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Biri bunu NA'de oynayan bana çevirebilir mi? -
Orijinalden alıntı: exiledFromBadmen
Biri bunu NA'de oynayan bana çevirebilir mi?
Time for an update on what we're shipping next! Today we're talking about draft pick normals and the store so you can ban wisely and shop smart. We've also got some early info on ranked, which is coming within the next few patches.
Our UI team really had some fun here designing effects that celebrate key moments in champ select. If you've been playing in the blind pick queue, you've already seen the flashy stuff that happens when you highlight and lock in a champ, but the ban phase is new to the alpha.
Little bits of extra visual flair have been added throughout the process to not only better highlight whose turn it is, but to make each stage of the champ select process (pick intent, banning, champ selection) feel meaningful and distinct.
Now, whenever you ban a champ, a beam of arcane banmagic rips through the OP champ's portrait, splitting it in half and cracking the glass above the image. The banbeam then ricochets to the top corner of the screen, stuffing the shattered spirit of the banned champ into a cute little box, where it's displayed for all to see.
As each player locks in their picks and bans, the hextech wheel in the center of the screen spins and morphs to highlight which player is currently banning or picking, and you'll hear audible champion quotes depending on who gets banned.
These changes are purely aesthetic—not game design changes. If you were hoping for extra bans, the ability to buy skins in champ select, or any other much-requested champ select features, this might feel like a let-down, but hang with us. Remember, our big goal right now for the client update alpha is to rebuild and tune all the current client's features. Once the alpha client is ready to actually replace the legacy client, our teams will be freed up to pursue new features and actual game design changes.
Before we talk about ranked, let's cover all the other little changes coming during the next couple of patches. As teased in our previous devblog, we're pushing out a mostly-functional version of the store. Mostly functional and not wholly functional because it's still missing loot and the ability to purchase RP. You might be thinking "why won't you take my money," and the answer is that we totally will take your money in an upcoming patch. For now we wanna make sure everything is working the way it should, though.
Draft pick is coming now, but we're waiting a bit to add in ranked; We've gotta make sure our draft pick champ select is stable before we start putting LP gainz and losses on the table. When ranked does ship, though, it'll come with a slew of associated client features you'd expect, including ranked leaderboards, ranked stats on your profile, and ranked emblems.
With this patch, we'll be opening up the alpha to hundreds of thousands of new testers, so if you haven't yet signed up for the alpha, we need your help!
Orijinalden alıntı: exiledFromBadmen
Biri bunu NA'de oynayan bana çevirebilir mi?
Orijinalden alıntı: exiledFromBadmen
Biri bunu NA'de oynayan bana çevirebilir mi?
Türkçe yazıyor zaten
< Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi PagRyze -- 3 Ağustos 2016; 22:58:00 > -
Orijinalden alıntı: Çipetpet.
Orijinalden alıntı: exiledFromBadmen
Biri bunu NA'de oynayan bana çevirebilir mi?
Time for an update on what we're shipping next! Today we're talking about draft pick normals and the store so you can ban wisely and shop smart. We've also got some early info on ranked, which is coming within the next few patches.
Our UI team really had some fun here designing effects that celebrate key moments in champ select. If you've been playing in the blind pick queue, you've already seen the flashy stuff that happens when you highlight and lock in a champ, but the ban phase is new to the alpha.
Little bits of extra visual flair have been added throughout the process to not only better highlight whose turn it is, but to make each stage of the champ select process (pick intent, banning, champ selection) feel meaningful and distinct.
Now, whenever you ban a champ, a beam of arcane banmagic rips through the OP champ's portrait, splitting it in half and cracking the glass above the image. The banbeam then ricochets to the top corner of the screen, stuffing the shattered spirit of the banned champ into a cute little box, where it's displayed for all to see.
As each player locks in their picks and bans, the hextech wheel in the center of the screen spins and morphs to highlight which player is currently banning or picking, and you'll hear audible champion quotes depending on who gets banned.
These changes are purely aesthetic—not game design changes. If you were hoping for extra bans, the ability to buy skins in champ select, or any other much-requested champ select features, this might feel like a let-down, but hang with us. Remember, our big goal right now for the client update alpha is to rebuild and tune all the current client's features. Once the alpha client is ready to actually replace the legacy client, our teams will be freed up to pursue new features and actual game design changes.
Before we talk about ranked, let's cover all the other little changes coming during the next couple of patches. As teased in our previous devblog, we're pushing out a mostly-functional version of the store. Mostly functional and not wholly functional because it's still missing loot and the ability to purchase RP. You might be thinking "why won't you take my money," and the answer is that we totally will take your money in an upcoming patch. For now we wanna make sure everything is working the way it should, though.
Draft pick is coming now, but we're waiting a bit to add in ranked; We've gotta make sure our draft pick champ select is stable before we start putting LP gainz and losses on the table. When ranked does ship, though, it'll come with a slew of associated client features you'd expect, including ranked leaderboards, ranked stats on your profile, and ranked emblems.
With this patch, we'll be opening up the alpha to hundreds of thousands of new testers, so if you haven't yet signed up for the alpha, we need your help!
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