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Patch 2.0.2 Yayında

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  • Diablo III patch 2.0.2 is now live in the Americas.


    Experience requirements for Paragon 500 and above have been increased
    Disabled sound notifications for Clan and Community chat
    Bug Fixes
    Gold can once again be purchased and sold on the Real Money Auction House
    Level 60 Crafted Amulets now properly require Fiery Brimstone to craft
    Sokahr the Keywarden now reflects a more reasonable amount of damage with his whirlwind attack
    The portal leading from the second Hell Rift to the Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier now functions properly
    The experience bar has been removed from the Followers UI
    The Siegebreaker Assault Beast no longer performs other actions during his grab attack animation


    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi darknorrec -- 5 Mart 2014; 8:17:41 >

  • Kafama takılan yer

    "Gold can once again be purchased and sold on the Real Money Auction House"

    Auction House Kapanıyordu hani ? Yada ne bileyim geçici olarakmı bu şekilde olacak ?

    Billizard'ı anlamak mümkün değil...
  • Ayrıca;

    Last Updated - March 4th. Items with an asterisk (*) are most recent.

    The experience bonus for completing a quest the first time and the first time after hitting the "Reset Quests" button has been increased.*
    The rewards for repeatedly completing the same quest (without utilizing the "Reset Quests" button) have been reduced.*
    Increased the frequency of Cursed Chest spawns in areas where they were not previously spawning.*
    Reduced the frequency of Cursed Chest spawns in areas where they were spawning too frequently.*


    Followers and Heroes no longer play their "Level Up" voice over upon receiving experience.*
    Resolved a crash that can occur if too many projectiles are caught in a Missile Dampening affix*
    Reduced the frequency of certain monster Meteor spells*
    Fixed an issue that prevented players from selling items that were equipped on their character prior to the 2.0.1 update.
    Reduced the amount of experience granted by rescuing Caldeum Refugees.
    Reduced the amount of experience granted by subsequent completions of the quest associated with killing Mira Eamon.
    The game should once again automatically log you out after extended idling.
    Reduced the frequency of chest spawns in areas that were previously a little too generous.

  • Adamlar masustan gold alış ve satışını durdurdu.Şuan goldu olmayanlar ve az olanlar panik halindeydi,Adamlar şimdi çeşmenin suyunu salıyor.Millet deli gibi gold alıcak,Blizzard gene cukka cukka

    Her ne olursa olsun AH kapansada Sadece gold satışına devam etmeli blizzard
  • Fiyat iyi ise biraz GOLD satabilirim

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • yahu shattered crown görevini farmlardım ben torment VI da 9,500,000 exp geliyordu drop rate i de çok iyi idi şimdi bozdular ya nerde farmlasam acaba tavsiye varmı ?
  • gold satısi basladimi simdi super olur

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    PES 2009 1.3 Patch Çıktı
    16 yıl önce açıldı
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  • Anlamadığım:
    şuan güncelleme yapıyor ondan giremiyorum oyuna, Trade ekranından gold alıp-veriliyor mu ? Yoksa (tekrardan) sadece AH satışı mı başladı ?
    Ayrıca, authenticator kullanmadığımdan bakamıyorum, HC gold fiyatı AH'da ne kadar ?
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: darknorrec

    Diablo III patch 2.0.2 is now live in the Americas.


    Experience requirements for Paragon 500 and above have been increased
    Disabled sound notifications for Clan and Community chat
    Bug Fixes
    Gold can once again be purchased and sold on the Real Money Auction House
    Level 60 Crafted Amulets now properly require Fiery Brimstone to craft
    Sokahr the Keywarden now reflects a more reasonable amount of damage with his whirlwind attack
    The portal leading from the second Hell Rift to the Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier now functions properly
    The experience bar has been removed from the Followers UI
    The Siegebreaker Assault Beast no longer performs other actions during his grab attack animation


    Kaç mb patch acaba kotalı 3g varda ?

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: inuY

    The experience bonus for completing a quest the first time and the first time after hitting the "Reset Quests" button has been increased.*

    sırf daha çok EXP almak için reset atip questlere baştan başlamıştım. meğer bug varmış az exp veriyormuş. ulen blizzard

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi hitman -- 5 Mart 2014; 22:26:08 >
  • erbayaksoy kullanıcısına yanıt
    Hayır etmemeli ederse oyun en başa döner. Çünkü altın alımı için blizz oyuncuyu zorlar.

    Hoş; ben sonradan açılacağını düşünüyorum da açılmasa çok iyi olur
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