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Iphone ve IPOD Touch' a Java desteği geliyor

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  • Sun Microsystems is developing a Java Virtual Machine for Apple's iPhone and plans to release the JVM some time after June, enabling Java applications to run on the popular mobile device. According to Eric Klein, vice president of Java marketing at Sun, the JVM is to be based on the Java Micro Edition (ME) version of Java. Although Apple had not shown interest in enabling Java to run on the iPhone, Sun plans to step in and do the job itself after having pondered Thursday's release of an SDK for the iPhone by Apple.

    "Now, the iPhone is open" as a target platform, Klein said. The free JVM would be made available via Apple's AppStore marketplace for third-party applications. "We're going to make sure that the JVM offers the Java applications as much access to the native functionality of the iPhone as possible...It's a new platform for us. We might be able to bring additional technologies onto the iPhone and the iTouch." Apple could not be reached for comment on Sun's plans in time for this article.


    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi aafco -- 10 Mart 2008; 9:26:58 >

  • Süper bi haber..
  • halen gelen giden yok sanırım java için

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  • Gelecek olsa gelirdi zaten şimdiye kadar. ipod touch'ın da iphone'un da 2. nesilleri çıktı ama java hala yok ortada. Beklemeyin.
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