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Ps3'ün kronik rahatsızlığı error 80010514

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  • 2010'nun kralı geleceğin makinesi ps3'te kronik bi rahatsızlık olmaya başlamışerror 80010514 hata mesajını veriyormuş arıza yavaş yavaş ps3lerde artmaya başlamış.İşin ilginci ne hikmetse sony bu hatanın yer aldığı topingi kilitlemiş.Aman valla 60gblıklarda olmasın hani üretilmiyo stoklarda da yok geri dönüşüm aylar sürebilir 60lık yerine onun yarısı özellikli bcsiz 40gblıklar verilmesin


    The "Red Ring of Death" affecting the Xbox 360 has been a nightmare for Microsoft. It has cost lot of money to the company, as it was forced to extend the system's warranty to cover this technical problem, which is rumored to have a failure rate as high as 16%. Most systems experiencing this glitch started to fail months after they were acquired, so it remains to be seen what would be the actual consequences of the RROD.

    Now, the PlayStation 3, which shipped a year after the Xbox 360, may be the next system to experience a systemic hardware failure.

    Threads describing an 80010514 error for the PS3 have started to pop up in different forums across the Internet. It seems this error is associated with a malfunction of the Blu-ray Disc drive, which wouldn't come as a surprise considering this next-gen optical disc technology is relatively new and it is still being developed and improved.

    Interestedly, at the time of this writing the PlayStation.com forums are temporarily closed...

    We'll have more on this as it develops.


    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi alex_webster -- 10 Nisan 2008; 20:44:39 >

  • Alex sen onu 2010 değilde 2008 yap daha iyi olur...Yada 2008 den itibaren de diyebilirsin..
    Bu arada kaynakda süpermiş.Xbox takımı
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: alex_webster

    2010'nun kralı geleceğin makinesi ps3'te kronik bi rahatsızlık olmaya başlamışerror 80010514 hata mesajını veriyormuş arıza yavaş yavaş ps3lerde artmaya başlamış.İşin ilginci ne hikmetse sony bu hatanın yer aldığı topingi kilitlemiş.Aman valla 60gblıklarda olmasın hani üretilmiyo stoklarda da yok geri dönüşüm aylar sürebilir 60lık yerine onun yarısı özellikli bcsiz 40gblıklar verilmesin


    The "Red Ring of Death" affecting the Xbox 360 has been a nightmare for Microsoft. It has cost lot of money to the company, as it was forced to extend the system's warranty to cover this technical problem, which is rumored to have a failure rate as high as 16%. Most systems experiencing this glitch started to fail months after they were acquired, so it remains to be seen what would be the actual consequences of the RROD.

    Now, the PlayStation 3, which shipped a year after the Xbox 360, may be the next system to experience a systemic hardware failure.

    Threads describing an 80010514 error for the PS3 have started to pop up in different forums across the Internet. It seems this error is associated with a malfunction of the Blu-ray Disc drive, which wouldn't come as a surprise considering this next-gen optical disc technology is relatively new and it is still being developed and improved.

    Interestedly, at the time of this writing the PlayStation.com forums are temporarily closed...

    We'll have more on this as it develops.


    Eminim bu haberi yazip bitirene kadar orgazm falanda olmussundur.

  • adam yine lafı koyup uzamış
    ne zevk alıyosunuz kardeşim rakip konsolu yermekten
  • Rumor olarak yazılmış zaten, yani söylenti pek inanmamak lazım bence
  • teamxbox komedi yav gecenlerde de gt5-p incelemesi yapılmıstı bu sitede

    sony yanlıs yaptı aslında yapıcaktı soyle %50 bozulma oranına sahip konsol xbox gibi oyun oynatabilen bomba olucaktı teamxbox taki abiler ancak ozaman begenebilirdi heralde %1 bozulma oranı az geliyor tabi %33 leri gordukten sonra..

    2-3 defa konsolu degistirmeden oyun oynarken konsol yanmadan iyi bir konsol yapılmıs sayılmıyor heralde..ilginc

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Tholgar -- 10 Nisan 2008; 21:19:05 >
  • ps3 ün kronik bir arızasının olmasını ps3 sahiplerinin forumlardan öğrenmeside ilginç bir konudur.
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  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: alex_webster

    2010'nun kralı geleceğin makinesi ps3'te kronik bi rahatsızlık olmaya başlamışerror 80010514 hata mesajını veriyormuş arıza yavaş yavaş ps3lerde artmaya başlamış.İşin ilginci ne hikmetse sony bu hatanın yer aldığı topingi kilitlemiş.Aman valla 60gblıklarda olmasın hani üretilmiyo stoklarda da yok geri dönüşüm aylar sürebilir 60lık yerine onun yarısı özellikli bcsiz 40gblıklar verilmesin


    The "Red Ring of Death" affecting the Xbox 360 has been a nightmare for Microsoft. It has cost lot of money to the company, as it was forced to extend the system's warranty to cover this technical problem, which is rumored to have a failure rate as high as 16%. Most systems experiencing this glitch started to fail months after they were acquired, so it remains to be seen what would be the actual consequences of the RROD.

    Now, the PlayStation 3, which shipped a year after the Xbox 360, may be the next system to experience a systemic hardware failure.

    Threads describing an 80010514 error for the PS3 have started to pop up in different forums across the Internet. It seems this error is associated with a malfunction of the Blu-ray Disc drive, which wouldn't come as a surprise considering this next-gen optical disc technology is relatively new and it is still being developed and improved.

    Interestedly, at the time of this writing the PlayStation.com forums are temporarily closed...

    We'll have more on this as it develops.


    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi turkopol -- 11 Nisan 2008; 0:06:48 >

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