// Global variables int8 rs232_buffer; // Stores the return data from getc() function int8 dataIn[PACKETLENGTH]; // Stores the incoming data packet from Com Port int16 jogDataInputLocation; // Stores the address of the location where interrupts will return int16 modeSelectionLocation; // Stores the address of the location where interrupts will return int1 currentMachineMode; // MachineMode Flag 0=Jog 1=Drill int8 axisDelay; // used in int_ext routine & main()
#int_ext // RB0 External Interrupt Service Routine void isr_ext() { // INTF Flag of INTCON register must be cleared if goto is used in isr int8 switchConditions; disable_interrupts(GLOBAL); ===========================> 8051 KARŞILIĞI NASIL delay_ms(300); // debounce button switchConditions=input_a(); switch (switchConditions) { case 0x3E: // RA0=0 output_bit(DIR_X,1);==============================>8051 KARŞILIĞI NASIL constspeed2(STEPSBACKATLIMIT,axisDelay,1); putc(HOME_SWITCH_X); break; case 0x3D: // RA1=0 output_bit(DIR_X,0); constspeed2(STEPSBACKATLIMIT,axisDelay,1); putc(LIMIT_SWITCH_X); break; case 0x3B: // RA2=0 output_bit(DIR_Y,1); constspeed2(STEPSBACKATLIMIT,axisDelay,2); putc(HOME_SWITCH_Y); break; case 0x37: // RA3=0 output_bit(DIR_Y,0); constspeed2(STEPSBACKATLIMIT,axisDelay,2); putc(LIMIT_SWITCH_Y); break; case 0x2F: // RA4=0 putc(HOME_SWITCH_Z); break; case 0x1F: // RA5=0 putc(LIMIT_SWITCH_Z); break; case 0x3F: // Unpressed switch Interrupt return; break; default: //putc(ERRORLIMITSWITCH); // On Error send ERRORLIMITSWITCH byte return; break; } switch (currentMachineMode) { case 0: // Jog Mode goto_address(jogDataInputLocation); break; case 1: // Drill Mode goto_address(modeSelectionLocation); break; } } // End of RB0 External Interrupt Service Routine
#int_rda // UART Receive Data Interrupt Service Routine void serial_isr() { rs232_buffer=getc(); switch (rs232_buffer) { case (EMERGENCYSTOP): // Disable all drivers,Cut motor coil currents output_bit(ENABLE_X,0); output_bit(ENABLE_Y,0); output_bit(ENABLE_Z,0); putc(MACHINESTOPPED); switch (currentMachineMode) { case 0: // Jog Mode goto_address(jogDataInputLocation); break; case 1: // Drill Mode goto_address(modeSelectionLocation); break; } break; } } // End of UART Receive Data Interrupt Service Routine
output_b(0xF0); // Set all Driver Pins output_d(0xFF); set_tris_b(0x01); // RB0 is input for external interrupts=================>8051 KARŞILIĞI NASIL printf("DRİLL MACHİNE"); jogDataInputLocation = label_address(JOG_DATA_INPUT); modeSelectionLocation = label_address(MODE_SELECTION);
disable_interrupts(GLOBAL); // Disable all Interrputs
while (getc()!=ISMACHINEREADY); // getc() until ISMACHINEREADY has come putc(MACHINEREADY);
MODE_SELECTION: rs232_buffer=getc();
switch (rs232_buffer) { case (ISMACHINEREADY): putc(MACHINEREADY); goto MODE_SELECTION; break; case (OPENJOGMODE): putc(JOGMODEON); goto JOG_DATA_INPUT; break; case (OPENDRILLMODE1): putc(DRILLMODE1ON); goto DRILL_MODE1_INITIALIZE; break; case (OPENDRILLMODE2): // !Not Completed! putc(DRILLMODE2ON); goto JOG_DATA_INPUT; // open jog mode to take 2 hole positions break; }
// Do the axis movement according to given parameters switch (axisSelect) { case 1: // 1=01b -> X-Axis output_bit(MODE_X,axisMode); output_bit(DIR_X,axisDir); constspeed(axisStep,axisDelay,1); // (Stepnumber,delay,pin) break; case 2: // 2=10b -> Y-Axis output_bit(MODE_Y,axisMode); output_bit(DIR_Y,axisDir); constspeed(axisStep,axisDelay,2); // (Stepnumber,delay,pin) break; case 3: // 3=11b -> Z-Axis output_bit(MODE_Z,axisMode); output_bit(DIR_Z,axisDir); constspeed(axisStep,axisDelay,3); // (Stepnumber,delay,pin) break; }
putc(JOGMODEDONE); // Inform PC that Movement has been completed disable_interrupts(GLOBAL); goto JOG_DATA_INPUT; // Wait for new coordinates at JOG_DATA_INPUT
DRILL_MODE1_INITIALIZE: // Drill using offset position of the machine
currentMachineMode = 1; // Machine is in Drill Mode
dataIn[0] = getc(); // Movement Configuration Byte dataIn[1] = getc(); // Step X Low Byte dataIn[2] = getc(); // Step X High Byte dataIn[3] = getc(); // Step Y Low Byte dataIn[4] = getc(); // Step Y High Byte dataIn[5] = getc(); // Step Z Low Byte dataIn[6] = getc(); // Step Z High Byte dataIn[7] = getc(); // Delay X Byte dataIn[8] = getc(); // Delay Y Byte dataIn[9] = getc(); // Delay Z Byte
bit_clear(*0x0B,1); // Clear INTF Flag of INTCON register
if (!(dataIn[0] >> 7)) // If Continue Drilling Flag Reset exit Drill Mode { putc(DRILLMODE1DONE); // inform PC that drilling has been completed disable_interrupts(GLOBAL); goto MODE_SELECTION; // Goto and Wait at MODE_SELECTION }
if ((dataIn[0] & 0x40) >> 6) // If Start Drilling Flag Set return without drilling { putc(ONEHOLEDRILLED); // Machine is ready for taking next hole coordinates disable_interrupts(GLOBAL); // Disable Interrupts before taking data packet goto DRILL_MODE1_INPUT; // Wait for new hole coordinates }
if (DelayX < DelayY) // DelayXY is the speed of slow axis DelayXY = DelayY; else DelayXY = DelayX;
if (StepX > StepY) // StepXY is the step number of the smallest movement { StepXY = StepY; axis = 0; // axis = X axis StepMore = StepX - StepY; } else { StepXY = StepX; axis = 1; // axis = Y axis StepMore = StepY - StepX; }
// Do the dual axis movement for (i=0; i<StepXY; i++) { output_bit(STEP_X,1); // StepX pin HIGH output_bit(STEP_Y,1); // StepY pin HIGH dly_100us(DelayXY); output_bit(STEP_X,0); // StepX pin LOW output_bit(STEP_Y,0); // StepY pin LOW dly_100us(DelayXY); } output_bit(STEP_X,1); // Add the last step on X axis output_bit(STEP_Y,1); // Add the last step on Y axis
// Do the remaining single axis movement switch (axis) { case 0: // X Axis for (i=0; i<StepMore; i++) { output_bit(STEP_X,1); // Step pin HIGH dly_100us(DelayX); output_bit(STEP_X,0); // Step pin LOW dly_100us(DelayX); } output_bit(STEP_X,1); // Add last step break; case 1: // Y Axis for (i=0;i<StepMore;i++) { output_bit(STEP_Y,1); // Step pin HIGH dly_100us(DelayY); output_bit(STEP_Y,0); // Step pin LOW dly_100us(DelayY); } output_bit(STEP_Y,1); // Add last step break; } } // End of constspeed_xy()
void constspeed(int16 conststep, int8 delay, int8 pin) // Build conststep number of step pulses // Frequency = 1/(2*delay*100us) { int16 i;
switch (pin) { case 1: for (i=0;i<conststep;i++) { output_bit(STEP_X,1); // Step pin HIGH dly_100us(delay); output_bit(STEP_X,0); // Step pin LOW dly_100us(delay); } output_bit(STEP_X,1); // Add last step break; case 2: for (i=0;i<conststep;i++) { output_bit(STEP_Y,1); // Step pin HIGH dly_100us(delay); output_bit(STEP_Y,0); // Step pin LOW dly_100us(delay); } output_bit(STEP_Y,1); // Add last step break; case 3: for (i=0;i<conststep;i++) { output_bit(STEP_Z,1); // Step pin HIGH dly_100us(delay); output_bit(STEP_Z,0); // Step pin LOW dly_100us(delay); } output_bit(STEP_Z,1); // Add last step break; } } // End of constspeed()
// Same as constspeed() funtion (used for int_ext routine) void constspeed2(int16 conststep, int8 delay, int8 pin) // Build conststep number of step pulses // Frequency = 1/(2*delay*100us) { int16 i;
switch (pin) { case 1: for (i=0;i<conststep;i++) { output_bit(STEP_X,1); // Step pin HIGH dly_100us(delay); output_bit(STEP_X,0); // Step pin LOW dly_100us(delay); } output_bit(STEP_X,1); // Add last step break; case 2: for (i=0;i<conststep;i++) { output_bit(STEP_Y,1); // Step pin HIGH dly_100us(delay); output_bit(STEP_Y,0); // Step pin LOW dly_100us(delay); } output_bit(STEP_Y,1); // Add last step break; case 3: for (i=0;i<conststep;i++) { output_bit(STEP_Z,1); // Step pin HIGH dly_100us(delay); output_bit(STEP_Z,0); // Step pin LOW dly_100us(delay); } output_bit(STEP_Z,1); // Add last step break; } } // End of constspeed2()
void dly_100us(int8 n) // 3us+(1.2us+d)*n { // Delay for n * 100us for(;n!=0;n--) delay_us(98); // d is exactly 98.8 us delay_cycles(4); // 0.8 us for 20Mhz oscillator }
Bu kodlar CCS C ile yazıldığında 8051 için C kodunu dönüştürme yapılırken sorun olabilir.İşte ANSI C bir derleyici kullanmanın faydası.Port etme işlemleri çok daha kolay oluyor.Yukarıdaki programda çoğu bölüm aynen aktarılabilir.8051 için hangi derleyiciyi kullanacağına bağlı bu?
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