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Biri Yardım Ederse Sevincem :(((

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2 Misafir - 2 Masaüstü
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  • Thank you for contacting Knight Online Customer Support. Unfortunately, I am unable to determine the ID of the account in question. Please re-submit your ticket making sure to include the ID of the account as well as the original account registration date in addition to ALL of the 9 digit Click&Buy numbers, KESN numbers, PayPal e-mail addresses and last 4 digits of ALL credit cards used to make purchases on the account. Failure to provide ALL information will only delay the verification process. After the required account information has been verified we will be able to take further action. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause you. Thank you for playing Knight Online and happy hunting!

    - Knight Online Customer Support, CSR Spector Five

    bunu çevirebilecek var mı çok acil arkadaşlar

  • kredi kartından bahsedio ama inş hayırlı bısıdır
  • up
  • hemencevir.com dan bişey çıkmadı kusura kalma ama kredi kartı felan diyo
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: buff_tuff_cuff

    Thank you for contacting Knight Online Customer Support. Unfortunately, I am unable to determine the ID of the account in question. Please re-submit your ticket making sure to include the ID of the account as well as the original account registration date in addition to ALL of the 9 digit Click&Buy numbers, KESN numbers, PayPal e-mail addresses and last 4 digits of ALL credit cards used to make purchases on the account. Failure to provide ALL information will only delay the verification process. After the required account information has been verified we will be able to take further action. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause you. Thank you for playing Knight Online and happy hunting!

    - Knight Online Customer Support, CSR Spector Five

    bunu çevirebilecek var mı çok acil arkadaşlar

    sorundaki accountun id si tanımlanamamış.
    original account id ve kayıt tarihi, 9 haneli clikandbuy id si,ken numarası veya paypal e mail adressi ve credi kartıın son 4 hanesini içeren yeni bi ticket gönder. bu bilgiler onaylandıgında istegini degerlendirceklermiş.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Engineered Rock -- 21 Nisan 2007; 3:00:58 >

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