Completely Free, No sale of silk, item or any game material, Totally independent, completely unique style, No confusing game systems, Everything is simple, everything is smooth, Completely old, the first silkroad system and its adapted for the 70 cap here's HunSRO! Technical Features | Server Capasity|1000| Server Status|Online| VDS|8GB Ram| Site Adres|| Server IP|| Server Features | Rates Server Cap|70| Files|ECSRO| Race|CH| Degree|8 DG| Mastery Limit|210| Exp Rate|70 Lvl Start| SP Rate|15x| Drop Rate|15x| Alchemy Rate|Very Hard| FTW/FGW|No| Guild War/ Job War|Yes| Bot and Delirius |Dont work| START Tuned slot system Original old isro 70 Cap Stats 7 DG Sos Weapon 7 Dg Blue Stones for help improve char Monster System Adapted for 70 Cap Jangan Mobs: 64- 66 Lvl Downhang Mobs: 67- 70 Lvl Hotan: Disabled Hotan Town may be next time xD What was it like to develop a character by cutting jangan mobs while listening to the legendary jangan music? ALCHEMY Lucky Powder and Luck Stones Disabled for hard alchemy, Thus, the game will be more balanced and exciting. Also, the elixir drops have been removed in order to increase the job activity, you can get the elixirs from a special npc (HunSHOP) as 10m each. ELIXIR WEAPON 1 UNIT: 10M ELIXIR PROTECTOR 1 UNIT: 10M ELIXIR SHIELD 1 UNIT: 10M ELIXIR ACCESORY 1 UNIT: 10M MAGIC STONES 1 UNIT: 1M ATTRIBUTE STONES 1 UNIT: 10M ITEM SYSTEM The game is designed on gold, players should take a caravan as much as possible in order to develop their characters, in this way I thought to create a great fun, adrenaline-filled server with fierce job wars. Everything for game gold from HunSHOP There are just 8 dg Sos Weapons and Sos Accesory, you can have from HunSHOP Npc one part is 100M Last İtems: 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69 Lvl (8DG A GROUP) ]WEAPONS: 64 Lvl SOS from ]SHIELD: 64 Lvl SOS from HunSHOP ACCESORY ITEMS: 64, 65, 66, Lvl SOS from HunSHOP GARMENT ITEMS: 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69 Lvl from MOBS PROTECTOR ITEMS: 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69 Lvl from MOBS ARMOR ITEMS: 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69 Lvl from MOBS JOB SYSTEM Multi Job System, You can be Trader, Thief or Hunter on same times ]5 Stars Trader Buy Price 7,5 M 5 Stars Trader Sells Price 27,5 M Thief 5 Stars Trade Sells Price 7,5M Let's not forget the old mercanery system and the new route SPECIAL MOBS ON TOMBS To add a different excitement to the game, I added special mobs to the Tombs section, you can get special items by hunting here. UNIQUE SYSTEM Tigergirl and Uruchi tuned for 70 cap These monsters are very strong, it's not easy to slash them, also it's not possible to slash alone, maybe a solid blader char can survive alongside them COINS I added coins to facilitate trading in the game. You can convert these coins to gold by selling them to npc. Green Coin: You can get from all Mobs Blue Coin: You can get from Uniques and HunSHOP Npc Violet Coin: Just from Unuqie Orange Coin: GM will give as a gift sometimes sro_client.exe|[URL=""]| Silkroad.exe|[URL=""]| replacer.exe|[URL=""]| msvcr100.dll |There is not msvcr100.dll files in HunSRO Files| Hunroad.exe|[URL=""]| < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi hunsro2022 -- 18 Haziran 2022; 13:12:11 > |