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Mu NoMercy No Rebirth [Exp: 6x- Drop: 35%] Season 6 Ep. 4

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2 Misafir - 2 Masaüstü
5 sn
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  • Server Info:

    1000+ Online

    Started : 1 Temmuz 2015
    Exp: 6x
    Master Exp: 3x
    Drop: 35%
    Mode: No Rebirth (No Resets)

    Season 6 Episode 4 (Includes Expanded Skill Tree from Season 8)

    Spots: 5/6 Mobs

    Web: www.munomercy.com
    Register : www.munomercy.com/registration

    Jewell Rates:

    Soul: 50% + Luck =75%
    Life: 55% (Max opt: +16 / 4%)

    Server Customs:
    Auto-Reconect System
    Aida is the only No-PvP Map
    Helper from level 10
    Elf Soldier Buff: From 0 to 150

    Character creation levels:

    MG Create Level 1
    DL Create Level 1
    RF Create Level 1
    Summoner Level 1

    Party Bonus Exp:

    If party has 3 different races:
    1 = 100%
    2 = 65%
    3 = 73%
    4 = 77%
    5 = 85%

    Chaos Machine Rates:

    65% +10
    60% +11
    60% +12
    50% +13
    40% +14
    30% +15

    With Luck it has +25%


    All events and Boss working.
    New Castle Siegue Rules (more fun)

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi berkers -- 10 Eylül 2015; 13:26:02 >

  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    Blade and Soul 1 k gold 20 tl
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