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Eski Mac'lere macOS Sonoma'yı getiren program çıktı

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  • Eski Mac'lere macOS Sonoma'yı getiren program çıktı
    MacOS 14 Sonoma güncellemesi 2017 ve sonrasında çıkan MacBook ve daha yeni modellere yüklenebiliyor. Ancak, yeni yayınlanan OpenCore Legacy Patcher yazılımıyla güncelleme, macOS Sonoma’yı desteklemeyen Mac’lere de yüklenebiliyor.

    Ayrıca Bkz.MacOS Sonoma'da oyun modu nasıl açılır ve kapatılır?

    Yeni macOS sürümlerinin desteklenmeyen eski modellerde çalışmasına olanak tanıyan bir bootloader olan OpenCore Legacy Patcher’ın son sürümü indirilmeye açıldı. Desteklenmeyen 83 Mac modeline macOS Sonoma desteği getiriyor. Ancak, geliştirmenin devam ettiği, ilk etapta bazı özelliklerin sunulmayacağı (liste paylaşılmadı) yönünde bir uyarı var.

    OpenCore Legacy Patcher 1.0.0 sürümü ile MacOS Sonoma yüklenebilen Mac modelleri şu şekilde:

    • 2008 - 2019 12 inç ve 13 inç MacBook’lar

    • 2009 - 2017 11 inç ve 13 inç MacBook Air

    • 2008 - 2017 13 inç ve 17 inç MacBook Pro

    • 2009 - 2017 Mac mini

    • 2007 - 2018 20 inç 27 inç iMac

    • 2008 - 2018 Mac Pro

    Program GitHub üzerinden indirilebiliyor.


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  • Sakın böyle bir şey yapmayın. Ben 2012 imac'ime böyle yardımcı program ile güncelleme yaptım.bilgisayarimda çok fazla ısınma oluyor ve calisamiyordum'. sonrasinda bilgisayarımı eski haline çevirmek istedim. Ve sürpriz! kesinlikle geri alamadım.

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  • Bilgi için videoyu aşağıya bırakıyorum izleyip yapabilirsiniz

    Eski Mac'lere macOS Sonoma'yı getiren program çıktıMr. Macintoshyoutube
    You can install macOS Sonoma on your Unsupported Mac with OpenCore Legacy Patcher! This video is a comprehensive full step-by-step walkthrough that anyone can follow! CHAPTERS & UPDATES BELOW UPDATES: 3/20/24 0. WARNING: The Sonoma 14.4 Update is NOT compatible with Non-Metal Macs from 2008-2011. DO NOT INSTALL 14.4 ON THESE MODELS. Only use 14.3.1 for now. 1. Current version of OCLP = 1.4.2 2. Current version of Sonoma = 14.4 3. NOTE for 2016 & 2017 MacBook Pro's with Touch Bar! Do NOT erase the top level SSD ONLY Macintosh HD or your touchbar will not work. 4. If you get the "An error occurred preparing the software update" error, make sure you use APFS format and clear the NVRAM and try a different USB installer flash drive or disk. OpenCore Legacy Patcher official website https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher/ Direct OCLP App 1.4.2 download https://github.com/dortania/OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher/releases/download/1.4.2/OpenCore-Patcher-GUI.app.zip Support the OpenCore Legacy Patcher Developers (Open Collective) https://opencollective.com/opencore-legacy-patcher Chapters 0:00 Intro 0:53 Important Notes 1:37 BACKUP ALL YOUR DATA FIRST!!! 2:27 Have a backup plan. 4:16 NOTE! If you have a 2010 and older Mac you need a USB 2.0 Hub!!! 5:09 Start of the walkthrough - Install Option #1 Fresh Erase & Install 5:20 WALKTHROUGH #1 Erase and Install Sonoma on s a 2011 17” MacBook Pro 5:55 If the OCLP Assets section has a spinning circle can’t download 6:14 Download OpenCore-Patcher-GUI.app.zip 6:31 Moving new OCLP app to your Applications folder. 7:01 Opening OCLP App for the first time 7:20 Prepare USB Flash Drive - Plug in, & Erase 7:45 OPTIONAL STEP: Manual erase of USB drive with Disk Utility 8:11 OPTIONAL STEP: Disable Spotlight indexing on USB Drive 9:09 Download macOS Sonoma 9:54 Creating Sonoma USB installer 11:35 Install OCLP to USB. 12:04 OPTIONAL: Putting a copy of the OCLP app on our USB Install drive just in case 12:29 OPTIONAL: Creating a 2nd USB partition for supported version of macOS just in case 15:42 OPTIONAL: Change USB installer icons to macOS installer icons 16:17 USB OCLP Sonoma Drive Done! 16:44 Time to reboot to the Sonoma USB Installer! Restart and hold downOPtion 16:49 Hold down Option key + USB EFI Boot to Sonoma Installer 17:35 We are going to perform a fresh erase & install of macOS Sonoma 17:40 LAST CALL BACK UP YOUR DATA!! Then Click disk Utility & Erase 18:36 Let’s start the the install of macOS Sonoma! 19:01 The install will reboot your Mac 4-5 times 19:55 4th Reboot & Install of New OCLP Auto Patcher! 20:21 Install Complete, Go through the setup assistant 20:36 We are on the desktop! Note: Your Mac could run a bit slow after Install = Spotlight Indexing 20:40 Wait for auto popup to install OCLP boot loader to internal Hard Drive! 20:56 Installing OCLP Boot loader to Internal Hard Drive 21:48 Eject your OCLP USB Installer disk 21:59 Reboot - Hold down Option key 22:10 At EFI Boot selection screen = Select EFI Boot then click Macintosh HD 22:24 macOS Sonoma Install Complete = now a few finder setting options 23:14 If a new version of OCLP App is available ? 23:25 How to change the top screen menu bar text from White to Black 24:13 WALKTHROUGH #2 Upgrade in place install on a 2013 Mac Pro 24:37 If you don’t have the OCLP App - Download it from OCLP Github 25:26 If you already have the OCLP app, let’s upgrade it to the latest version! 25:50 OCLP Updated to the latest version! 26:04 Install the latest OpenCore and Root Patches 27:08 Why install the latest OCLP OpenCore & Root Patches BEFORE upgrading to Sonoma? 27:40 Latest version of OCLP patches are working 28:06 NOTE: NOT recommended upgrade to Sonoma through Software Update!! + Older Updates 29:13 Creating the OCLP USB installer disk & Using existing installer that you have in applications 32:11 OPTIONAL: Creating a 2nd partition on USB for our backup supported macOS just in case. 34:26 OPTIONAL: Move a backup copy of the OCLP app to our USB drive - restart 34:55 We are at the EFI Boot screen - Select the USB EFI Boot & then Install Sonoma 35:00 Now we are in macOS Sonoma for the upgrade in place install 35:46 Reminder to still backup your data just in case before we install! 36:10 Sonoma Upgrade Install has started! The Mac will automatically reboot 3-5 times. 36:32 4th reboot to the OCLP auto patcher 36:44 Upgrade to macOS Sonoma finished! 36:52 The OCLP auto root patcher install OC boot loader to internal drive 37:26 Reboot & eject OCLP USB Install disk 37:40 Restart + option to make Internal HD OC EFI your default 38:04 How to add OCLP app to your dock 39:18 How to Update OCLP app and install macOS software updates? 40:25 Thank you Mykola, Dhinak, ASentientBot, EduCovas & all the OCLP Devs! 42:37 OCLP Open Collective: a way to contribute to the devs! Support Mr. Macintosh https://www.patreon.com/mrmacintosh http://paypal.me/mrmacintoshblog
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