Çinli bir youtube kanalına denk geldim, deli gibi çarpışma testi yapmış adamlar. 30 tane 7.000 dolardan 230.000 dolara kadar Alman, Japon, Çinli, İngiliz, İsveçli, elektrikli, içten yanmalı, lüks segment, ucuz segment vs aklınıza ne gelirse çarpmışlar. Arabaları üreticilere bilgi vermeden rastgele satın alıyorlar. Biraz canlar yanıyor. Çarpışma testlerine ilgisi olan arkadaşlar için 2 tane lezzetli video: DCARSTUDIOyoutube We have selected 30 new car models that are currently mainstream, popular, and highly anticipated in the market, and subjected them to several months of professional testing in simulated high-risk real-world accident scenarios, referencing multiple international and domestic publicly available testing standards. These vehicles will undergo extremely rigorous crash tests. How will they perform?
The models include: Range Rover, Maybach, Mercedes-Benz G-Class, Xiaomi SU7, ZEEKR 001, Tesla Model 3, AITO M7, and Li L6,they priced at $7k - $230k.
懂车帝选取当前市场主流热销、关注度高的30款新车,由北京市产品质量监督检验研究院作为测试机构,模拟高危真实事故场景,参照多个国际和国内公开测试标准进行了长达数月的专业测试。这些车中既有像揽胜、迈巴赫、奔驰G这样的百万豪车,也有小米SU7、极氪001、特斯拉Model3、问界M7、理想L6等热销车型,那它们的表现到底如何?视频中为你揭晓! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9msTtgqPB80DCARSTUDIOyoutube After the completion of the crash tests, these 30 cars faced an even more severe challenge as they were pitted against a 40-ton truck in a head-on collision. How would they perform in this more difficult benchmarking test?
The models include: Range Rover, Maybach, Mercedes-Benz G-Class, Xiaomi SU7, ZEEKR 001, Tesla Model 3, AITO M7, and Li L6,they priced at $7k - $230k.
在上一期节目里,我们选取当前市场主流热销、关注度高的30款新车,由北京市产品质量监督检验研究院进行了《懂车安全指数》正面偏置碰和高速追尾测试,揽胜、迈巴赫、奔驰G这些豪车的表现让人大跌眼镜,而极氪001、小米SU7、问界M7、长城哈弗大狗等中国自主品牌则表现优异,打破了合资进口车一分钱一分货的惯例!接下来,这30款新车还将接受更高难度的摸底测试,那这次它们的表现会如何呢?来看测试结果! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xw1jdkYW6Yo |