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hotmail hesabım kapatılmış açamıyorum YARDIMM

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  • hotmail hesabım kapatılmış yeniden açamıyorum alternatif bir mail adresi verdim bana geri döndüler ama 2 gündür açamıyorum. niye kapatıldı bir bilgim yok herhangi bir sebep de göstermiyorlar kafayı yemek üzereyim yardım edin lütfen

  • Hesabına kullanıcı adın ve şifreni girdiğinde tam olarak ne yazıyor..Bu hesap kullanılmıyor mu yoksa şifreniz yada kullanıcı adınız hatalı tarzında bir yazı mı yazıyor..
  • hesabıma girdiğimde
    Your account has been closed
    It looks like the Terms of Use may have been violated. To have our support team look into this, please click the support link below.

    Contact support

    ekranı cıkıyor contak support a tıklıyorum.

    Complete the form below for Windows Live Hotmail

    E-mail Support E-mail Support

    (required fields * )

    You have reached the Account Closed, Access Denied support form. So that we can properly address your account issue, please complete the following information:

    *Hotmail account that has been closed (example: myname@hotmail.com): buraya hotmail adresimi yazıyorum

    *E-mail address where our support agent can contact you (Note: If you don’t have another e-mail address, you can create a new Hotmail account for this purpose.): buraya benimle irtibat kuracakları mail adresimi yazıyorum

    Please select an activity that is closest to your actions in the last few days: son birkac gun içinde yaptıgım birsey olarak hic birsey diyorum cunku 1 hafta once girmistim mail adresime

    Picture with characters. Typing the characters from a picture or entering the numbers from an audio playback helps ensure that a person, not an automated program, is creating this request. resimdeki karakterleri yazın herzamakı sey

    sonra formu doldurup submit yapıyorum bana gelen mailde bilgilerinizi güncelleyin diyor güncelliyorum. ama sonuc değismiyor hotmail hesabımı acınca gene your account has been closed diyor. işin garibi sadece maillerime giremiyorum

  • nasıl oldu bilmiyorum ama sorun cozuldu bana bi mail atmıslar mailde soyle diyor
    Thank you for writing to Windows Live Hotmail Customer Support. My name is Jo and I gather that you are having issues accessing your account. I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you.

    We are currently reviewing all Windows Live Hotmail accounts for any violation of our account policies. We have checked your < selvijr@hotmail.com > account and have confirmed that it did not violate any of our Terms of Use (TOU). We have reopened your account and you should now be able to access it. Please try to log in and let us know if the problem persists.

    There are a few valuable steps you can take to make sure your account never gets identified with a violation of our TOU:

    . Check your contacts and recipients lists to make sure that only people who want to receive the messages will receive your messages.

    . Reduce the number of messages that you send to large groups of people so that they are less likely to think your messages are unwanted mail.

    . Limit the number of chain letters, e-mail jokes, and other messages that you send to help people recognize your e-mail as wanted and to make it more likely that your message will be allowed past your recipients' junk mail filters.

    . Check all the contacts in your address book to make sure that the accounts are still active.

    . If you are a commercial sender, you may want to review the content of our Windows Live Hotmail Postmaster Services site (http://postmaster.live.com) and sign up for programs that assist commercial senders.

    We appreciate your continued support as we strive to provide you the highest quality of service available. Thank you for using Windows Live Hotmail.



    Windows Live Hotmail Customer Support

  • selvijr kardeşim senin hotmail açılmış ama benimde aynı sorunum var ve 2 aydır açalmıyor sen nasıl yaptın ve nereye başvurdun banada yardımcı olurmusun.çok sevinirim.
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