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Php Barkod yazdirma

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  • arkadaslar merhaba artik kafami duvarmaktan birazda sormaya karar verdim belki bir bilen bir anlayan cikar da beni buyuk bi dertten kurtarir diye
    simdi sorum su
    code39 formatinda barkod yaratmam lazim
    girilen urun id si code39 formatina donusecek ve barkod olusacak buraya kadar ki ksisim da bi sorun yok direk olusuyor.
    sorun su barkod olustuktan sonra databaseten ya da text boxtan bir takim aciklayici bilgileride barkodun altina basmasi gerekiyor.

    simdi ben kodu sizlerle paylasayim illaki bu kod blogunu kullanicam diye bi kaidede yok ama en temiz ve basiti bana bu geldi, simdiden yardimci olmak icin kafa patlatan arkadaslara tesekkurler

    assagida kod tam olarak su islemi yapiyor. hatta demosuna burdan bakabilirsiniz.
    <form method="POST" action="barcode.php">
    <p>create barcode :
    <INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE="16" NAME="barcode"> </br>
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="width" value="230">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="height" value="80"><br/>
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="text" value="10" >
    <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Generate Barcode" id="button">

    /* PHP Barcode Image Generator v1.0 [9/28/2000]
    Copyright (C)2000 by Charles J. Scheffold - cs@sid6581.net

    UPDATE 5/10/2005 by C.Scheffold
    Changed FontHeight to -2 if no text is to be displayed (this eliminates
    the whitespace at the bottom of the image)
    UPDATE 03/12/2005 by C.Scheffold
    Added '-' character to translation table
    UPDATE 09/21/2002 by Laurent NAVARRO - ln@altidev.com -http://www.altidev.com
    Updated to be compatible with register_globals = off and on
    UPDATE 4/6/2001 - Important Note! This script was written with the assumption
    that "register_globals = On" is defined in your PHP.INI file! It will not
    work as-is and as described unless this is set. My PHP came with this
    enabled by default, but apparently many people have turned it off. Either
    turn it on or modify the startup code to pull the CGI variables in the old
    fashioned way (from the HTTP* arrays). If you just want to use the functions
    and pass the variables yourself, well then go on with your bad self.

    This code is hereby released into the public domain.
    Use it, abuse it, just don't get caught using it for something stupid.

    The only barcode type currently supported is Code 3 of 9. Don't ask about
    adding support for others! This is a script I wrote for my own use. I do
    plan to add more types as time permits but currently I only require
    Code 3 of 9 for my purposes. Just about every scanner on the market today
    can read it.

    $barcode = [required] The barcode you want to generate

    $type = (default=0) It's 0 for Code 3 of 9 (the only one supported)

    $width = (default=160) Width of image in pixels. The image MUST be wide
    enough to handle the length of the given value. The default
    value will probably be able to display about 6 digits. If you
    get an error message, make it wider!

    $height = (default=80) Height of image in pixels

    $format = (default=jpeg) Can be "jpeg", "png", or "gif"

    $quality = (default=100) For JPEG only: ranges from 0-100

    $text = (default=1) 0 to disable text below barcode, >=1 to enable

    NOTE: You must have GD-1.8 or higher compiled into PHP
    in order to use PNG and JPEG. GIF images only work with
    GD-1.5 and lower. (http://www.boutell.com)

    ANOTHER NOTE: If you actually intend to print the barcodes
    and scan them with a scanner, I highly recommend choosing
    JPEG with a quality of 100. Most browsers can't seem to print
    a PNG without mangling it beyond recognition.


    <IMG SRC="barcode.php?barcode=HELLO&quality=75">

    <IMG SRC="barcode.php?barcode=123456&width=320&height=200">


    // Startup code

    if(isset($_GET["text"])) $text=$_GET["text"];
    if(isset($_GET["text2"])) $text=$_GET["text2"];
    if(isset($_GET["format"])) $format=$_GET["jpeg"];
    if(isset($_GET["quality"])) $quality=$_GET["100"];
    if(isset($_GET["width"])) $width=$_GET["250"];
    if(isset($_GET["height"])) $height=$_GET["80"];
    if(isset($_GET["type"])) $type=$_GET["type"];
    if(isset($_GET["barcode"])) $barcode=$_GET["barcode"];

    if (!isset ($text)) $text = 2;
    if (!isset ($type)) $type = 1;
    if (empty ($quality)) $quality = 100;
    if (empty ($width)) $width = 160;
    if (empty ($height)) $height = 80;
    if (!empty ($format)) $format = strtoupper ($format);
    else $format="PNG";

    switch ($type)
    $type = 1;
    case 1:
    Barcode39 ($barcode, $width, $height, $quality, $format, $text);

    // Generate a Code 3 of 9 barcode
    function Barcode39 ($barcode, $width, $height, $quality, $format, $text)
    switch ($format)
    $format = "JPEG";
    case "JPEG":
    header ("Content-type: image/jpeg");
    case "PNG":
    header ("Content-type: image/png");
    case "GIF":
    header ("Content-type: image/gif");

    $im = ImageCreate ($width, $height)
    or die ("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream");
    $White = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 255, 255, 255);
    $Black = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 0, 0);
    //ImageColorTransparent ($im, $White);
    ImageInterLace ($im, 1);

    $NarrowRatio = 20;
    $WideRatio = 55;
    $QuietRatio = 35;

    $nChars = (strlen($barcode)+2) * ((6 * $NarrowRatio) + (3 * $WideRatio) + ($QuietRatio));
    $Pixels = $width / $nChars;
    $NarrowBar = (int)(20 * $Pixels);
    $WideBar = (int)(55 * $Pixels);
    $QuietBar = (int)(35 * $Pixels);

    $ActualWidth = (($NarrowBar * 6) + ($WideBar*3) + $QuietBar) * (strlen ($barcode)+2);

    if (($NarrowBar == 0) || ($NarrowBar == $WideBar) || ($NarrowBar == $QuietBar) || ($WideBar == 0) || ($WideBar == $QuietBar) || ($QuietBar == 0))
    ImageString ($im, 1, 0, 0, "Image is too small!", $Black);
    OutputImage ($im, $format, $quality);

    $CurrentBarX = (int)(($width - $ActualWidth) / 2);
    $Color = $White;
    $BarcodeFull = "*".strtoupper ($barcode)."*";
    settype ($BarcodeFull, "string");

    $FontNum = 3;
    $FontHeight = ImageFontHeight ($FontNum);
    $FontWidth = ImageFontWidth ($FontNum);
    if ($text != 0)
    $CenterLoc = (int)(($width-1) / 2) - (int)(($FontWidth * strlen($BarcodeFull)) / 2);
    ImageString ($im, $FontNum, $CenterLoc, $height-$FontHeight, "$BarcodeFull", $Black);

    for ($i=0; $i<strlen($BarcodeFull); $i++)
    $StripeCode = Code39 ($BarcodeFull[$i]);

    for ($n=0; $n < 9; $n++)
    if ($Color == $White) $Color = $Black;
    else $Color = $White;

    switch ($StripeCode[$n])
    case '0':
    ImageFilledRectangle ($im, $CurrentBarX, 0, $CurrentBarX+$NarrowBar, $height-1-$FontHeight-2, $Color);
    $CurrentBarX += $NarrowBar;

    case '1':
    ImageFilledRectangle ($im, $CurrentBarX, 0, $CurrentBarX+$WideBar, $height-1-$FontHeight-2, $Color);
    $CurrentBarX += $WideBar;

    $Color = $White;
    ImageFilledRectangle ($im, $CurrentBarX, 0, $CurrentBarX+$QuietBar, $height-1-$FontHeight-2, $Color);
    $CurrentBarX += $QuietBar;


    OutputImage ($im, $format, $quality);

    // Output an image to the browser
    function OutputImage ($im, $format, $quality)
    switch ($format)
    case "JPEG":
    ImageJPEG ($im, "$text2", $quality);
    case "PNG":
    ImagePNG ($im);
    case "GIF":
    ImageGIF ($im);

    // Returns the Code 3 of 9 value for a given ASCII character
    function Code39 ($Asc)
    switch ($Asc)
    case ' ':
    return "011000100";
    case '$':
    return "010101000";
    case '%':
    return "000101010";
    case '*':
    return "010010100"; // * Start/Stop
    case '+':
    return "010001010";
    case '|':
    return "010000101";
    case '.':
    return "110000100";
    case '/':
    return "010100010";
    case '-':
    return "010000101";
    case '0':
    return "000110100";
    case '1':
    return "100100001";
    case '2':
    return "001100001";
    case '3':
    return "101100000";
    case '4':
    return "000110001";
    case '5':
    return "100110000";
    case '6':
    return "001110000";
    case '7':
    return "000100101";
    case '8':
    return "100100100";
    case '9':
    return "001100100";
    case 'A':
    return "100001001";
    case 'B':
    return "001001001";
    case 'C':
    return "101001000";
    case 'D':
    return "000011001";
    case 'E':
    return "100011000";
    case 'F':
    return "001011000";
    case 'G':
    return "000001101";
    case 'H':
    return "100001100";
    case 'I':
    return "001001100";
    case 'J':
    return "000011100";
    case 'K':
    return "100000011";
    case 'L':
    return "001000011";
    case 'M':
    return "101000010";
    case 'N':
    return "000010011";
    case 'O':
    return "100010010";
    case 'P':
    return "001010010";
    case 'Q':
    return "000000111";
    case 'R':
    return "100000110";
    case 'S':
    return "001000110";
    case 'T':
    return "000010110";
    case 'U':
    return "110000001";
    case 'V':
    return "011000001";
    case 'W':
    return "111000000";
    case 'X':
    return "010010001";

    case 'Y':
    return "110010000";
    case 'Z':
    return "011010000";
    return "011000100";


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