Mersin 'de 33900 giriyor olmanız sizin kullanım hatanız veya Belediyenin bu iş üzerinde çalışıp düzenini oturtmamış olmasıdır.
Posta kodlarının özelliği her mahalle'ye hatta bazen mahalle'yi de parçalara ayırıp tek bir noktaya ait olmasıdır.
Posta kodu girmeniz gereken alana 07XXX yazmayı deneyin. veya 07XXX (i don't remember) yazın. Belki olumlu karşılarlar.
ne yazık ki,her şeyi tam olarak yazmadığım için mesaj geldi ki olmadı.
arkadaşlar ben söylenenleri yaptım ,bilgileri gönderdim.en son böyle bir mail geldi ne diyor burada veya ne yapmam lazım...lütfen ingilizcesi olanlar yardım edin...
From: "Microsoft Customer Support" <> >To: "m altin" <> >Subject: RE: SRX1034417575ID - MSN Messenger:I cannot sign in:Invalid Username/Password >Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 22:41:58 -0000 > >Hello Mustafa, > >Thank you for writing back to Windows Live ID Technical Support. This is >Kryss and based on your previous communications with our support group, >I gather that you require assistance in resetting the password of your > account. I know how important this service is to >you, I look forward to providing you with necessary assistance. > >I determined that you did not provide all the information needed in >verifying the account ownership. I understand your frustration and I >certainly want to help you. We are asking vital information that will >help us assist you in resolving this issue. Without this, we will not be >able to proceed with our investigation. Rest assured that we value the >security and confidentiality of the information that you will send us, >and it will only be used in resolving your particular issue. In this >regard, please provide us with the following: > >1. Alternate e-mail address associated with the account (if applicable) > >For Windows Live Mail customers > >2. Any folders you created (aside from the default folders) > >I know this process may seem rather tedious, but I hope you can >understand our position in this matter. We look forward to your >response, and to helping you resolve this issue. > >Sincerely, > >Kryss >Windows Live ID Technical Support > >If you are currently located in United States, find out how easy >all-in-one PC care can be with the 90-day free trial of Windows Live >OneCare. To get started, paste this link in your browser: > > > > _____
1. soruda alternatif eposta adresinizi soruyorlar 2. soruda hiç kişisel bir klasör oluşturup oluşturmadığınızı, oluşturduysanız isimlerini soruyorlar.
ayrıca bu maddelerin üstündeki paragrafta size yardımcı olmak istediğini ancak sizin sahip olduğunu bu bilgileri doğrulamanız gerektiğini yazmış.
bunlara cevap verin bakalım bi.
hiç klasör oluşturmadıysanız
i don't create folder
teşekkürler mavi ateş.1. soru için alternatif e posta adresim yok nasıl yazayım ingilizce olarak...
Orjinalden alıntı: MaviAteş
Mersin 'de 33900 giriyor olmanız sizin kullanım hatanız veya Belediyenin bu iş üzerinde çalışıp düzenini oturtmamış olmasıdır.
Posta kodlarının özelliği her mahalle'ye hatta bazen mahalle'yi de parçalara ayırıp tek bir noktaya ait olmasıdır.
Posta kodu girmeniz gereken alana 07XXX yazmayı deneyin. veya 07XXX (i don't remember) yazın. Belki olumlu karşılarlar.
sayın Mavi ateş kusrura bakama.en çok sizi yorduk galiba.şimdi kardeş bildiğiniz gibi şifre çalan adam gizli şifreyide ,değiştire ya orada olan kişsel e posta adreslerinide sile bilir.
Bilmek istediğim şu ki,en azından gerekli bir yer yok mu ,ki oraya bir yazı yazalım.neden diyeceksiniz. Dün beni bir arkadaşım aradı ki,ya hocam neden bana küfr ediyorsunuz. ben de iyi ki ,foruma Msn şifremin çalındığı konusunda olan yazımı ona gö yeni e-posta adresimi verdim. ne kadar kötü bir şey.Allah belalarını versin.Başka elimden bir şey gelmiyor
arkadaşlar 1. soru için alternatif e posta adresim yok nasıl yazayım ingilizce olarak... bi el atıverin ...
kimse yokmu...
ilk mesajdan sonra gelen sorulara cevap yazdım ve gönderdim. Bana su sekilde mesaj geldi.
Hello Serkan,
Thank you for writing back to Windows Live ID Technical Support. This is Richard Ian and from what I have read in the correspondence between you and my colleague, I understand that you are encountering an issue when accessing your account. I appreciate your effort in sending us all the necessary information to reset your password. I know how important this is to you and I look forward to providing you with the necessary assistance.
Serkan, we have successfully verified the data that you provided. We have sent a password reset e-mail message to the e-mail address that you asked us to respond to,
Before you try to reset your password, we suggest that you clear your browser's cache and delete cookies. The Temporary Internet Files folder stores information that your computer exchanges with the Web sites that you visit. These files make communication between the computer and the Web sites easier. As time passes, these files become cluttered and can adversely affect communication. The clutter will have to be regularly cleaned to guarantee seamless communication. For information about clearing the cache, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
1. Open the e-mail message that has the subject "Reset your Window Live ID password."
Note: This e-mail message should be in the Inbox. If you do not see this message in the Inbox, check your junk mail. E-mail services offer filters that may direct e-mail messages from some domains to a Junk Mail folder. For information about filters, please contact your e-mail service provider.
Note: The password link has these features:
- It can be used for three (3) times only.
- It will expire within three (3) days after it is released.
2. Highlight the complete link that starts with http:// and may include more than one line, and then click "Copy" on the "Edit" menu.
3. Open a word processor program, such as Microsoft Word, and then click "Paste" on the "Edit" menu.
4. Sign out from all Windows Live ID accounts, and then close all Internet browser windows.
5. Open a new browser window, and then click the box where you typically see the Web page address.
6. Copy the link again from the word processor and paste it into this box.
7. Press ENTER. You will be directed to a page where you have to confirm your e-mail address.
8. Copy this Windows Live ID,, exactly as it is typed, and then paste it in the e-mail address field.
9. Click "Continue."
10. In the "New Password" text box, enter your preferred password.
Note: Suggestions for creating a password:
- Make the password with at least six and not more than 16 characters
- Make the password different from the answer to your secret question
- Make the password different from any one of your former passwords
To make your account more secure, we suggest that you use a password that will be rated "Medium" or "Strong" in our Password Strength meter.
11. Re-enter your preferred password for confirmation.
12. Click "Continue."
13. Click "Done."
After you reset your password, we suggest that you change your secret question and answer. To do this, follows these steps:
2. Sign in using your Windows Live ID sign in name and password.
3. Next to "Question," click "Change."
4. Type your password in the "Password" box.
5. Select your new "Question" from the drop down list.
6. Enter your "Secret Answer."
If you have not already done this, we recommend that you add an alternate e-mail address to your MSN Hotmail profile. This lets you have another option to reset your password by using the "Password Reset by E-mail" feature to perform a password reset on your MSN Hotmail account.
To add an alternate e-mail address, follow these steps:
2. Sign in using your Windows Live ID sign in name and password.
3. Next to "Alternate e-mail address," click "Add or Change."
4. Type your password in the "Password" box.
5. Type your alternative e-mail address in the "Type alternate e-mail address" box.
6. Retype your alternative e-mail address in the "Retype alternate e-mail address:" box.
7. Click "Save" button.
The alternate e-mail address that you provide should not be the same as the e-mail address for your current Hotmail address. Therefore, you can receive our e-mail that contains the instructions to reset your password. Please use any other e-mail address as an alternate, such as your work e-mail address or your e-mail address through another service.
If you encounter an error or any difficulty resetting your account's password, please provide the following information:
- the exact error message that you received
- the actions that you took before you encountered the problem
- an alternate e-mail where we could forward another password reset e-mail (preferably a Hotmail account)
You are a valuable customer to MSN and we are glad to give you consistent and effective service. I appreciate the time you took in sending us your message. Thank you for using Windows Live ID.
Richard Ian
Windows Live ID Technical Support
ne yapmam gerektiği konusunda yardımcı olabilir misiniz
sorunu hallettim yaklasik 5-6 saat içinde sonuca ulaştım, bu forumda yazı yazan herkese tsk ederim
Eyvallah sağolasın hocam
arkadaşlar kimlerin emeği geçtiyse herkese çok teşekkür ederim. bir kız arkadaşın mailini hacklemişler okudum uyguladım ve geri alabildim. herkese tekrar teşekkür ederim.
arkadaşlar bende bilgilerimi gelen mailin içinde sorunun karşısına yazdım direk acaba doğrumu yaptım. yoksa sadece bilgileri içieren bir mail mi yazmalıydım aynı adrese? bunun sonucunda ban şöyle bir mail geldi.
Dear Teyman,
Thank you for writing back to Windows Live ID Technical Support. This is Richard Ian and from what I have read in your e-mail, I understand that you are encountering an issue accessing your account for it was compromised. I know how important this is to you and I look forward to providing you with the necessary assistance.
Teyman, after thoroughly checking the account profile information you provided, I regret to inform you that it does not match the information stored in the account.
Please understand that MSN Hotmail enforces its policies to help protect the privacy and security of its member accounts. Since you have failed to confirm the profile information stored in your MSN Hotmail account, we cannot provide additional assistance. I recommend that you create another MSN Hotmail account. To do this, please follow these steps:
1. Visit 2. Click "Sign up for Windows Live!" link located at the left hand side of the page. 3. Click "Sign up" button. 4. Type the name that you want to use for your Windows Live ID or the e-mail address you would like to use. You may click "Check availability" to determine if your preferred sign-in name is available for registration. 5. Fill in the "Choose your password," "Enter password reset information," and "Your information" sections. 6. In the "Type Characters" box, type the characters that you see in the "Picture" box. For more information, click "Help Central" located at the bottom of the page. In the "Search for" text box, type "Match the characters in the picture." 7. Read the "Service Agreement" and the "Privacy Statement", and then click "I accept."
For your reference, below are the online reset password options:
A. By providing account information and answering your secret question:
If you know the answer to your secret question, you can reset your password instantly online.
B. By e-mail
If you have previously added an alternate e-mail address to your MSN or passport profile, you can reset your password by e-mail. This lets you have another option to reset your password by utilizing the “Password Reset by E-mail†feature.
We appreciate your continued support as we strive to provide you with the highest quality service available. Thank you for using Windows Live ID.
Richard Ian Windows Live ID Technical Support
If you are currently located in United States, find out how easy all-in-one PC care can be with the 90-day free trial of Windows Live OneCare. To get started, paste this link in your browser:
buna karşılık ne yapabilirim lütfen yardım edin benim için çok değerli 6 senelik mailim bu.
@sonyman onlar sizin şifrenizin çalındığını anlamamışlar. Şifrenizi değiştirmek istediğinizi düşünmüşler. Şifre değiştirmeyi tarif etmişler.
İlk sayfada resimlerle göstererek anlattığım yerde ki açılır menüden ilgili yerleri seçerken dikkatli olun. Ve yorum yazmanız gereken yere ingilizce bilen birilerinden yardım alarak oradakilerden değişik kelimelerle durumunuzu ifade edin.
arkadaslar ya benım msn calındı alırsanız sevınırım calınan msn adresı su anki kullandıgım msn adresım bana yardımcı olursanız cok sevınırım ben yapamadım
teşekkür ederim maviateş şanslıydım sanırım msn i çalan kişi aynı şifreyi yazmış tekrar hemen bilgilerimi değiştirdim msn imi aldım.tekrar teşekkürler.
arkadaşımın msn calındı listesindekileride deniyor. bu kişi çaldıgı msn ile girip listedekilere "resimlerimxx.html" (xx: rakamı hatırlamıyorum şu an) isimli bir dosya gönderiyor açılan sayfaya id ve sifreyi yazınca "" a gönderiyor bilgiyi ve msn yok çalınıyor. bu durumda merve_3651 bu hırsızın asıl adresimi ?
Selam Arkadaşlar bende mail yolladım ama banada 16 soru geldi yardımcı olabilecek birileri varmı acaba ingilizcem çok kötü :-( yardımlarınızı bekliyorum ne yapmam gerek bundan sonra Hello
Thank you for writing to Windows Live ID Technical Support. This is Christian and I read from your message that you need assistance in retrieving the password for your account. I understand that you believe that it may have been compromised. I recognize the gravity of your situation and I am here to help you regain access to your account.
I would like to help you regain access right away, but because we value our members' security and privacy, we will need your cooperation in verifying the account ownership. When we receive and verify the necessary information, we can give you the link that will allow you to reset your password. Please provide the following completely and accurately:
1. Your Windows Live ID 2. Your First and Last Names 3. Date of Birth (Month/Date/Year) 4. Country or Region 5. State (if applicable) 6. Zip or Postal Code 7. Your IP address. List the IP addresses from each computer that you use to access your account. You can go to to find this information. The numbers that appear at the top of this page will be your IP address. 8. Answer to your Secret Question (if applicable) 9. Alternate email address associated with the account (if applicable) 10. Your Internet Service Provider. An ISP is a company that provides an end user with a connection to the Internet and other similar services, such as e-mail. Examples include MSNIA, EarthLink, and Comcast. 11. Last date and time you successfully signed in
For Windows Live Mail customers
12. Any folders you created (aside from the default folders) 13. Contacts in your address book (please include the e-mail address) 14. Subjects of any old mail that is in your Inbox or mail folders
For Windows Live Messenger customers
15. A list of Contacts in your buddy list (please include the e-mail address) 16. Your Windows Live Messenger Nickname (your Messenger display name)