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iPhone 4.12.09 baseband Gevey var mı? Acil !!!

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  • Merhaba arkadaşlar. Gevey.biz sitesinde iPhone 4 4.12.09 baseband için Gevey olduğu Iddia ediliyor. Gevey ultra diyor. Fake mi yoksa kullanan var mı acil cevap yazarsanız sevinirim.

    Bir arkadaşın eski geveyli teli Yanlışlık la güncelledim baseband Yükseldi cihaz Vodafone uk sim kilitli ve blacklist olduğu söylendi Faktory unlock yapan biri Tarafından Gevey harici çözüm yok gibi görünüyor.

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  • Method of Ultrasn0w Unlock for iPhone 4 4.12.09 Baseband
    Ultrasn0w has been developed by MuscleNerd but it only works with a single baseband. The version we are talking about is 1.2.8 of the software tool.
     iPhone 4.12.09 baseband Gevey var mı? Acil !!!
    Note: If you are an Ultrasn0w unlocker, you should stay away from iOS 7 / 7.1 update if you haven’t updated till now.

    Method of SAM unlock Baseband 4.12.09 iPhone 4
    It has been a while since the SAM unlock was patched, but activation tickets can still work to unlock iPhone 4 compatible basebands on iOS 7 / 7.0.4 / 6.1.2, 6.1.3 and below. The tickets should be saved in the lockdown folder, but you can only use the SIM that was used when the backup was created. Wait for iOS 7 jailbreak in other case.

    Method of factory unlock for iPhone 4 ANY Baseabnd
    This is the best method by far. After you use this method, note that your device is unlocked forever, and you can update to any iOS 7.1 / 7.2 updates in the future. You can use then use the phone on Rogers, Fido, Sprint, O2, Orange, AT&T, Telus, Telstra, Optus, Vodafone, Verizon or any other popular network.

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: RASP

    Method of Ultrasn0w Unlock for iPhone 4 4.12.09 Baseband
    Ultrasn0w has been developed by MuscleNerd but it only works with a single baseband. The version we are talking about is 1.2.8 of the software tool.
     iPhone 4.12.09 baseband Gevey var mı? Acil !!!
    Note: If you are an Ultrasn0w unlocker, you should stay away from iOS 7 / 7.1 update if you haven’t updated till now.

    Method of SAM unlock Baseband 4.12.09 iPhone 4
    It has been a while since the SAM unlock was patched, but activation tickets can still work to unlock iPhone 4 compatible basebands on iOS 7 / 7.0.4 / 6.1.2, 6.1.3 and below. The tickets should be saved in the lockdown folder, but you can only use the SIM that was used when the backup was created. Wait for iOS 7 jailbreak in other case.

    Method of factory unlock for iPhone 4 ANY Baseabnd
    This is the best method by far. After you use this method, note that your device is unlocked forever, and you can update to any iOS 7.1 / 7.2 updates in the future. You can use then use the phone on Rogers, Fido, Sprint, O2, Orange, AT&T, Telus, Telstra, Optus, Vodafone, Verizon or any other popular network.

    KARDEŞ iyi hoş da bu nedir anlamadım ultrasnow unlock yapabiliyor mu

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  • arkadaşlar lütfen yardım edin ??? Sitede baseband çalıştıran GEVEY satıldığı iddia ediliyor. İlgili şahısı aradım sormak için yarın aramam gerektiğini söyleyip kapattı. Varmı bu basebanda gevey bilgisi olan eksik etmesin lütfen.
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