-HDV - https://geni.us/kwPX8s Asrock B660 Pro RS - https://geni.us/oOub Asus Prime B660M-A D4 - https://geni.us/5e9S Asus Prime B660M-K D4 - https://geni.us/8xGoM Asus Prime B660-Plus D4 - https://geni.us/8AO6buJ Asus TUF Gaming B660M-E D4 - https://geni.us/xNZtS Asus TUF Gaming B660M-Plus WiFi D4 - https://geni.us/fc8nGbV Asus ROG Strix B660-A Gaming WiFi D4 - https://geni.us/d6fC Gigabyte B660M D3H - https://geni.us/uTp1z Gigabyte B660M DS3H - https://geni.us/8ucOCR Gigabyte B660M Gaming - https://geni.us/BEgCS Gigabyte B660M Aorus Pro AX - https://geni.us/hTTYQ MSI Pro B660M-A - https://geni.us/JVyK MSI B660M Bazooka - https://geni.us/GoSf MSI B660M Mortar WiFi - https://geni.us/XA9VAQ MSI B660 Tomahawk WiFi - https://geni.us/tRzqEZw Video Index: 00:00 - Welcome back to Hardware Unboxed 01:12 - Best Entry-Level, Soyo B660M Classic 02:50 - Best Value, MSI Pro B660M-A 04:07 - Best mATX, MSI B660M Mortar WiFi 05:38 - Best Mini-ITX, Asus ROG Strix B660-I Gaming WiFi 07:25 - Best High-end, MSI B660 Tomahawk WiFi 09:15 - Final Thoughts Read this article on TechSpot: https://www.techspot.com/bestof/intel-b660-motherboards/ Top 5 Best B660 Motherboards Disclaimer: Any pricing information shown or mentioned in this video was accurate at the time of video production, and may have since changed Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. We may also earn a commission on some sales made through other store links FOLLOW US IN THESE PLACES FOR UPDATES Twitter - http://twitter.com/hardwareunboxed Facebook - http://facebook.com/hardwareunboxed Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/hardwareunboxed/ Music By: https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired
    B660 Anakartların VRM Termal Testleri

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi JoeChrisMorris -- 28 Mart 2022; 13:46:1 >

  • B660 Anakartların VRM Termal TestleriKapi Lab.youtube
    ※ASRock B660M PRO RS マザーの下部ファンコネクターを見逃しておりました。 正しくはWPを含め4つでした。 誠に申し訳御座いませんm(_ _)m 今回はIntel 第12世代のB660Mマザーボードを5枚比較してみました。 安価帯のマザーボードの闇を少し垣間見た気がします。 なんと…CPUの性能を発揮出来ないマザーボードが…。 これを知らなきゃ損をするかも? 検証環境 ・CPU:Intel Core i7-12700K (https://amzn.to/30Fwmtn) ・簡易水冷:Antec SYMPHONY 240 ARGB(https://amzn.to/3IUOiQT) ・ストレージ:crucial P5 M.2 SSD 500GB (https://amzn.to/35QQKKq) ・メモリ:Antec Katana 8GB×2 DDR4-3200MHz (https://amzn.to/3CvnvsA) ・電源:MSI MPG A850GF (https://amzn.to/3k9xH2V) ・2WAY ベンチテーブル SMZ-2WBT-EATX (https://amzn.to/3AUYGoN) ・グリス:親和産業 シミオシ OC Master SMZ-01R (https://amzn.to/3hDlnpK) 検証マザー ・ASRock B660M PRO RS (https://amzn.to/3qLRUOU) ・ASUS PRIME B660M-A D4 (https://amzn.to/3wRpdE6) ・GIGABYTE B660M DS3H DDR4 (https://s.kakaku.com/item/K0001413123/) ・MSI PRO B660M-E (https://amzn.to/3wNzxg3) ・MSI PRO B660M-A (https://amzn.to/3iSk9qy) 目次 0:00 OP&ご挨拶 0:11 動画の内容説明と経緯 1:25 構成紹介 1:45 マザー紹介と検証(MSI PRO B660M-E) 4:56 マザー紹介と検証(GIGABYTE B660M DS3H DDR4) 7:49 マザー紹介と検証(ASRock B660M PRO RS) 10:32 マザー紹介と検証(MSI PRO B660M-A) 13:18 マザー紹介と検証(ASUS PRIME B660M-A D4) 16:17 まとめ(全てのマザーのスコアと温度比較) 18:16 ED お仕事依頼はTwitterのDMまたは下記メールアドレスへお願い致します。 https://twitter.com/kapi_Lab Kapidakapira@gmail.com (メールに関しましてはお仕事依頼及びお仕事関係以外からのご連絡には返信はしておりませんのでご了承ください。) オススメ ・速乾性ラベルハガシ 風神スプレー 420ml (https://amzn.to/3AEnWyz) ・クイックドライクリーナー(https://amzn.to/2OaCWBH) ・KURE 接点復活スプレー 220ml(https://amzn.to/3gueG9u) ・HyperX QuadCast S スタンドアロンマイク(https://amzn.to/33KV75v) ・Deepcool Assassin III 空冷 cpuクーラー(https://amzn.to/36biAgO) ・親和産業 シミオシ OC Master SMZ-01R(https://amzn.to/2Wjh74a) Amazonリンクはアソシエイトリンクを使用しております。 #比較 #B660 #Intel第12世代 Twitter:@kapi_Lab https://mobile.twitter.com/kapi_Lab
  • b660 anakartlarda alttaki modeller model iyi görünüyor

    msi - pro-a , mortar , tomahawk

    asus - tuf gaming plus , rog strix

    gigabyte - auros pro , master , gaming x

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi FRED BAKER -- 1 Nisan 2022; 17:21:28 >
  • Mortar ve Tomahawk arasında 300 lira fiyat farkı var. Tomahawk almak daha mantıklı olur gibi.



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