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  • Server
    Custom stuff

    - Exp/SP/Adena rate: 5000x
    - Safe enchant: +3
    - Max enchant: +16
    - Enchant rate: variable (read more below)
    - GoD Geodata
    - Antibots

    - Tenkai events:
    Most of you will love our events engine, it brings 4 years of continuous improvements and additions, and they will be improved during this server's life too. We won't go deeper with it because it would take ages to read the resulting paragraph, so we invite you to take a look by yourself.

    - Merchant NPC:
    It will include all the gear, also R-Grade in its unidentified state.
    The event prizes and donation rewards will also be accessible from this NPC.

    - Teleporter NPC:
    This NPC teleports you practically anywere and for free. Its teleports also include Gracia zones, the new Talking Island and Magmeld.

    - Services NPC:
    There you will be able to use the warehouses, create clans and allies, create any of your available subclasses, bestow SA and augments on your items, draw symbols and delevel.

    - Magic gem:
    The custom NPCs won't be spawned in the game. You will have to use your magic gem in order to see them spawned around you and make use of their functionalities.
    Everyone will start with a magic gem and there will be no way to lose it.

    - Deck:
    Double clicking it with a mob targeted will give to you his basic information, together with his drops and chances which are calculated according to your current level.
    Everyone will start with a deck and there will be no way to lose it.

    - Custom enchanting system:
    Enchanting scrolls will be safe, in a way that if they fail your item will not break nor lose its enchant. While your item's enchant level goes higher, its chance to get to the next level will become lower, so you will need to spend more scrolls.

    - Automatic buffs:
    If you have voted for the server during the last 12 hours, you will be getting full Master Blessing buffs automatically in any character that you log on. Master Blessing is equivalent to the basic Iss Enchanter buffs at maximum level but excluding sonatas, for which you will have to count on an Iss Enchanter.
    These buffs will be maintained in a way that you will practically never be unbuffed. Even if you die or the buffs time out, you will get them again.

    Goddess of Destruction features:

    These features don't need too much explanation, so most of them will just be listed.
    If a feature is listed here, that means that it works on this server.

    - New level cap (you can level up to level 99)
    - New items system (unidentified, bound, standard and blessed versions)
    - New items' special abilities (including double SAs and armors sets by parts)
    - New dyes
    - New base stats
    - New classes
    - Dual class system
    - New classes' skills (~98%)
    - New clan skills (including the actives)
    - Sayune (jumping system)
    - Museum statistics
    - Ranking statues
    - New war system
    - Grand Olympiad changes
    - Magmeld elevators
    - Token actions
    - Bloody Swampland monsters
    - Fairy Settlement monsters
    - Garden of Genesis monsters
    - Orbis Temple monsters
    - Forbidden Gateway monsters
    - Istina Grand Boss
    - Octavis Grand Boss

    If you have any doubts about this server, ask us and we will inform you.

    Geçenlerde forumda konu açmıştım. yaklaşık 9 10 gündür oynuyorum ilk izlenimlerimi aktarayım dedim.
    Serverde online sayısı 350'nin altına düşmüyor.
    Orjinal Client ile oynuyorsunuz. oyunun grafikleri fevkalade güzel.
    Eventler çok zevkli geçiyor. farklı farklı eventler koymuşlar zor ve eğlenceli. en güzel yanı da evente girdiğinize birşey yapmazsanız eğer madal fln alamıyorsunuz.
    olly e 5 6 kere girdim alayında yattım daha zamanı var demekki :)
    Awakening'in tadını çıkarıyorsunuz. 80 sonrası inanın çok daha eğlenceli.
    lvl kasmak kolay , item kasmak zor . klasik privite :)
    30 kişi fln türk gördüm. bu mutluluk verici :)
    hunting zone fazlasıyla var para kasmakta zorlanmıyorsunuz.
    serverde donate var ama donatesiz de çok rahat kasabiliyorsunuz.

    aklıma gelen + yönleri bunlar.

    Bazı Bazı çok lag oluyor. ( özellikle eventlerde katılım oranı yüksek ise )
    sağlam partiniz yoksa pvpde zorlanırsınız. çünkü teleportta pvp zone var bir kişiyi keserken bir bakıyorsunuz 7 kişi daha gelmiş :)
    çok nadir de olsa moblara target alınamıyor bazen.

    aklıma gelen - yönleride bunlar.

    Dipnot : Forumda Orjinal Oyunu Savunuyorsun Privite Reklamı Yapıyorsun Diyen Arkadaşlara ; Şuan Her 2sinide Oynuyorum :)

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