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mobile 5.0'da activesync kapanmama sorunu

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  • arkadaşlar wm 2003'de böyle bir sorun yoktu. işiniz bittiğinde running programs'dan activesync'i kapatırdınız bi daha açılmazdı kendiliğinden. ama wm 5.0'da kapatsanızda arkasından yine açılıyor activesync. hem pil tüketiyor, hem de cihaz kasıyor. bir bilen bulamadım. yardımcı olur musunuz??


    The all important Solution
    This 'server trick' was discovered by another Aximsite forum member known as Invid a little while ago. This information is courtesy of him originally, and copied many times throughout the Aximsite forum, but I am re-writing in easy to follow laymans terms to hopefully make this a sticky, and stop the multiple posting regarding the same old problems. Here we go!

    1. Turn on your Axim
    2. Go to Start > Programs > Activesync. This will open the Activesync program.
    3. Tap Menu at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. This will bring up the Options Menu. Notice the option Schedule... is greyed out? This is the all-critical option we need to get access to. But as it's disabled we can't change Activesync's default synchronisation schedule.

    Ok, so how do we enable the Schedule option? Easy!!! Fool Activesync into thinking there is an Exchange Server to sync with:

    1. From Activesync's Menu tap on Add Server Source.
    2. In the following screens you can enter any old garbage. It does not matter, but just in case your unsure, just type the following in the indicated boxes:

    Server Address: fake
    Tap Next
    User name: fake
    Password: fake
    Domain: fake
    (Ticking save password or going into the Advanced menu makes no difference, so no need to bother).
    Tap Next
    Untick all of the 'Data you want to synchronise' options
    Tap Finish

    3. Ok, we're done creating the server. You should now see in Activesync's main screen your normal Activesync connection(s), and a new connection called Exchange Server.
    4. Go back into the Menu, and lo and behold the Schedule option is now enabled! Go ahead and tap it!
    5. You will see that both options in the Schedule screen are set to Every 5 Minutes (A01 Rom), or Every 10 Minutes (A06 Rom). This simply will not do! ( * Advanced users - please see my note below * )
    6. Using the drop downs, change both the Peak times and Off-peak times boxes to Manually.
    7. Press the OK button at the top right of the screen.

    Congratulations! Activesync is now gagged from opening on it's own and ruining your life! Your work is not done just yet though - time to clean up and get rid of the now unwanted fake Exchange Server.

    1. Go back into Activesync's Menu, then Tap Options.
    2. Highlight Exchange Server, then tap Delete. A warning message will appear about removing files etc, but as you have no files associated with the fake Exchange Server, it's nothing to worry about - just tap Ok.
    3. The list will now only show your remaining PC Sync connection(s). Obviously do not delete these!

    So there you go, your Axim will now be happy to lead a normal and fulfilling life serving your organisational needs.

    You may now put your Axim on Standby safe in the knowledge it will turn back on when you need it to. You can be sure that your CF and SD cards are no longer going to go walkabout. You can be safe in the knowledge that your battery should no longer lose it's charge. Etc etc.

  • çok teşekkür ederim. Harika oldu. HP satış sonrası destek bile çözemedi bu problemi. Hatta şu anda kullandığım ipaq 4700'den önce bir ipaq 2790'ım vardı. HP'yi defalarca arayıp arıza kaydı yaptırmıştım. En sonunda arızalı diye servise bile çağırdılar. Ellerinize sağlık arkadaşım...Sevgilerimle...
  • Bir problemim daha var, bunu da biliyorsundur belki arkadaşım. mobile 5.0'da excel çalışma sayfası her zaman %100 ölçekte açılıyor. Ben %70'e ayarlayıp çalışıp kapaıyorum belgeyi, hemen arkasından açıyorum %100 larak açılıyor. Yardımcı olabilirsen sevinirim..
  • bagisla bilmiyorum/
    registry den ayar yapmak lazim bence.
  • bu problemle boğuşmuş ve bağlantıyı silerek hallettmiştim...
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