arkadaşlar cin ile kullanamıyorum ; person.gender daki cin kısmındaki >> in altı çizili ve no operator ">>" matches these operands diyor struct Person { enum Gender { Male,Female }gender; int IDNUM; string Name; int Age; int Height; string Profession; }; void PersonData (Person &person) { Person person; cout << "Please Enter the following details of the Person: " << endl; cout << "Name: "; cin >> person.Name; cout << "Age: "; cin >> person.Age; cout << "Height (in cm): "; cin >> person.Height; cout << "Gender: "; cin >> person.gender; //The Error is on this line. It also persists if I use getline cout << "Profession: "; getline (cin,person.Profession);; }
şöyle birşey yaptım char mf; do { cout << "Gender(M/F): "; cin >> mf; if(mf=='m' || mf=='M') person.gender=Male; else if(mf=='F' || mf=='f') person.gender=Female; }while(mf!='M' && mf!='m' && mf!='F' && mf!='f');