Serverimiz profesyonel takımımızla 26.04.2013 tarihinde açılacaktır , Elixir dropları moblardan kaldırıldı . Elixirler npcye eklendi , ve npclere 9d sun +5 full blue itemler eklendi , pvp sevenler için 1 e 1 serverdir Saygılarımla.
Server Information Cap: 90 Race: Eu/Ch Files: vSRO Items: 9dg Sun +5 Full blue items 1 gold in npc. CTF: Disabled for now FW: Working Silks: 50000 FREE SILK Grab-pet inventory: 1 Pages Guild/Union Emblems: Working Status:
Server Rateleri Level Cap | 90 Drop | 5x Gold | 5x Job Rates | 80x Profit Item Cap | 9d Alchemy | 1x
Elixirs only able to buy from npc ][ Mobs doesnt dropping elixir We didnt decide the priceyet ] [spoiler]
50000 Free Silks [ Global etc removed ] [spoiler]
Starter Items [ +5 Sun Full blue items 1 gold in npc's ] [spoiler]
Stones] [ We didnt decide the prices yet ] [spoiler]
Dedicated Server : [spoiler]8 x 3.40 Ghz E3-1245 28GB RAM 1TB HDD Notable Features [spoiler]Degree 9 Seal of Sun +5 Full blue items can be purchased from NPCs. We will never sell overpowered items, such as +50 items xD... Active ingame GMs, with great support. Daily events with nice rewards. Elixirs and stones are stackable to 50. Thread design credits goes to paradise :)
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