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Lies of P | PS5 - PS4 | ANA KONU (7. sayfa)

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  • Lies of P - Official Legion Arm Showcase Gameplay Trailer

    Lies of P | PS5 - PS4  | ANA KONUIGNyoutube
    Check out the latest trailer for Lies of P to see the Legion Arms gameplay mechanic in action. With Legion Arms, you can equip and upgrade various mechanical arms, each featuring distinctive abilities and uses in combat. The trailer showcases Deus Ex Machina, Aegis, Falcon Eyes, and more. Lies of P is an action Souls-like game inspired by the familiar story of Pinocchio, and it will be available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PC via Steam, and Mac on September 19, 2023. #IGN
  • Farklı kol çeşitleride sekiro dan çakma olmuş. Ama çok güzel. Yalnız biraz kolay gibi gözüküyor.

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  • Demosunu oynadım kolay değil kesinlikle

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  • Lies of P: Boss Fight Showcase Gameplay

    Lies of P | PS5 - PS4  | ANA KONUIGNyoutube
    Enjoy six minutes of gameplay showing off eight different boss battles you'll encounter in Lies of P, the upcoming Pinocchio-inspired soulslike that's launching on September 19 for PC, Mac, PlayStation, and Xbox (including day one on Xbox Game Pass). #LiesOfP #Gameplay #BossFight
  • Çok güzel.

    Parry daha çok kullanıyoruz. Roll zaten yok, dodge zayıf.

    < Bu ileti iOS uygulamasından atıldı >
  • Lies of P - Official Launch Teaser Trailer

    Lies of P | PS5 - PS4  | ANA KONULies of Pyoutube
    Prepare yourself, even for the worst. Be hasty in your preparations as we will be waiting for your arrival to Krat. The gates to Krat will open this September 19. Find us on: Web: https://www.liesofp.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1627720/P__Lies_of_P/ Playstation: https://www.playstation.com/games/lies-of-p/ Xbox: https://www.xbox.com/games/lies-of-p Discord: https://discord.gg/TfKV3ReZjr Twitter: https://twitter.com/Liesofp Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/liesofp_official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LiesofP #liesofp #rpg #soulslike #neowiz #steamgames #console #pinnochio
  • İnceleme ambargosu bugün kalkıyormuş galiba. Akşama puanları görürüz

    Ek: bugün saat 18de inceleme ambargosu kalkıyormuş.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Miraclescape -- 13 Eylül 2023; 8:3:12 >
    < Bu ileti iOS uygulamasından atıldı >
  • Puanlar gelmeye başladı arkadaşlar.

    Game informer 9,5.

    Metacritic 83 şu an.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Miraclescape -- 13 Eylül 2023; 18:17:25 >
    < Bu ileti iOS uygulamasından atıldı >
  • Lies of P İncelemeler..

    -God is a Geek 10/10

    -Game Informer 9.5/10

    -GamingTrend 9.5/10

    -TheSixthAxis 9/10

    -Comicbook 9/10

    -Gamefa 9/10

    -Checkpoint Gaming 9/10

    -INVEN 8.9/10

    -Cerealkillerz 8.8/10

    -Fextralife 8.6/10

    -PSX Brasil 8.5/10

    -DualShockers 8.5/10

    -But Why Tho? 8.5/10

    -GamePro 8.3/10

    -Push Square 8/10

    -IGN 8/10

    -Gamespot 8/10

    Lies of P | PS5 - PS4  | ANA KONU

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi A r c h A n g e L. -- 13 Eylül 2023; 18:45:18 >

  • Why Lies of P Is Your New Favourite Action Game

    Lies of P | PS5 - PS4  | ANA KONUPlayStation Accessyoutube
    Lies of P is your new favourite action game. It’s certainly Rosie’s current action obsession - she loves the story, the bosses, the world and its weapons, and is here to tell you why. So drink in this Lies of P PS5 gameplay as we take you into its amazing puppet-filled world. If you’ve read any Lies of P review you’ll know that this has gone down a storm with lovers of Soulslike action games - its world and action mechanics remind us of Bloodborne (the Soulslike GOAT). Playing Lies of P PS5 has shown us some terrifying sights and sounds as Rosie wrestles with whether to lie or not to lie - important in this Pinocchio-inspired tale - and creating the perfect builds to bring down Lies of P bosses - these big bads will not go easily. Rosie has kept the video spoiler-free and have limited out Lies of P gameplay to earlier areas of the game - there are some cool surprises we wouldn’t want to spoil. We’ve loved our Lies of P test run and wouldn’t want to take away any of discoveries we enjoyed. If you’d like to hear about other PS5 action games we’ve loved, why not check out our best PS5 action games list: https://youtu.be/esPWRpeVabQ. We’d be sure to add Lies of P to the next version when we update it. And if you’d like to see more Lies of P PS5 gameplay, why not Rosie showing Dave the city of Krat (https://youtube.com/live/E6ZWYX-roXI) or hear even more Lies of P impressions here; https://youtu.be/rOxTYPflzWw. We are mad for those puppets! And let us know if you plan to play the Lies of P on PS5 or PS4. The game releases on the 19th September, though the premium edition offers 72 hours of early access. #liesofp #liesofpps5 PlayStation Access is the official YouTube channel of PlayStation UK - a vibrant, welcoming community celebrating all things PlayStation. Join us for weekly livestreams, list features and in-depth coverage on all your favourite games. Check out the Community tab for PlayStation news, behind-the-scenes sneak-peeks, polls and much more: https://bit.ly/AccessCommunity All music featured courtesy of epidemicsound.com (http://www.epidemicsound.com) We use the AverMedia Live Gamer Ultra, Elgato 4K60 S+, and Atomos Ninja V and Ninja Inferno for gameplay capture. Follow the team on Twitter: Ash: https://bit.ly/AshMillman Rosie: https://bit.ly/RosieCaddick Rob: http://bit.ly/RobPearson Dave: http://bit.ly/DavidJackson For the latest gaming news and updates, check out PlayStation UK on Facebook (https://bit.ly/PlayStationUKFacebook) and Twitter (https://bit.ly/PlayStationUKTweets)
  • Önsipariş verenler için indirme açıldı.

  • Spidermanden önce araya sıkıştırmak lazım,çok oyun birikti.

  • mükemmel bir soulslike olmuş. bloodborne a en yakın oyun aynı zamanda. atmosfer ve oynanış harika.

  • Demoyu ben de beğenmiştim atmosfer baya iyiydi başlasam mı acep Lies of P | PS5 - PS4  | ANA KONU 

  • Oyunun başlangici bile bloodborne :D

    Grafikler çok temiz ve 60 fps.

    Lies of P | PS5 - PS4  | ANA KONU

    Stats ekranı
    Lies of P | PS5 - PS4  | ANA KONU

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi KAKÁ -- 18 Eylül 2023; 18:14:7 >
    < Bu ileti Android uygulamasından atıldı >

  • Boss ları blocklayabilmek saçma olmuş. Her hareketi blocklanıyor. Ama başka türllüde kaçılamaz takla yok. Dodge layabilmek bloodborne dan zayıf olmuş.

    < Bu ileti iOS uygulamasından atıldı >
  • Dodge olayı biraz sırıtıyor, daha akıcı olmalıydı. Karakterimiz atik değil gibi hissiyat olarak. Bloodbornedaki akıcılık olsa 10/10 olurdu.

    < Bu ileti iOS uygulamasından atıldı >
  • Oyun çok zor deniyor. Boss'lar aşırı zor ve Sekiro vari parry mekaniği üzerine kuruluymuş. Powerpyx 8.5 vermiş zorluk olarak. Bende başladım gamepass sağolsun. Şimdilik klasik souls kafasında dodge ve block ile oynuyorum ama bakalım nasıl evrilecek.

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • evo_4 E kullanıcısına yanıt
    Block yapip paso dalarak ilk bossu gectim, dodge yapsan da vurus hakki vermiyor oyun sanirim daha çok block uzerine kurulu.

    < Bu ileti Android uygulamasından atıldı >
  • Lies of P - Launch Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games

    Lies of P | PS5 - PS4  | ANA KONUPlayStationyoutube
    Prepare to Lie or Die… The Pinocchio-Inspired Souls-like “Lies of P” is Available Now on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. Take on the Role of Gepetto’s Prized Puppet to Uncover the Mysteries of Krat and Save the City in this New Take on the Fairy-Tale Classic! #ps5 #ps5games #ps4 #ps4games #liesofp Rated Mature
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