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BF3 Punkbuster sorunu

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    BF3 premium sahibiyim, nickim serttt. foruma sık sık uğruyorum ama pek katılımcı olamadığım için öncelikle özür dilerim

    yaklaşık 1 ay önce originden "Your Origin password has been successfully updated.
    If you did not request this password change or believe you're receiving this email in error, please contact Origin Help for immediate assistance.
    Your friends at Origin " mail aldım. Ea help'den yetkili sadece hesabıma yönelik bi hacklemeden ziyade attemp olduğunu söyledi.cdkeylerim ve Şifre değişikliği ile herşey normale döndü.Ama adresime rusça yazılmış originden 4-5 mail daha geldi.sonuncusunu rusçadan türkçeye çevirip şifreniz başarı ile değiştirilmiştir yazısını okudum, tekrar sorduğumda adres olarak rusya gözüktüğünü söylediler. o ara oyuna girebildiğimden pek umursamadım. gelelim sadede;

    son 10 gündür punkbuster devamlı atıyor hiç oynatmıyor; devamlı cheat yaptım gözüküyor. Punkbuster ticket yazışmalarımızı olduğu gibi buraya koyuyorum, Note8 de sanırım yardımcı olamayacaklarını söylüyorlar. bundan sonrasına BF3 ü rafa kaldırıp BF4 ümü beklemek lazım ? ya da ne yapmak lazım ?

    BF3 ü Aral'dan, premium keyi originshop'tan satın almıştım. rus keyi vb değildir.

    yardımı dokunabilecek arkadaşlara şimdiden teşekkürler


    Note #8: The supplied GUID has been associated with hacking or interfering with the normal operation of our PunkBuster software and has therefore been compromised resulting in a global ban from PunkBuster enabled game servers. We have no way of knowing who was actually playing with this GUID at the time the violation was triggered. We also have no way to know if the violation was triggered on your specific computer. Our system does not collect personal information and furthermore we have no way to attach a cheat/hack violation to a specific person. This ban will not be lifted as then the person who did trigger the violation would again be able to join PunkBuster Servers using this GUID.

    To be clear: we are not saying that you cheated as we have no way to know who triggered the violation. If it is certain that no one playing on your computer ever had a cheat/hack violation triggered by PunkBuster, then your GUID (cdkey and/or game account password) has been stolen by or leaked to someone who has used it on a different computer to trigger the violation. We do not have the means to help you find out who is responsible for compromising your GUID.

    04/01/2013 12:18:57 - "serttt"
    Note #7: [C:\Users\sertunc\AppData\Local\PunkBuster\BF3\pb\pbcl.log.........

    [01.25.2012 21:12:29] Time Out trying to Update PB Client
    [01.25.2012 21:26:46] Time Out trying to Update PB Client
    [01.25.2012 22:00:37] Visitwww.evenbalance.com to manually update your PB Files
    [02.26.2012 16:51:07] Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrB.exe handshaking failed
    [03.15.2012 21:41:15] serttt has been banned for 15 minutes for using M67 - The ban duration is 15 minutes. [Admin Decision]
    [09.17.2012 22:14:29] Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrB.exe handshaking failed
    [10.14.2012 01:58:29] serttt 30 minutes ban for using M67(Temporary:30) [Admin Decision]
    [11.04.2012 17:51:45] Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrB.exe handshaking failed
    [12.12.2012 22:46:18] Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrB.exe handshaking failed
    [01.05.2013 12:37:54] Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrB.exe handshaking failed
    [01.12.2013 17:32:15] Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrB.exe handshaking failed
    [02.12.2013 21:07:23] Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrB.exe handshaking failed
    [03.27.2013 00:20:36] Violation (AIMBOT) #50759
    [03.27.2013 00:21:51] Violation (AIMBOT) #50759
    [03.27.2013 00:35:36] Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrB.exe handshaking failed
    [03.27.2013 00:35:57] Violation (AIMBOT) #50759
    [03.27.2013 00:45:47] Violation (AIMBOT) #50759
    [03.27.2013 00:45:48] Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrB.exe handshaking failed
    [03.27.2013 20:07:11] Violation (AIMBOT) #50759
    [03.27.2013 20:22:17] Violation (AIMBOT) #50759
    [03.27.2013 20:41:16] Violation (AIMBOT) #50759
    [03.27.2013 20:48:09] Violation (AIMBOT) #50759
    [03.28.2013 23:04:20] Violation (AIMBOT) #50759
    [04.01.2013 20:07:17] pb_LogToFile = 1 (0=No, 1=Yes)
    [04.01.2013 20:07:17] PunkBuster Client (v2.325 | A0) Enabled
    [04.01.2013 20:07:17] Game Version [1147186]
    [04.01.2013 20:07:17] Not Connected to a Server
    [04.01.2013 20:07:17] Master Query Sent to (MASTER5.EVENBALANCE.COM)
    [04.01.2013 20:07:20] PB Services socket initialized
    [04.01.2013 20:07:32] Connected to Server
    [04.01.2013 20:07:38] PnkBstrA successfully loaded PnkBstrB
    [04.01.2013 20:07:39] WARNING: PB Kicks for Name Spamming and Non-standard Characters and Level 1 PB Restrictions on this Server
    [04.01.2013 20:07:39] PB Server assigned guid = f5193f5d7f1f9fc26746272e192cd4fa
    [04.01.2013 20:07:39] Receiving from PB Server (w v1.867 | A1386 C2.325)
    [04.01.2013 20:07:41] PnkBstrB service installed and started successfully
    [04.01.2013 20:08:14] Violation (AIMBOT) #50759
    [04.01.2013 20:08:19] Not Connected to a Server
    04/01/2013 12:10:20 - "serttt"
    Note #6: Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster kicked player 'serttt' (for 5 minutes) ... Violation (AIMBOT) #50759

    [04.01.2013 20:07:16] pb_LogToFile = 1 (0=No, 1=Yes)
    [04.01.2013 20:07:16] Changing PunkBuster homepath to [C:\Users\sertunc\AppData\Local\PunkBuster\BF3\pb\]

    03/29/2013 10:19:53 - "Alex J"
    Note #5: Please include your GUID.

    To see your GUID, go to your PB (located inside the game installation folder) folder and create a plain text file "pbcl.cfg" in it (use a text editor like "Notepad", make sure it has no additional '.txt' extension). Put the text "pb_logtofile 1" (do not include quotations) as a single line to it. Then save the file and join a PB enabled server. After a few moments, you should have a file "pbcl.log" in the PB folder. Open the pbcl.log and look for the line "PB Server Assigned GUID = ", this is your GUID.
    03/28/2013 16:05:29 - "serttt"

    Note #4: Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster kicked player 'serttt' (for 5 minutes) ... Violation (AIMBOT) #50759


    03/27/2013 14:43:36 - "serttt"
    Note #3: Game disconnected: you were kicked by an admin. Stated reason: metabans.com: Cheating/Hacking (GGC/PBBans)

    03/27/2013 14:41:53 - "serttt"

    Note #2: Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster kicked player 'serttt' (for 1119 minutes) ... Prior Kick/Ban

    03/27/2013 13:56:34 - "serttt"

    Note #1: Ticket submitted to support staff.

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