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L2 OvC H5

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2 Misafir - 2 Masaüstü
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  • Arkadaşlar server 20 Mayısta başlayacak.
    Faction serveridir. Adminleri çok sağlam. Interlude sezonunu oynadım. Çok beğendim. Şimdi H5 server açılıyor. Gelin beraber takılalım. Nickim Kurbanov. Gelen olursa beni bulabilir.


    * AIO buffer with 7 premade editable schemes (no Counter Critical / Song of Wind Storm).
    * 4 hours buff duration.
    * Buff slots 20+4.
    * Summons restore buffs when resummoned.
    * Buffs kept after death (including toggles).
    * Cubics casted on self are kept after death and last for 4 hours.
    * Anti buff griefing system.
    * Symbols and Event buffs do not take a buff slot.
    * Cancelled buffs return after 7 seconds.

    * Retail enchant rates.
    * Only blessed enchant scrolls available.
    * Auxiliary stones can be used with blessed scrolls.
    * Safe enchant +3 (+4 full body).
    * Max enchant +16.
    * Attributing enabled.
    * Life stones chances: Low 3%, Mid 6%, High 9%, Top 12%.

    * PvP rewards with EXP/SP/Adena/Items which players can use to make progress ingame.
    * Players get rewarded according to damage done on enemies when they die.
    * Players can be spoiled for extra rewards.
    * Debuffs and heals also count as damage.
    * Players get rewarded for resurrecting (limited to 5 minutes per player).
    * Healers, tankers, supports and summoners can gain PvP points by EXP.

    * Only 1vs1 class irrelevant matches available.
    * Time left until olympiad period ends shows up for players upon login.
    * Runs only at Friday/Saturday/Sunday 18:00 GMT +2 until 22:00 GMT +2.
    * Weekly cycle with 1/4 rewards, heroes every Monday.
    * Fights regardless of player's faction.
    * Minimum participants needed is 5.
    * 3 Olympiad quests enabled.
    * Registration to olympaid is open only for players with at least rank 5.
    * Unique achievements system with levels and amazing rewards.
    * Rebirth system with certification skills as rewards.
    * Global vote reward system for Adena.
    * Personal vote reward system for temporary passive skill.
    * Double EXP/SP event at random times during the day.
    * Shift+click players in town to view their items/stats/clan and skills.
    * Ctrl+click on GCP/QHP to activate auto use of them.
    * Player ranks system.
    * Killing spree system.
    * Events voting system.
    * Announcements upon raidbosses/grandbosses death.
    * Advanced GM shop with stages, gifts, stocks and more.
    * Grand master for subclasses, clan/ally management, skill learning (including Pomander skills) and more.
    * Toggle skill for CP/HP/MP instead of potions.
    * Return skill for all classes instead of SoE.
    * Free 1st/2nd/3rd class change.
    * Free subclass.
    * Dedicated private store zone.
    * Special town for both factions for improved server economy.
    * Base starting level 80 (including subclasses).
    * Max level 85 (including subclasses).
    * Offline shops.
    * Trade chat is faction only chat.
    * Shout chat is region chat and will show player's faction.
    * Hero chat is global chat and will sow player's faction.
    * Players can duel in town.
    * Services NPC (faction change, gender change etc...).
    * Tranining Dummy NPCs to test your class from different prespectives.
    * Tablet of Information which shows useful tips, info and boss status.
    * Free mail.
    * Free Warehouse Keeper.
    * Augmenter.
    * Symbol Maker.
    * 10 seconds spawn protection.
    * Increased weight/inventory/private store slots.
    * Players do not lose exp upon death.
    * No death panalities.
    * Max 2 chars per PC (only 1 in event).
    * Character pincode system.
    * PvP items are elementable, tradeable and augmentable.
    * Mini games.
    * Wedding.
    * Spoilers can spoil players.
    * Auto loot.

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