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patch 2.3.2

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  • patchle ilgili bilgisi olan warmı? Birde Arena resetlenmiş gözüküyo ama puan gelmedi son 3 haftadır bug üstüne bug aynı problemi yaşayan varmı başka realmlerde?

  • benim bu arena puanını alma işine aklım yatmadı gitti bzen tam gece 2 de resetleniyo abzen 01:30da dediğin gibi bu gece 2 iye 10 kala anca 10 maç 3v3 yaptım ama puan gelmedi bende erken resetmi attılar diye düşündüm işallah puanım gelirde miss geçmem bu haftayıda :P
  • Patch 2.3.2 going live

    We are getting the following message on the european login page:

    Weekly Maintenance, 09/01
    This Wednesday there will be an extended maintenance to apply patch 2.3.2. Please note that all european realms will be offline from 03:00 until 11:00, Paris time (CET).
    Thanks you for your patience and understanding.

    So Patch 2.3.2 is going live today on US realms and tomorrow for EU realms.

    Patch Notes

    The latest patch notes can always be found at [www.worldofwarcraft.com]


    * /timetest is a command that can be run to provide information on game performance. /timetest 0 turns the command off. When the command is issued, the next time a player uses a flight master to travel, certain statistics will be measured and displayed at the end of that flight. All weather effects and spawns are shutdown during the test.
    * Effects triggered from being critically hit: Many abilities and talents were changed in 2.3.0 to allow them to trigger from critical strikes that occurred while the player benefitting from them was sitting.
    * Quest givers with blue question marks no longer show up on the minimap.
    * NPC's who you have completed a quest for will display a question mark on mouseover rather than an exclamation point.
    * The bank controls for the guildmaster level of a guild is now grayed out. A guildmaster always has full access to a guild bank and this cannot be changed.
    * A "Withdraw-Repair Only" button has been added to the guild bank controls. If this is set for a guild rank, then that rank cannot actually withdraw funds from the guild bank, but they can still use that daily amount of money for repairs.
    * You will now automatically stand up when attacked, even if the attack doesn’t land.
    * Boat and zeppelin vendors and NPCs are are back on duty.
    * Reduced network latency by disabling the Nagle algorithm.


    * Warmasters/marshals in Alterac Valley now increase each other’s maximum health and damage by 20%. This is a stacking effect.


    * Lifebloom: When this ability is refreshed it will take on the strength of the incoming Lifebloom effect, rather than maintain the existing strength.
    * Ravage: The damage multiplier on this ability has been increased from 350% to 385%.


    * Arcane Shot: Ranks 1-5 will once again deal bonus damage based on attack power.
    * Aspect of the Viper effect increased.
    * Freezing Trap is no longer limited to one target at a time.
    * Pet leveling speed has been increased.


    * Cold Snap (Frost) cooldown reduced. It is now in the Ice Block position in the talent tree. This ability will no longer reset the cooldown on Fire Ward.
    * Conjure Mana Gem mana restore variance substantially reduced,(Rank 5 – Emerald) now restores 2340 to 2460 mana and has three charges.
    * Ice Block (Frost) is now available on the trainer to all mages at level 30.
    * Icy Veins (NEW Frost Talent) decreases casting time of all spells by 20% and increases the chance your chilling effects will freeze the target by 10%. Lasts 20 sec. 3 min cooldown. It is now in the Cold Snap position in the talent tree.


    * Crusader Strike (Retribution) now causes 110% of weapon damage and no longer gains any bonus from spell damage.
    * Righteous Fury: This spell will no longer cost twice the listed mana to cast.
    * Sanctified Judgements (Retribution) now returns 80% of the Seal's mana cost, increased from 50%.


    * Ambush: The damage multiplier on this ability has been increased from 250% to 275%.
    * Cheat Death: When multiple attacks land simultaenously, all those resolved after the attack which triggered Cheat Death will now have their damage reduced by 90% as intended. However, the combat log will still report them doing full damage.
    * Hemorrhage: Rank 4 of this ability no longer has its charges consumed by non-physical attacks and spells.
    * Hemorrhage weapon damage reduced from 125% to 110%, but the damage debuff has been increased.
    * Hemorrhage: This ability now correctly does additional damage when its debuff has already been applied.
    * Preparation now resets the cooldown of Shadowstep and no longer resets the cooldown of Adrenaline Rush.
    * Shadowstep now adds a 3 second, 70% movement speed increase.
    * Sinister Calling now also increases the percentage damage bonus of Hemorrhage and Backstab by 2/4/6/8/10%.


    * Lightning Shield mana cost reduced.
    * Water Shield now restores mana periodically regardless of how many charges remain. Duration increased to 10 minutes.


    * The health cost taken from the Warlock after using Health Funnel will now remain consistent between uses.


    * Defiance: The expertise granted by this talent now works properly in all stances.
    * Warriors no longer lose rage when using a macro to enter a stance they’re already in.


    * Cooking
    o Goldthorn Tea was erroneously unlearned by most players who had learned the recipe. The recipe has been re-enabled and can be learned again from Henry Stern in Razorfen Downs at no cost.
    * Enchanting:
    o Enchant Shield - Resilience now requires a Runed Fel Iron Rod instead of a Runed Adamantite Rod.
    * Leatherworking:
    o Increased the range of leatherworking drums to 40 yards. Drums of Panic remains unchanged at 8 yards.


    * Amani Charm of the Witch Doctor: Tooltip typo corrected.
    * Hearthstone: The cast time on this item is no longer affected by spell haste.
    * Hex Shrunken Head: This item now has a 20 second shared cooldown with other similar trinkets.
    * Icy Chill Enchant: The triggered effect from this enchantment will now cause a melee slow and movement snare as intended.
    * Idol of the Unseen Moon: This item now has a 30 second cooldown on being triggered.
    * Idol of Terror: The triggered agility buff from this item no longer overwrites other agility buffs.
    * The Netherscale Ammo Pouch is no longer a Unique item.
    * The Knothide Quiver is no longer unique.
    * The Vengeful Gladiator’s Grimoire is now available on vendors.

    Dungeons and Raids

    * Heroic Coilfang Resevoir- Steamvaults
    o Mekgineer Steamrigger's Main Chambers Access Panel is no longer interactable until Mekgineer Steamrigger has been killed.
    * Tempest Keep- The Eye
    + The number of Blood Elves guarding Prince Kael'Thas' room has been reduced.
    * Zul'Aman
    + The Amani'shi Warrior's Charge ability now has a minimum range.
    + The melee haste provided by Halazzi's Frenzy has been reduced to 100%.
    + Dragonhawks in Zul'Aman can now be skinned. This doesn't include dragonhawks that do not have loot.

    o Blade's Edge Mountains: Players accepting the bombing run quests in Blade's Edge Plateaus will no longer cause other players in the region to stand up.

    User Interface
    o There is now an option to turn off the screen edge damage flash when you have a fullscreen UI up.
    o You can sell stacks by dropping them on the merchant window again.
    o Ready check (/readycheck) will now display a visual display of each party/raid member's status next to their name. This will display in the Party UI, the Raid UI and the Raid pullout UI. A player will get a check mark if they are ready, a question mark if they have not replied and a red X if they are not ready or are afk.
    o You can now see raid members on the minimap as dark blue dots in addition to party members which still display as light blue dots.
    o You can now shift click names while the petition window is open to paste them into the petition.
    o Fixed various problems with /castsequence getting stuck.
    o /cast will toggle spells again unless the name is prefixed with an exclamation mark, e.g. /castsequence Steady Shot, !Auto Shot

    Bug Fixes
    o Characters may now possess up to five Paper Flying Machines in a single stack.
    o Fixed “Spell/Ability is not ready yet” message when clicking quickly at the beginning of a cast.
    o Fixed a server disconnect when moving the mouse over recipes in the guild bank.
    o Gnomish Universal Remote will now work properly with the Fel Cannon.
    o Disconnecting a USB HeadSet will no longer cause problems with the Voice Chat dropdown menus.
    o Clockwork Rocket Bots will no longer attack each other in Shattrath City.
    o Channel changes will now appear properly in the chat log after zoning in or out of instances.
    o Unplugging headphones/speakers then plugging them back in while in WoW no longer disables all sound in WoW
    o If the original owner of a custom channel gives leadership away their options menu will no longer show that they have moderation privileges.
    o The first custom created guild ranking will now properly show up in the Guild Control pane drop down menu.
    o Control-clicking on inventory items that teach recipes will now properly display you wearing the item made by the recipe in the dressing room UI.
    o Fixed an issue that was not allowing all charges of a Field Repair Bot to be used.
    o Creatures with random player targeting crowd control abilities such as fear, charm, or sleep will now properly choose a random eligible target rather than just choosing the nearest eligible target.
    o The various Hallow’s End broom mounts now have their proper real-time (rather than game-time) duration of 14 days.
    o Tricky Treats now have their proper real-time (rather than game-time) duration of 24 hours.

  • Blizzard heralde warlock ve priestten memnun gibi, priestte değişiklik zaten yok, warlockunkide önemli değil.
  • druuda mage de buff var gibi rogue e nerf gelmis biraz rogue yine magei alir ama ne degisir bilemem.mage'de yeni talent biseyler oldu gene :)
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: Lythari

    * Reduced network latency by disabling the Nagle algorithm.

    Acaba bu bizim bağlantıları bi derece etkilermi? Bu konuda bilgisi olan?
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: ulecan

    benim bu arena puanını alma işine aklım yatmadı gitti bzen tam gece 2 de resetleniyo abzen 01:30da dediğin gibi bu gece 2 iye 10 kala anca 10 maç 3v3 yaptım ama puan gelmedi bende erken resetmi attılar diye düşündüm işallah puanım gelirde miss geçmem bu haftayıda :P

    Takımın yaptığı toplam maçın %30una girmelisin puan alabilmek için,yani takım toplamda 34 maçtan fazla yaparsa alamazsın puan...Bir de puanın verildiği saatlerde relog olmayı dene,puan güncellenir ama oyuna yansıyamıyor bazen oyundan çıkıp yeniden girmek gerekiyor...


    * Conjure Mana Gem mana restore variance substantially reduced,(Rank 5 � Emerald) now restores 2340 to 2460 mana and has three charges. "

    Sağlam buff...

    Bir de diğer konuyla ilgili,insanlara cevap hakkı vermeden konu kapatılması gibi bir sıkıntı var,gereken cevap pm yoluyla verilmiş olsa da,aynı şeylerle karşılaşmamak açısından diğer insanların da okuması iyi olurdu...

  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    2 vs 1
    3 yıl önce açıldı
    Platinum Hide IP
    11 yıl önce açıldı
    Daha Fazla Göster
  • Eh mage imiz olduğuna göre az biraz ahkam kesmeden olmaz ;

    Mana gem olayı iyi oldu, hem verdiği mana miktarı artmış hem yok ruby yap yok emerald yap derdinden kurtulduk gibi.

    İB trainable olayı belli bir süre PVP frostların pom-pyro spec e yönelmelerine yol açabilir ama daha sonra hepsi ice barriersiz cold snapsiz elementalsiz çıplak gibi kaldıklarını hissedip yine respec yapacaktır :) Cold snap, cd sinin düşmesi ile daha bir hoş görünüyor.

    Icy Veins : İşte bu kilit bir olay. Bir süredir blizz in dolaylı yollardan kafamıza kakmaya çalıştığı spell haste olayı talent olarak karşımıza çıktı, üstelik yanlış görmüyorsam "all spells" diyor, yeni build kombinasyonları yoldadır. "increases the chance your chilling effects will freeze the target by 10%" Bu da frostbite ile stack oluyorsa frost mage PVP'deki tahtını korur sanırım. 20 sn gayet yeterli bir süre, cd ise sadece 3 dk, kesinlikle nerf lenecektir bu şimdiden söyleyeyim :)

    Öyle ya da böyle, görünen o ki birilerinin kafasına taş düşmüş ve mage e buff sayılabilecek 1-2 eylemde bulunulmuş, hadi hayırlısı. (Hunter ların wing clip yaparken aynı zamanda ok da atabilmesini bekliyordum ama daha gelmemiş herhalde bir dahaki patch e, eheh şaka şaka)

  • Warriora imba buff gelmiş. Tırsın...
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: eudimonia


    Orjinalden alıntı: Lythari

    * Reduced network latency by disabling the Nagle algorithm.

    Acaba bu bizim bağlantıları bi derece etkilermi? Bu konuda bilgisi olan?

    evet çok merak ediyorum ben de.

    buarada rogue nun ne kadar bug dolu bir sınıf olduğunu trajikomik bir şekilde yeniden gördük. sub talentı
    bufflamışlar bayağı.
  • Mage e ice veins talenti gelmesiyle birlikte,warrior ve rouge claslarinin tepesine yumrugu indirdiler,zaten mage karsisinda ezilen bu classlar simdi daha da zorlanacaklar kanimca.
    Fakat spellcaster class lara karsi yeni talentin pek bir ise yarayacagini zannetmiyorum zira ;lock,shaman,priest,druid classlarinda zaten instant spell kullaniyoduk...
    Mana emerald ise iyi olmus,her seferinde yeniden yapma olayi ortadan kalkmis..
  • Shaman a bisi gelip gitmesi gibi bi durum varmi bu patch le?
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: zodd

    Shaman a bisi gelip gitmesi gibi bi durum varmi bu patch le?

    shaman da bunlar degismis dostum...

    Lightning Shield mana cost reduced.
    Water Shield now restores mana periodically regardless of how many charges remain. Duration increased to 10 minutes.
  • işini bilen iyi bir rogue cd leri kacirmassa mage i stunden cikarmadan keser
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: Lythari

    işini bilen iyi bir rogue cd leri kacirmassa mage i stunden cikarmadan keser

    Blink yapinca stunda kalmiyorsun ciktigin yerde...
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: cluberrr


    Orjinalden alıntı: Lythari

    işini bilen iyi bir rogue cd leri kacirmassa mage i stunden cikarmadan keser

    Blink yapinca stunda kalmiyorsun ciktigin yerde...

    yeni nesil rogue shadow step oluyor ya artık stun-->blink>->shadowstep->>kidney-->mage trinket -->vanish garrote blink gelir artık ama trinketi kullanırsa ki kullanması gerekir %70 yavaslar bu durumda işi zorlastırır magein tabi gene avantaj magede
  • shadowstep mesefe uzaksa vanish ceker gene gider
  • yok shadowstep klasik kite sistemi ile olmuyor :p az önce arkadaş shadowstep oldu, deep frost mage charımla 5 duel'den 2 sini alabildim :s..HARP iken çok daha kolay kitelayıp kesebiliyordum. shadowstep'in şu %70 movement increase buff'ı feci üzüyor :(

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Esasiyun -- 9 Ocak 2008; 15:35:13 >
  • + Preparation now resets the cooldown of Shadowstep olayıyla roga extradan 1 shadowstep daha vermişler neredeyse.
  • Off ya su shaman a dedikleri cc nezaman gelcek yaw
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